
Busan KAPCA Interviewing local election candidates about their animal welfare policy.

May 2, 2018: The most important and effective way to bring about change for the animals in Korea, is to put the right people in the right position in their government. It is time for the local elections in South Korea, and Busan KAPCA is busy visiting with the candidates for important positions in the Busan governments. Busan KAPCA shared the below post on May 2, 2018 on their Facebook page.

Interviewing local election candidates about their animal welfare policy. Part 3 – Busan mayoral candidate Lee Seong-Kwon of the Bareunmire (Right Future) Party.

The Right Future Party has recently been very supportive of animal protection issues.
Ha Tae-Kyung, a National Assembly member, presented our opinion and appraisal, and achieved great results regarding the issues such as muzzling ordinance of dogs over 40 cm in body depth, as well as a livestock manure law.

A candidate, Lee Seong-Kwon, shares his home with two cats, and expressed the importance of companion animals. We spoke to him about several issues:
1. The Busan Gupo Dog Meat Market transition
2. Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR)
3. The establishment of an advisory committee for companion animal welfare cultural center
4. Animal protection education
5. Closure of illegal dog breeding facilities
6. Dismissal of sales taxes for veterinary care
7. Dog park, etc.

Lee Seong-Kwon listened to us earnestly and carefully wrote down notes, and promised to release his animal policy in the near future. He also expressed that he would consult with Busan KAPCA for our opinions. We look forward to Busan’s new animal policy from the Right Future Party.

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