
Pyeongtaek, South Korea, Shut down illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses, markets, and restaurants.

✳️ This campaign was updated on 5/25/2024.

If you want to help fight the grisly South Korean dog and cat meat trade and make a difference in South Korea, here are a few quick actions you can take that could save millions of dogs and cats each year.

The “Special Bill to end the breeding, slaughter, and distribution of dogs for consumption and dog meat consumption” was passed by South Korea’s National Assembly on January 9, 2024, and it mandates a 3-year grace period for all operations to cease. However, the dog meat trade has always been illegal, and despite this new legislation, there has been no change, and the situation remains dire for the dogs confined in dog farms across the country.

In Pyeongtaek, there are numerous dog farms, slaughterhouses, markets, and restaurants where the dogs, who have been tortured their entire lives, end up being slaughtered in the most inhumane ways, such as by electrocution, hanging, or beating and then thrown into boiling water – sometimes while they are still alive. In many places, dogs are being killed in full view of other terrified, caged dogs, and this takes place in broad daylight. In addition, many abandoned and stolen former pets end up in this industry and are subject to the same cruelty.

Video: At a massive dog farm in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi Province, operated by a former president of the Korean Dog Farmers Trade Association, thousands of dogs endure excruciating conditions. They are confined to raised wire cages in cramped spaces where they cannot even turn around. Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE).
Massive dog farm in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi Province, where thousands of dogs are imprisoned in agony CARE.

Video: Watchdog. Massive dog farms in Pyeongtaek.

A Search Engine reveals the sickening scale of Pyeongtaek’s dog meat demand.

Search results on Naver, the most popular search engine in Korea, revealed the prevalence of so-called “Health Centers” that often sell dog elixirs and cat elixirs, also known as dog soju and cat soju. Additionally, numerous listings for “dog meat restaurants” indicated a significant presence of such establishments in the Pyeongtaek area.

Even if only half of these “Health” Centers and dog meat restaurants incorporate dog and cat “ingredients” in some form, the number of dog and cat slaughterhouses required to supply these outlets is staggering.

There are laws in South Korea against selling dogs and cats for consumption, yet these laws are blatantly ignored.

Call for Action

Video: In the dog meat farm, the Dog Meat Consumption Prohibition Law has no meaning for the tens of thousands remaining and puppies yet to be born. CARE.

LCA/ALW’s 5-month Investigation into Seongnam Moran Market Exposes the Ongoing Cruelty of the Dog Meat Trade.

Video: Appalling Reality of South Korea’s Illegal Dog Farms (불법 개농장 참혹한 현실 – 제보자들 20200610)

  1. Kim
    KimSeptember 7,18

    Very sick people which allow this to happen in their country or city. Stand up & end the cruelty now.

  2. Dana Orságová
    Dana OrságováFebruary 2,19

    help for dogs and cats!!!!!!!!!!!! please !!!!!

  3. Irm
    IrmJuly 8,20

    It’s very disturbing n heartbreaking stop this evil now!!!! It needs to end!!

  4. Anna
    AnnaJuly 9,20

    Please give them a chance to live a Happy life

  5. Kateřina Orságová
    Kateřina OrságováJuly 9,20


  6. Adeline Wong
    Adeline WongJanuary 16,21

    I will never visit korea or buy any korea product or service unless and until this barbarism is ended. I call on everyone to do this too.

  7. Tracy Mosier
    Tracy MosierJanuary 16,21

    Trying to spread another virus? Sick fucks

  8. Helena Maleňáková
    Helena MaleňákováSeptember 9,21

    please save !! please help, deliver them and stop the terrible suffering !! be human !! please have a heart !!!!!

  9. Lilia Birleson
    Lilia BirlesonSeptember 9,21

    End the slaughter of these innocent Animals NOW. Shut down these illegal farms Now. Dogs and Cats were not put on this earth to be tortured and abused and used for for human consumption.

    [email protected]October 2,22

    This is barbaric and this is illegal. We have to to shut down these illegal farms NOW. Animals are being brutally murdered for human consumption

  11. Toni Price
    Toni PriceMay 25,24

    please stop this inhumane treatment , this is cruel and evil to treat these animals like this.

  12. Helene Brigden
    Helene BrigdenMay 26,24

    What would it be like to live without a heart and soul?

  13. Roberta Giovannini
    Roberta GiovanniniMay 26,24


  14. Anu Sipiläinen
    Anu SipiläinenMay 26,24

    Very sick people which allow this to happen in their country or city. Stand up & end the cruelty now.

  15. Luree Dell-Bryan
    Luree Dell-BryanMay 26,24

    Humanity and compassion needed!

  16. Sonja Bordessoules
    Sonja BordessoulesMay 26,24

    honte a vous jamais je le mettrais un pied dans ces pays ,comment pouvez vous dormir en paix après de pareils massacres

  17. Sandra Kirchberger
    Sandra KirchbergerJune 2,24

    This was supposed to be illegal and you made a big production about how you were ending it at the beginning of 2024 and yet here I am signing petitions just like I did 15 years ago…like nothing has changed!!! It is unbelievable that we have to beg you to act civilized in the simplest ways!! Dog meat should have been banned 100s of years ago.

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