Friendship City Campaign – Ulsan Ulju County, South Korea – Salamanca, Spain
Salamanca Mayor Carlos García Carbayo: Tell your Friendship City, Ulsan Ulju County, South Korea, that you are opposed to the torture and consumption of dogs and cats.
If you want to help fight the grisly South Korean dog and cat meat trade and make a difference in South Korea, here are a few quick actions you can take that could save millions of dogs and cats each year.
Ulsan Ulju County became a Friendship City to Salamanca, Spain, in 2016.

In Ulsan Ulju County, there are countless dog farms, slaughterhouses, markets, and restaurants where the dogs, who have been tortured their entire lives, end up being slaughtered in the most inhumane ways, such as by electrocution, hanging or beating; and then thrown into boiling water – sometimes while they are still alive. In many places, dogs are being killed in full view of other terrified, caged dogs; and this takes place in broad daylight. In addition, many abandoned and stolen former pets end up in this industry and are subject to the same cruelty.
Video: Ulsan Dog Meat Market illegal dog slaughter… A knife stuck in the throat, gasping in agony.
A Search Engine reveals the sickening scale of Ulsan Ulju County’s dog meat demand.
Two searches on Naver (the most popular search engine in Korea) – one was for so-called “Health Centers,” which commonly sell dog elixirs and cat elixirs (also known as dog soju and cat soju), and the second one was for “dog meat restaurants” – resulted in dozens of Health Centers and dog meat restaurants in the vicinity of Ulsan Ulju County.
Even if half of these ‘Health’ Food Centers and restaurants serve dog and cat ‘ingredients’ in one form or another, imagine how many dog/cat slaughterhouses must be present in Ulsan Ulju County to supply these outlets.
There are laws in South Korea against selling dogs and cats for consumption, yet these laws are blatantly ignored.
Call for Action
- 📧 Send emails to the Salamanca mayor and the City Council members.
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Send the CC (Carbon Copy) email to the Ulsan Ulju County Council, Ulsan Metropolitan Council, and the South Korean National Assembly members:
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Mayor Carlos García Carbayo
Pz. Mayor, 1
37002 Salamanca
Spain📬 Send a copy of your letter to Ulsan Ulju County:
County Mayor Lee Seon-Ho
Ulsan Ulju-gun Government
1 Guncheong-ro, Cheonglyang-eup, Ulju-gun, Ulsan
Postal code 44959
South KoreaUlsan Ulju-gun Council
1 Guncheong-ro, Cheonglyang-eup, Ulju-gun, Ulsan
Postal code 44959
South Korea📬 Ulsan Ulju County’s addresses in Korean:
이선호 울주군수님
울산광역시 울주군청
(44959) 울산광역시 울주군 청량읍 군청로 1
South Korea울산광역시울주군의회
(44959) 울산광역시 울주군 청량읍 군청로 1
South Korea - ☎️ Call the Salamanca Mayor’s office: +011 34 923 279105
- Send a Twitter message!
.@ulsannuri .@gyeongnamdo .@opensky86 .@love_opensky86 .@aytoSalamanca Spain Tell Friendship City #Ulsan #Ulju #SouthKorea that you are opposed to torture/killing of #dogs #cats🐾😢 😭😿
Salamanca Mayor Carlos García Carbayo: Tell your Friendship County, Ulsan Ulju County, South Korea, that you are opposed to the torture and consumption of dogs and cats.
Dear Mayor Carlos García Carbayo and Salamanca City Council members:
We ask you to please watch the videos from South Korea’s dog meat industry:
Shocking cruelty of South Korea’s dog meat industry, Part 1 of 2:
Part 2 of 2:
Ulsan Dog Meat Market illegal dog slaughter… A knife stuck in the throat, gasping in agony:
Forest fire in Uljin burns dogs imprisoned in dog meat farms:
Do you think Salamanca should be a Friendship City to any city that allows dogs and cats to be tortured and eaten by people?
In Ulsan Ulju County, there are numerous dog meat markets, shops, farms, dog slaughterhouses, dozens of dog meat restaurants, and so-called “Health Centers” serving soup made of dog meat as an elixir. Dogs suffer their entire lives in filthy, feces encrusted raised wire cages in utter misery, only to be slaughtered in the most horrific ways. They are killed by electrocution, hammer strikes to their head and necks, being hung, being beaten to death, having their throats slit, being burned alive with a blowtorch, or thrown into a vat of boiling water while still alive. In many places, dogs are killed in full view of other terrified, caged dogs who tremble with terror. These poor dogs are often burned alive in their cages, unable to escape. They are fed rotten garbage full of chili peppers not fit for any animals to eat, and they are never given water! Also, people’s beloved pets are often stolen and sold to these businesses, where they meet the same horrific fate. Dogs and puppies who died of diseases are tossed away like garbage, often left in front of cages to rot while the mother dogs watch and cry out in despair for their dead babies.
The Korean internet searches resulted in dozens of Health Centers which commonly sell dog/cat elixirs (also known as dog soju and cat soju) and dog meat restaurants in Ulsan Ulju County.
