ARK119 shuts down a dog slaughterhouse in Yangju!
Sharing for: Animal Rescue Korea 119 (ARK119).
Please support the Korean organization Animal Rescue Korea 119 (ARK119) as they once again embark on a national campaign to shut down the dog meat industry! They are working tirelessly to shut down as many dog farms and slaughterhouses as possible, and you can see the results of their efforts on their social media pages. They succeeded in raiding and shutting down an illegal dog slaughterhouse in Yangju. The remaining live dogs were relocated to the Yangju city shelter.
👉 Click HERE to get the latest update from ARK119’s YouTube Channel.
👉 Click HERE to get the latest update from ARK119’s Facebook page.
👉 ARK119 raided and shuts down a dog slaughterhouse in Yangju. 7/29/2022
ARK119’s YouTube channel has uploaded full videos from the National Campaign to Shut Down Dog Meat Industry.
⏩ Application for participation in the national campaign =>
▶ Join Happy Bean
▶ 2022 National Campaign to Shut Down Dog Meat Industry (Fundraising target amount: Korean Won 9,900,000)
Shinhan 100-035-575352 Animal Rescue 119
Fundraising Code 5 (ex: Hong Gil-dong 5)
PayPal: [email protected]
#Dog-Eating Ban #Dog-Eating End_National Campaign #Anti-Dog-Eating #stopdogmeat
👉 Yangju dog slaughterhouse investigation. 7/29/2022
I just returned after providing testimony against the dog butcher for the investigation to punish him.
We handed over all the footage of the slaughter scene to the police investigation team.
After interviewing the witnesses, investigators went to the dog slaughterhouse to seize evidence of the slaughter.
Please ask the police to punish the butcher severely.
🙏 Will you donate whatever you can
to support ARK119’s National Campaign to Shut Down Dog Meat Industry? 🐕
💗 You can donate by Paypal to the ARK119: 👉 [email protected]
We filed an e-People petition on 7/29/2022 as below:
Application No.: 1AA-2207-0993756
Application Date: 2022-07-30
사회적 논의기구(개식용 문제 논의를 위한 위원회)
범정부 협의체
양주시의 불법도살장을 즉각폐쇄하고, 그곳의 개들은 모두 격리조치, 보호해주시고, 개백정을 동물학대로 처벌해주시길 강력히 촉구합니다.
Civil Petition Results
organization in charge 경기도
staff in charge 권세영
contact 031-8082-7362
processing date 2022-08-05
result 1. 안녕하십니까? 귀하께서 신청하신 민원에 대하여 아래와 같이 알려드립니다.
2. 귀하의 민원내용은 “양주시 장흥면 울대리 내 도살장”에 관한 것으로 판단됩니다.
3. 귀하의 민원사항에 대한 검토사항은 아래와 같습니다.
– 09:00 민원사항에 대해 인지하고 현장확인을 실시하였으나 견주가 도주한 상태였으며, 민원인의 진술(자료)만으로는 잠금장치가 되어있는 사유시설에 무단으로 진입할 수 없어 이에 따른 법률 검토 및 타 기관의 협조를 구하는 등 추가 검토가 필요하여 민원인의 요구에 바로 응하지 못하였습니다.
– 법률검토 및 타 기관과의 협의 후, 현장에 진입하여 수의사의 진단에 따라 긴급 구조‧보호를 실시하였으며, 이 과정에서 도살 정황 확인 및 동물등록 여부확인(리더기 인식)을 통한 유기동물 여부 확인 등 행정조치를 취했습니다.
– 민원인의 요구에 바로 응할 수 있는 상황이 아니었음을 양지해 주시기 바라며, 민원인과 우리 시의 법률해석이 달라, 당시 민원인이 답변에 만족하지 못하였으나 모든 절차 이행 후 이에 대해 이해하고 남은 행정절차에 대해 안내함으로써 본 민원은 현장에서 마무리하였음을 알려드립니다.
4. 귀하의 질문에 만족스러운 답변이 되었기를 바라며, 답변 내용에 대한 추가 설명이 필요한 경우, 축산과 동물보호팀 권세영 주무관(031-8082-7362)으로 연락주시면 친절히 안내해 드리도록 하겠습니다. 감사합니다. 끝.
End date 2022-08-09 23:59:59
Translation by Google translate (Google translate does not translate with complete accuracy.):
1. How are you? We inform you about the complaint you have applied for as follows.
2. Your complaint is judged to be about “slaughterhouse in Uldae-ri, Jangheung-myeon, Yangju-si”.
3. The review items for your complaints are as follows.
– 09:00 Recognizing the complaints and conducting on-site verification, the dog owner escaped, and the complainant’s statement (data) alone could not allow unauthorized entry into the locked private facility. We could not immediately respond to the request of the complainant because additional review was required, such as seeking the cooperation of the
– After legal review and consultation with other organizations, we entered the scene and conducted emergency rescue and protection according to the diagnosis of the veterinarian. Administrative action was taken.
– Please understand that it was not possible to immediately respond to the request of the civil petitioner. The petitioner was not satisfied with the answer at the time because the law interpretation of the petitioner and the city were different. By guiding you about this, we inform you that this complaint has been closed on the spot.
4. We hope that your question has been answered satisfactorily, and if you need further clarification on the answer, please contact Se-young Kwon, the head of the Livestock and Animal Protection Team (031-8082-7362), and we will kindly guide you. thank you end.
ARK119’s Facebook posts in Korean:
👉 양주 개도살장을 타격하다.
유튜브 ‘동물구조119’ 개식용종식 국토대장정 풀 영상 올려있습니다.
⏩국토대장정 참가신청 =>
▶ 해피빈 동참
▶ 2022 개식용종식 국토대장정 (목표액 : 9,900,000)
신한 100-035-575352 동물구조119
모금코드5 (ex:홍길동5)
PayPal : [email protected]
#개식용금지 #개식용종식_국토대장정 #개식용반대 #stopdogmeat
👉 양주 도살장 참고인조사
도살자 강력처벌 참고인 조사 받고왔습니다.
도살장면 촬영한 영상은 수사팀에 모두 넘겼습니다.
참고인 조사 후 수사관들 현장으로 도살 증거물 압수하기 위해 출동했습니다.
도살자 강력처벌해주세요.