
[Update] Action Alert! Prosecute the couple who left their two dogs tied up in the forest fire, causing one to burn to death and another to suffer severe burns.

Both Uljin County and Korea’s Supreme Prosecutors Office refuse to take any action against this callous couple who left their “pet dogs” tied up in forest fire, causing one to be burned alive and another to suffer severe burn injuries.

Click below to learn more:

We must not let the Korean government get away with neglecting its duty of enforcing the Animal Protection law. Countless dogs are burned to death every time there is a fire in South Korea because of the Korean people’s heartless attitude and profound indifference to their suffering.
This has to stop. Please continue to take action and file e-People petitions.

👉 Click HERE to take action.

  1. Lona Hansen
    Lona HansenMarch 27,22

    I think it is the most cruel behaviour your country shows innocent dogs and cats, especially leaving them to die in cages during the recent
    bush fire. When will South Korea stop eating dogs. I will not buy any products produced in your country as long as you keep on this practice.
    I feel so sorry for these animals, how can any one with a heart treat animals as you do!!

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