Would you please urge Ulsan Ulju County Mayor Lee Seon-Ho to close down all illegal dog farms and slaughterhouses, markets, truckers, and restaurants that serve their products? An online petition calling for your support in ending the horrendous dog and cat meat cruelty in Ulsan Ulju County is in progress:
On behalf of all the animals suffering unimaginable cruelty in the dog and cat meat industry, we thank you and await your reply.
Name, City, Country
Suggested message in Spanish
Alcalde de Salamanca Carlos García Carbayo: Comunique a la ciudad hermanada, Ulsan Ulju County (Corea del Sur), que se opone a la tortura y el consumo de perros y gatos.
Ilustrísimo Señor Carlos García Carbayo y concejales de Salamanca:
Les pedimos que por favor vean los videos de la industria de la carne de perro en Corea del Sur:
Impactante crueldad de la industria de la carne de perro de Corea del Sur, Parte 1 de 2:
Parte 2 de 2:
Matanza ilegal de perros en el mercado de carne de perro de Ulsan… Un cuchillo clavado en la garganta, jadeando de forma agónica:
Incendio forestal en Uljin quema a perros encerrados en granjas de carne de perro:
¿Creen que Salamanca debería estar hermanada con una ciudad que permita que los perros y gatos sean torturados y consumidos por personas?
En el Condado de Ulsan Ulju, hay numerosas granjas de perros, mataderos de perros, restaurantes de carne de perro, y los llamados “Centros de Salud” donde sirven sopa hecha de carne de perro como un elixir. Los perros sufren toda su vida en jaulas de alambre sucias e incrustadas de heces, en la más absoluta miseria, para ser sacrificados de las formas más horripilantes. Los matan electrocutándolos, dándoles martillazos en la cabeza y el cuello, colgándolos, matándolos a golpes, degollándolos, quemándolos vivos con un soplete o arrojándolos a una cuba de agua hirviendo mientras están vivos. En muchos lugares del Condado de Ulsan Ulju, los perros son asesinados a la vista de otros perros aterrorizados y enjaulados que tiemblan de terror. Estos pobres perros suelen ser quemados vivos en sus jaulas, sin poder escapar. Se les alimenta con basura podrida llena de pimientos picantes, evidentemente no apta para consumo animal, y ¡nunca se les suministra agua! Además, las queridas mascotas de la gente suelen ser robadas y vendidas a estos negocios, donde corren el mismo horrible destino. Los perros y cachorros muertos por enfermedades se tiran como si fueran basura, y a menudo se les deja frente a las jaulas para que se pudran mientras las madres de los cachorros observan y lloran desesperadas por sus crías muertas.
En Corea, las búsquedas en Internet dan como resultado docenas de Centros de salud que suelen vender elixires elaborados a partir de perros y gatos (también conocidos como soju de perros y soju de gatos) y restaurantes de carne de perro en el Condado de Ulsan Ulju.
Por favor, ¿podrían instar al alcalde del Condado de Ulsan, Ulju Lee Seon-Ho a que cierre todas esas granjas y mataderos ilegales de perros, mercados, transportes y restaurantes que sirven estos productos animales? Se está llevando a cabo una petición en línea solicitando su apoyo para acabar con la horrenda crueldad de la carne de perro y gato del Condado de Ulsan Ulju:
En nombre de todos los animales que sufren una crueldad inimaginable en la industria de la carne de perro y de gato, le damos las gracias y esperamos su respuesta.
Name, City, Country
Hello, I’m calling to speak to someone in the Mayor’s Office to ask for their help on an important issue regarding your Friendship City, Ulsan Ulju County in South Korea.
If I could explain: Dog-meat consumption is currently being practiced in that county, even though it is illegal under South Korean Law – but the laws are not enforced. The dog and cat meat trades involve extreme and widespread animal cruelty, and the animals suffer unimaginable pain and distress. They cannot speak for themselves, so I am calling on their behalf. And, I believe that your city would wish to be made aware of this issue, as you would not want to affiliate with a city where illegal and immoral torture is being carried out on any animal, and particularly not on ones that are loyal, trusting creatures, which look up to us humans as their guardians.
This illegal industry is being allowed to continue by Ulsan Ulju County authorities – even though there is growing opposition from pet guardians across South Korea and worldwide.
So, I am asking you to please speak with your counterparts in Ulsan Ulju County to urge them to enforce their laws, not ignore them, show compassion to their companion animals, and respect their citizens by bringing this cruel industry to an end.
I know that South Korea has many beautiful, admirable, and noble practices and customs worth preserving, but this is not one of them.
Thank you for your time and understanding.
No matter where you live, PLEASE SHARE these actions with your friends, especially those who live in Salamanca! 🙏
STOP and END this HORROR AND THE TORTURE of those innocent Dogs and Cats NOW PLEASE!!! They are not for your plate, they are family pets you disgusting and heartless evil people!! May everyone who does this cruelty experience the same torture in their lives!!!
Olette barbaareja kun syötte lemmikkejä. Olette julmimpia mitä maailma päällään kantaa ! Lopettakaa heti tuo julmuus !