600 Stray Cats Boiled Alive
This is translation of Korean News 600 Stray Cats Boiled Alive 길고양이 600마리 산 채로 뜨거운 물에 담가 도살 reported by Yonhap News on May 21, 2015.

The location where the stray cats were slaughtered. Busan Bukbu (Northern) Police said that they had arrested a man in his 50’s who had brutally slaughtered 600 stray cats and sold them to “Health Food Centers”. This is a photo of the secret location where this man slaughtered the cats.
Police caught a man in his 50’s who boiled alive stray cats and sold them to “Health Food Centers”.
On May 21, Busan Bukbu (Northern) Police booked without detention, poacher Mr. A (54 years old) on charges of capturing and slaughtering 600 stray cats (a violation of Animal Protection Act).
Mr. A is suspected of capturing stray cats by setting traps with baits such as chicken in the vicinity of residential areas of Busan and Gyeongsangnam-do Province and slaughtering them in a secret location in Gimhae, Gyeongsangnam-do from February of last year until recently.
Police stated that Mr. A scalded live cats in boiling water for about 2 minutes to kill them, removed their fur, took out their organs, stored them in the freezer and then sold them to “Health Food Center” at 15,000 Won ($14 USD) each.
The police stated that when they raided Mr. A’s secret slaughterhouse, there were 18 cats about to be slaughtered.
Mr. A testified that he “captured and sold around 600 stray cats”.
Police explained that for over one year, Mr. A was able to profit from capturing because there is a high demand for cat soup because of the false belief that cat soup is good for arthritis, which has no cure.
However, police requested that unlike livestock animals such as cows and pigs, there is no management of cats for sanitation and the parasite inside a cat’s body can be transmitted to humans and therefore, cats should not be consumed.
Police stated that they will not punish the “Health Food Centers” who had bought the cats from Mr. A because there are no laws to punish them.
The current enforcement ordinance for the Animal Protection Act excludes cats from the provision prohibiting capture and sale, because they are subject to TNR(Trap/Neuter/Return) in order to reduce their numbers.
A police officer in charge of the investigation stated that they cannot punish Mr. A for selling stray cats so they are only charging him for violation of the provisions in the Animal Protection Act, Article 8, which prohibits the act of killing by cruel methods and the act of killing an animal with other animals of the same species present at the scene. He also stated that they will request the relevant governmental authority to review whether the exclusion of cats in the Animal Protection Act is appropriate with the current reality.
Please sign petitions against the South Korean Dog Meat Cruelty!
Short link for petition: https://goo.gl/MK9Qxq
sick people in a sick world
this man deserves maximum jail time for this inhumanity!!
Esto es tan inhumano que no conozco nombre para definirlo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope they suffer same treatment in after world. Karma. Praying those cats found alive where let go. Heathens. So barbaric and inhumane
siete solo dei mostri pezzi di merdaaaa
i can t sign this petition how is that possible? i want to sign this petition but how?
Clic the second row from the top ( blue letters ) under the inscription : ” Sign this petition ” . I`ve just signed
Absolutly horrific and evil! Only a person without compassion could perform such cruel acts. I’d rather not have a single penny to my name that resort to such barbaric methods.
I’m signing this petition, because I think that such ihumnae practises should stop once and for all. This man is a criminal and should be severely punished.
Stop this horrifying and inhumane action!
I will never eat Korean food ever again to know that our Soldiers have to be in such a country has no heart 2015 still ignorant
It’s hard to believe that in this world there is still such cold hearted people. How can you be so damn bastard, ignorant and violent? Teach your citizen to FIX them before they procreate! Evolve!!
Inhumane assholes , they all should be boiled alive.
Disgusting. Immoral. Needs to stop.
It hurts like hell when I burn my finger at times with hot tap water but these poor cats thrown into boiling water!! What the hell is this man he is not human to feel absolutely nothing and did what he did to live animals??? The things I want to do to him but if I did that I would be just as bad as he is – its the fact that animals are not cared for and thrown away like garbage, so they are homeless, lost vunerable for monsters like this old bastard to do what he did, he has to be possess by some evil to do it without any remorse or a heart beat.
