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File petition with the South Korean government through e-People
If you only have time to take one positive action today against the Korean dog meat trade, please let it be this action. Use your voice to speak for the dogs suffering in that horrendous industry.
Regardless of where you live, you can file a petition with the South Korean government through this portal: e-people online.
It is imperative that we take full advantage of this simple 10-minute action in protest of the cruelty of Korea’s shameful and gruesome dog and cat meat trade.
Click HERE to take action!
Osan, the ‘festive city’ with a ‘wretched’ cuisine
The Mayor of Osan, the ‘festive city’, in South Korea, claims that his office will “continuously work together with the citizens” to create a pleasant environment … where the “joy from culture and welfare is abundant”.
Key words here, culture and welfare, because it has been stated that some Koreans believe that dog eating is “part of the traditional culture of Korea” – if so, it is a part that is devoid of any animal welfare, devoid of any joy, but abundant in cruelty, greed and illegal practices.
The dog and cat meat trades cannot be justified in such a prosperous country as South Korea, and whatever label one wishes to give to dog eating (culture, tradition or otherwise) there is nothing pleasant about the environment in which these pitiful animals are raised, transported or slaughtered.
So, we want Mayor Gwak to carry on ‘continuously’ (unceasingly; constantly; without interruption) working with his citizens to create real joy, for the Korean people and the animals alike, by permanently ending the dog and cat meat trades in his city.
Click HERE to learn more and take action! Click HERE to sign and share petition!
New Sister City Campaigns – Gimpo, Hanam & Gunpo, Yangju
Click each links below to learn more and take action on our new sister city campaigns!
Gimpo, South Korea – Liberty County, Georgia Petition
Hanam, South Korea – Little Rock, Arkansas Petition
Gunpo, South Korea – Grant County, Washington Petition
Gunpo, South Korea – Clarksville, Tennessee Petition
Yangju, South Korea – Henrico County, Virginia Petition
Video: South Korea’s Moran Market – Cruel Dog Meat Trade. KAWA (Korea Animal Welfare Association).
We have many Sister/Friendship City Campaigns going on now. Please add your voice TODAY to help the Korean dogs.
The Listening Portal that doesn’t want to listen
‘e-people online’, the online portal for sending ‘even trivial’ complaints to the South Korean authorities, who claim they will listen closely to the voices of the people (everywhere in the world), has responded to our complaint about the illegal activities of the dog meat trade by including a statement noting that “prohibition of such habit [dog eating] by laws calls for social consensus”. In other words, they have not answered our concerns, but have given a meaningless and evasive reply.
They have not listened to our ‘voice’, nor indeed do they seem to be listening to the voices of the people of Korea, more and more of whom are turning against the illegal dog meat trade, and these dog-eating ‘habits’. And, since when does any country need ‘social consensus’ to enforce the law? Yet again, our concerns have fallen on deaf ears.
Click HERE to read the Korean government’s response!
From SaveKoreanDogs – UK & EU Adoptions Now Available
Sharing from SaveKoreanDogs:
The doors are now open to UK EU adopters. This initiative is in partnership with the Dream Pet Hotel, which will provide a total service. The owner couple speak English. Dream Hotel, located in picturesque countryside, offers first class pet care and a total service. We guarantee the hotel provide the best care.
Adopters select a dog first then contact the Dream Pet Hotel and make the payment of $500 per month. The hotel will send staff to pick up your dog/s. The hotel will do all the quarantine paperwork as required by the UK/EU standards. These regions are very strict when it comes to quarantine. Blood test and vaccinations certificates will be issued when your dog is ready to fly.
It takes 4 months to the UK and 6-8 weeks to Singapore and Hong Kong. The months and weeks can vary. It all depends on the blood test results for rabies. If test results are all meeting the standards for UK/EU, then it could take less time. Click HERE to learn more.
Click HERE to learn more about adoption process. Only Serious Homes Please. Click HERE to get the latest updates on the SaveKoreanDogs’ ongoing rescue work.
Photo: SaveKoreanDogs. Rescued dogs at the Koreandogs Sanctuary (SaveKoreanDogs).
Help SaveKoreanDogs (Nami Kim) save more dogs from the cruelty of dog meat trade! Please donate today!
Join us in San Francisco – December 10, 2016!
This will be our 9th and the last event for the 2016 at the San Francisco Fisherman’s Wharf! We will be displaying our banners/posters, handing out leaflets and collecting petition signatures against the extremely cruel South Korean dog meat trade, at this world famous San Francisco tourist attraction and landmark. So don’t miss it!
Location: San Francisco, Fisherman’s Wharf located near the corner of Jefferson and Powell streets along the chain link fence.
Date/Time: December 10, 2016 Saturday. 9am – 4pm. Come when you can and stay as long as you can.
Click HERE to join on Facebook. Click HERE to learn more.
| Fundraiser to Help Support Busan KAPCA
Wear one of our shirts! Help fight the South Korean dog and cat-meat cruelty and bring awareness to our campaign. 100% of the funds raised from the sale of these shirts will be donated to the Busan KAPCA(Korea Alliance for the Prevention of Cruelty).
This fundraising ends on 11/30/16 and the orders will arrive around 12/16/16 before the holidays.
These beautiful shirts make great holiday gifts! Ho Ho Ho! :O)
Click HERE to order yours TODAY!
“If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favour freedom, and yet deprecate agitation, are people who want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the roar of its many waters. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.” – Frederick Douglass
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