
Alan, Martha and Bob campaign on behalf of KOREANDOGS.ORG at Memorial Park, Jacksonville, Florida on October 18, 2014

Written by Bob Heisler.

We had a very successful KOREANDOGS.ORG demonstration in Jacksonville, Florida today at Memorial Park, 1620 Riverside Avenue, Jacksonville, Florida 32204. I shot this video during a lull in the pedestrian traffic. Alan and Martha did a terrific job informing the public about the horrific dog and cat meat trade. We passed out many leaflets. We gave away about 25 KOREANDOGS.ORG hats, about 20 KOREANDOGS.ORG t-shirts, and probably 35 KOREANDOGS.ORG tote bags. We also gave away many key tabs and plastic cups with the KOREANDOGS.ORG logo and web address. The overall response was very favorable and very encouraging. Of course some people were apathetic and others could not deal with the cruelty. We only encountered one crazy person who put forth the tired old irrational argument that plants have feelings too. He told me that he had a pet marijuana plant. I told him that he has been smoking his pet far too much.

Alan and Martha. It was a gorgeous day in Jacksonville’s Memorial Park on the St. Johns River. We gave away about 25 KoreanDogs hats, 20 KD t-shirts, probably 35 tote bags, and very many key tabs and plastic drinking cups. I bought these items to give out to the University of Florida students a week earlier but that give-away was a failure. The items are the school colors, orange and blue, and they all have the KD web address and logo printed on them.

Martha is very good at approaching the public and telling them about She and Alan did that and I gave away the promotional products to those people who expressed an interest.

Here is Alan with the KD leaflets and a free tote bag. The tote bag is blue with an orange imprint of the KD logo and web address. Orange and blue are the school colors of the University of Florida. I bought these promotional items to give out at the university prior to the LSU football game the week before, but that give-away was a failure. Many of the Asian students were offended. We will NOT go back to Gainesville.

This kind young lady was appalled at the horrifying mistreatment of dogs and cats in the meat trade. We need more people like her in this world.

Here I am at the Memorial Park fountain. It used to have water in it but the homeless people were using it to bathe so the city drained it. My brother and I floated our toy boats here when we were young children.

These two compassionate young people will be helping us try to stop the torture and consumption of dogs and cats at future demonstrations. Thank you for your support.

This wise father is teaching his children to have compassion for all the world's inhabitants. The Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. would be proud of him. "One day the absurdity of the almost universal human belief in the slavery of other animals will be palpable. We shall then have discovered our souls and become worthier of sharing this planet with them." -Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

This beautiful young lady and handsome young man were genuinely interested in what we had to say. Thank you so much for your concern. We need more people like you two in this cruel world.

This very attractive young lady told me that she would do whatever she could to stop the consumption of dogs and cats in the meat trade. Thank you for you support. You rule!

These four ladies were very concerned about the horrific torture of man's best friend. Thank you very much, ladies. You rock!

This young couple expressed a keen interest in joining us at future events. I gave them t-shirts, hats, tote bags, key tabs, and plastic drinking cups. We need more people like them to make the world a better place for their cute child.

Thanks to Martha and Alan we had a very successful event. You two are the best!.

Alan is very good interacting with the public and informing them of the horror that is the dog and cat meat trade. This particular couple could not deal with the extreme cruelty but we did have an overall positive response.

Please sign petitions against the South Korean Dog Meat Cruelty!

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