
Call for Action: Punish the dog farmer in Pohang, South Korea, for the 40 dogs burned to death!

A fire at a dog farm in Pohang burned to death all 40 dogs trapped in raised wire cages!

Maeil News reported on September 29, 2021, “There was a fire at a dog farm in Pohang, Gyeongsangnam-do Province, killing all 40 dogs that were trapped in raised wire cages. According to the Pohang Northern Fire Station, a fire broke out at a dog farm in Gwangcheon-ri, Songramyeon, Buk-gu, Pohang, around 11:30 pm on September 28. Firefighters responded to the residents’ call that they heard a loud ‘pop,’ extinguishing the fire in about 40 minutes.

There were no human casualties in this fire. However, after the fire was put out, 40 dogs (20 large dogs and 20 small dogs, possibly puppies) were discovered to have burned to death. The fire department and other investigations confirmed that the owner converted a junkyard and an abandoned pig farm to a dog farm. The farm owner is known to have kept dogs in raised cages to sell them for human consumption. Raised cages refer to wire cages with a hole in the bottom and standing high off the ground to easily dispose of the excrement of dogs trapped in there (which means the dogs spend all of their lives walking on painful wires). Police and fire departments are investigating the exact cause of the fire.”

Call for Action

  1. Miranda Caylus
    Miranda CaylusOctober 14,21

    I adopted a Dog from the Dog Meat Trade in South Korea. She is a Jindo and is the most amazing dog. She shows signs of torture upon her face and body, and would have been eaten eventually. She was one of the fortunate dogs that were rescued. Many dogs don’t get rescued. When I look at these dogs, I see my dog, who now has a lovely life. These dogs never stood a chance.
    Burn the vile Dog Farm owner alive. All of those beautiful dogs, were subjected to horrific abuse, locked up in cramped tiny cages, in the most appalling conditions, AND THEN, to add to that living Hell for them, they were burnt to death in a fire. WHAT DID THESE DOGS DO TO EVER WARRANT SUCH BARBARIC TREATMENT AT THE HANDS OF WHAT ARE SUPPOSED TO BE HUMAN BEINGS? The only relief for the dogs is that they are now free of living in such hellish conditions. THE OWNER NEEDS PUNISHMENT. If it were left to me, I would have him treated in exactly the same way that the dogs were treated.

    [email protected]October 19,21

    Shut down these illegal farms NOW.
    Why are the Korean Government not listening.
    What is wrong with them. They are this illegal and barbaric act towards innocent Animals to continue. WHY WHY WHY.
    They are suppose to be in charge of there Country.
    They are not. Because they are allowing the MURDER of defenseless Animals to go on in there Country. Whilst allowing these evil people killing these poor defenseless Animals. Those involved in the brutal MURDER of innocent Animals should be imprisoned for there horrific act of cruelty to these poor Animals. Shut down these illegal farms NOW.

  3. Anu Sipiläinen
    Anu SipiläinenOctober 19,21

    Lopettakaa lemmikkien julmuudet, olette hirviöitä !

  4. Laura McGowan
    Laura McGowanOctober 19,21

    Anyone who raises dogs and cats for human consumption is a MONSTER. When is South Korea going to stop this criminal and heinous “farming”??!! Of course, there wouldn’t be an issue if there weren’t a public that wants to eat companion animals. They are monstyers, too. It should be banned forever. NO animal deserves to live and die in such a hellish manner, but esp. pets.

  5. Lucy
    LucyOctober 20,21

    All the dogs and cat farms owners who keep those innocent animals for human consumption they need to be BURNED ALIVE TO FEEL ALL the PAIN AND TORTURE same way!!! What a BARBARISM((( this is so sickening!!! END this TORTURE NOW!!!!

  6. Tracy Mosier
    Tracy MosierOctober 20,21

    I wish for the same thing to happen to him.

  7. Monica Lucchi
    Monica LucchiOctober 20,21


  8. Jan Howe
    Jan HoweOctober 20,21

    I am horrified at the amount of comments left saying how awful it is eating dogs and cats. It is awful subjecting any animal to torture of any kind. Why do we put creatures into categories, food animals, companions or pets. Having rescued many animals during my life including sheep, goats, chickens, horses cats and dogs. What is the difference? All feel pain, fear and are flesh and blood just as we are. Cattle given the chance are often most affectionate.
    The only way to help ALL animals is fighting for their rights and personally become VEGAN, this then covers all creatures including those used in the cosmetic industry.

  9. Pam
    PamOctober 20,21


  10. Sue
    SueOctober 24,21

    Petition posted and emails sent. It is time this horrendous cruelty ends.

  11. Calliope
    CalliopeOctober 25,21

    Thank you, how good it was to read your comment. Everybody is commenting about the horrendous treatment and murder of innocent dogs in these countries but you have not forgotten that in the west, animals are abused and killed for consumption too. All abuse and killing by humans must stop. We cannot have selective compassion. We are enraged with these despicable people who do this to dogs but we don’t bat an eye for the animals in our own countries. Sorry but people have to wake up and understand that all abuse and killing is one and the same. IT MUST STOP NOW.. Great minds have said that if humans do not stop abusing and killing then they will continue to kill each other. Creating a war is the easiest thing to justify and its just a profit making machine. We MUST CREATE A WORLD OF COMPASSION FOR ALL BEINGS.. for anybody who tries ti equate the wild animal kingdom with what happens in human societies, they can forget it because there is no comparison at all. Nature is really cruel by design but humans are cruel by choice. Who knows, maybe one day we will find a way to tame the wild. Thank you, you made my day. God bless.

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