
Busan Gupo Dog Meat Market Closure Update

Today is July 1 in South Korea and as of this day, Busan Gupo Livestock (Dog Meat) market is closed for good! Busan Korea Alliance for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Busan KAPCA) has worked very hard for many years to make this happen. They, along with Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA) and Korea Animal Welfare Association (KAWA) are right now at the Gupo Market to rescue the remaining dogs.

Busan Gupo Dog Meat Market is the first market in South Korea to close down altogether instead of just banning onsite slaughter. This is a truly momentous time in South Korea’s animal rights history. Many people are here to celebrate the closure of this market and rescue of the remaining dogs that the dog butchers agreed to release. Busan Mayor Oh Keo-Don, Busan Buk-gu District Director Jeong Myeong-Hui and other government representatives, along with many rescue activists/organizations and press, are present for the photo opportunities.

It is hoped that the actions of Busan Gupo Dog Meat Market will create a domino effect and that other major cities with large dog meat markets will follow Busan’s example. There are still hundreds of dog meat restaurants and so-called “Health Food Shops” in Busan that continue to sell dog meat. We must, therefore, keep the pressure on by taking action and protesting until the dog meat industry is completely banned in Busan and all around South Korea.

Click HERE to learn more about Busan KAPCA and how you can donate.

Click HERE to learn more about our campaigns to close down Gupo Market.
Click HERE to learn more about the previous rescue of 53 dogs.
Click HERE for calls for action.

Videos: Busan KAPCA.

Photo: Banner states “Gupo Livestock Market Closed as of July 1, 2019. We thank all of our customers.” Busan KAPCA.
Photo: July 1, 2019. Remaining dogs at the Busan Gupo Market are being rescued by Busan KAPCA, KARA and KAWA.

Live video from Busan Gupo Market on July 1, 2019. Remaining dogs are being rescued.

Dogs rescued from the Busan Gupo Dog Meat Market arrived at the Han’s Dog School where they will be cared for:

  1. lambin
    lambinJuly 3,19

    Merci à vous d’avoir fermé ce marcher de viande de chiens et chats, c’est trop insoutenable de voir toutes ces horreures et tortures faites à ces pauvres chiens et chats sans défense, c’est inhumain pour les pays qui ne font pas arrêter ces barbaries imondes … encore merci

  2. alessandra
    alessandraJuly 13,19

    mi auguro che la chiusura di questo mercato Busan sia l’inizio della fine di tutti i mercati crudeli inumani e barbari che torturano uccidono e ne fanno cibo dei migliori amici dell’uomo, la battaglia deve continuare

  3. alessandra
    alessandraJuly 13,19

    Complimenti per il risultato ottenuto, la chiusura di questo mercato, con gratitudine

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