Busan: KARA and Busan KAPCA rally against illegal puppy mills and dog slaughter
posted by KoreanDogs.org team on March 9,2014 in Campaign, Event
On March 6, about 40 members of Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA) and Busan Korea Alliance for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Busan KAPCA) held a rally at the Busan City Hall and visited pet dog auction market and a puppy mill.
Photographing was not allowed inside the pet dog auction market and the puppy mill. Thank you, KARA and Busan KAPCA!
Braving the cold, many supporters gathered in front of the Busan City Hall for rally. We are against the mass breeding/mass sale of companion animals and we request to the local government, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and the prosecutor’s office. Please investigate all companion animal breeding farms and punish the illegal breeding farms in the Busan/Gyeongsangnamdo/Gyeongsangbukdo region. 추운날씨에도 지금 부산시청앞에서는 부산집회를 위해 많은 분들이 모여주고 계십니다. 우리는 반려동물 대량생산/대량판매에 반대하며 지자체와 농림축산식품부, 그리고 검찰에 요구합니다. 부산/경남/경북 반려동물 번식장 전사조사하고, 불법번식장 처벌하라! Photo: KARA
Rally at the Busan City Hall
One of the directors of Busan KAPCA at the rally
Right to Life Network Attorney helping us with the petition (bill of indictment) to the city
The Busan TV, KNN reporting our rally
The illegal breeder in Kimhae, you can see the camouflaged green house that has no window.
Click for Information on KAPCA!
Illegal puppy mills – Mass breeding of lives, indiscriminately sold and disposed of for profits, the fundamental and the primary reason for pet abandonment! Please demand banning of illegal puppy mills. Please demand change!
Information on Rally. March 6, 2014. 12:30pm. Busan City Hall. Organized by: KARA, Right to Life Attorneys’ Network, Busan KAPCA. Our co-organizer of this rally, Busan KAPCA, has been very active in protecting animals in the Busan region for a long time. Their contribution played a pivotal role in the completion of our research/investigation report on Companion animal mass breeding, sale, and slaughter for consumption in the Busan/Gyeongsangnamdo/Gyeongsangbukdo region. We are thankful that we can hold the rally to close down the breeding farms/auction market together with Busan KAPCA and we are grateful for their contribution. Without a doubt, this rally is only possible because of Busan KAPCA. Thank you!
Categories: Campaign, Event Tags: 2018 Olympics, animal abuse, animal cruelty, boshintang, Busan, Busan KAPCA, Cat Elixir, cat meat, Cat Soju, Chilseong Market, Daegu, Dog Elixir, dog meat, Dog Soju, Dr. Dogmeat, Gaegogi, Gupo Market, Health Food, KARA, Korea Alliance for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Korea Animal Rights Advocates, Moran Market, Prosecutor's Office, Pyeongchang, Rally, Seongnam, Seoul, South Korea, 강아지, 개고기, 개농장, 개소주, 개식용, 고양이, 고양이소주, 구포시장, 누렁이, 대구, 도살, 동물보호시민단체, 반려동물 번식장, 보신문화, 보신탕, 보양식, 부산, 부산동물학대방지연합, 부산시청, 불법번식장, 사철탕, 식용견, 애완견, 영양탕, 유기견, 칠성시장, 카라, 한국
All power to you to stop this atrocity!!!!!
나는 그 개를 도와주세요 부탁 드려요
피부는 라이브 모드에서 필링
의는 고문 당하고
그들을 보호
당신은 개를 사랑
개를 보관하십시오 ..
건강에 해로운 개 고기 요리
개고기 시장은 판매를 무효 여부
고문 개를 만드는 방법에 항의
서명 캠페인 개최
개는 도살장으로 폐쇄되어야한다
DOG should be closed Slaughterhouse
I hope something can be done about the torture and pain these poor dogs go through just to be eaten,time they came out of their time warp,and started to live in the 21st century.
I hope you will win.
Thank you all for the continued fight–we continue to spread the information to all that will listen and beyond! We are behind you and want the world to know what is happening!
Sue Repp
The greatest country of consumption of a human flesh capsule is South Korea.
The custom of eating Dog meat is the right guaranteed to all the South Koreans.
Therefore, all the South Koreans must be taken care of.