Lynda. This is the point,they are noto Hunan!!!!
end yulin festival.
The brutal way of ending life proved to me they are belong to diff species …I swear they are not human kind impossible .
If any one wants to see I can send you videos ( of course I didn’t see them ) who has a heart ? ….but some clips came automatically for a mint which my heart stopped .
think anything to you want preach to me from any religion but I’m ain’t going to love forgive this nasty savages No way .
Send me the video. I will watch, learn, n stand strong for the voiceless souls.
I sincerely hope that everyone in Korea who treats cats in this sickening way catches MERS and dies
dat is niet normaal wat daar gebeurt katten en honden levend kokken raar volk
This vile and evil subhuman Korean monsters deserve to be thrown into boiling water for 2 minutes and suffer in absolute agony until his filthy heartless and sadistic Korean body boils. How could a supposedly human being monster commit such evil and vile unimaginable torture and suffering against such defenseless and innocent cats. He must be jailed and punished the same as the thousands, millions of his innocent victims he tortured to death.
This sadistic and callous Korean filth is pure evil at its worst.
Stop the killing
What a horrid bunch of people you all are! I would spit in your faces, and it wouldn’t be anything compared to your filthy, slimy actions you partake in!
Shame on you, for what you do. Your God will punish you for your crimes. Heaven does not await you!
On Apr6.2016, the judge adjudicated 2yrs of probation for the killer.
Dear Joanna,
Thank you for the update!!
Do you have a news report or any document for this verdict you can share with us?
It is disappointing that this monster only got only a slap on the wrist. He should be locked up for life instead.
Does anyone know what happened to the 18 cats found alive? Can any contributions be made towards their welfare?
From the KSPCA: ‘Thank you for feeling concern about the 18 cats found alive.
They are all rescued and re- released to the area where they had lived.
The cat mom who had been taking the stray cats also wanted to do it.
If you have any further question, please let me know.
Thank you.’
Shame on you Korea, you are not humans but monsters ! How can you be so cruel towards innocent animals you will eat anyway ? Is that a genetic bug ? I whish you go to hell, all of you !
Anne Borgeaud. Yes,some people don’t have DNA completly human, seems impossibile but it is so
The have another website on facebook. Korea Tourism Organization it has 4.7 stars.. I think it need our help everyone. pls visit often and post your thoughts.
It always amazed me how far human cruelty can go, these sick bastards doing these things to these creatures, that can’t defend them selves, I hope one day they suffer the same!
stop this extrem cruelty
AN EYE FOR AN EYE, you sick bastard!!!
This is the cruelest thing I have ever heard of, how can anybody do such a horrible thing. This man deserves to be boiled alive like he did to these poor babies
This is the cruelest thing I have ever heard of, every life whether it is human or animal counts for something. This man needs to go to jail for a long time
This is the cruelest thing I have ever heard of, every life whether it is human or animal counts for something. This man needs to go to jail for a long time
This people who do that should have a severe mental problem, and should be in jail
Only a sociopath or a psychopath could do this!
Koreans happen to capture whales by camouflaging
Koreans happen to capture whales by camouflaging
Lynda. This is the point,they are noto Human!!!!
Paul Yes,you are right,we don’t need to buy these companies,pity that I have buyed one of these before,next time I will pay attention.
PLEASE UPDATE us all on each and every issue — what happened to the idiot who has slaughterhouse? — What happened when caught boiling cats alive? — what happened to remaining animals ? — Was idiot ever arrested or prosecuted?
gli sfoghi individuali su fb non servono a cambiare le cose …i mostri piu grandi non sono quelli che fanno le mostruosita’ ma quelli che le permettono …perche’ questi ultimi sono capaci di intendere a differenza dei primi…i nostri politici potrebbero intervenire sui politici di quel paese ma non lo fanno …essi sono i veri mostri perche’ sanno di poter cambiuare le cose ma se ne fregano esattamente come il mostro che bolle i gatti se ne frega della loro sofferenza
I hope they get the same feelings and pain that they inflicted and the idiots that eat these animals May themselves suffer
Fucking South Korea – leave these cats and dogs alone!!!! I hope your karma comes sooner than later! Uneducated assholes…