
President of the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympic, Jin-Sun Kim lies about the S. Korea’s dog meat consumption!

Honesty and Integrity must not mean much in S. Korean culture. President of the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympic, Jin-Sun Kim lied about the S. Korea’s dog meat consumption without an ounce of hesitation! South Korea! A Nation of “Cruelty”, “Indifference” and now “Dishonesty”?
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President & CEO of The PyeongChang Organizing Committee for the 2018 Olympic & Paralympic Winter Games, Kim Jin-Sun

Seongnam Moran Market on January 19, 2014…. No more dog meat in S. Korea???

Liar! Liar! Pants on Fire!!!

Source: Reuters. "Eating dog meat will not be issue in Pyeongchang: chief"

Click to read article from The Reuters!

The Wall Street Journal (2/10/2014) Dog Meat Issue to Hound 2018 Winter Olympics

Click to read article from The Wall Street Journal!

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  1. Michele Vernet
    Michele VernetJuly 1,14

    Jin Sun Kim is a bastard liar! Of course! And boycotting anything is in the Korean mind, a joke! Like people give a s–t! The only people who care are not going to the Olympics! They’re too busy rescueing them! And compassion does not pay cash!

  2. Людмила
    ЛюдмилаJuly 1,14


  3. louis gauci
    louis gauciJuly 1,14

    Jin Sun Kim you have to admit and say the truth, the dog meat in Korea is still being consumed and it should be stopped NOW! Otherwise I am the first to boycott the S. Korean Olympics. Shame on you!

  4. barbara nunn
    barbara nunnJuly 1,14

    Boycott the 2018 Olympic games in the dog meat eating country of South Korea!

  5. Patrice
    PatriceJuly 1,14

    Kim is nothing but a big fat liar and he probably eats more dog that anyone.

  6. Adrian Shiva
    Adrian ShivaJuly 12,14

    I don’t know what’s more insulting, that he lied, or the manner in which he did it: totally bold-faced and blatant.

    “So what are you going to do about x?”
    “nothing, because x doesn’t exist.”
    “But we all know. The world knows. The question isn’t if it exists, it’s what you’re going to do about it.”
    “No what?”
    “no. x doesn’t exist.”
    “There’s so much evidence of it existing.”

    Also, I’m shocked at how very little, if any, mention of the sheer torture visited upon these poor animals. Why isn’t that ever mentioned? I think we can all agree that regardless of meat type or anything, no animal should ever be deliberately or carelessly TORTURED. There needs to be at least some mention of the pure suffering these poor animals are made to go through, often on purpose.

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