
Korean Consulate General, Los Angeles, California Leafleting – February 9, 2017

Leafleting to end horrific & cruel dog meat trade in South Korea!

Michael Zeno handed out leaflets in front of the Korean Consulate General’s Office in Los Angeles in support of protest event which was being held on the same day at the Consulate General Office in Canberra, Australia.

No one else showed up except his dog, Yumi-Jane but that did not discourage Michael. He and his dog handed out about 100 leaflets and raised awareness to many people about the horrendous South Korean dog and cat meat cruelty. I am sure the Consulate General folks took noticed and were not so thrilled.
Michael is ready to do it again. Please join him on his next leafleting event to make it more impactful for the Korean animals.

Location: Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Los Angeles
3243 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90010
Date/Time: To be determined.
Contact: Michael, michaelzeno(at)hotmail. com

Korean Consulate General, Los Angeles, California Leafleting - February 9, 2017

Korean Consulate General, Los Angeles, California Leafleting - February 9, 2017

  1. Lori Klugman
    Lori KlugmanFebruary 10,17

    The Asian dog and cat meat trade is mercilessly cruel, and spreads its pain throughout the world. Please help end it.

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