[In Japanese] Nami Kim and the Team: Anti-Dog Meat Campaign in Seoul, South Korea – Summer 2015
韓国・ソウルにおける犬肉反対キャンペーン(2015年)-Nami Kim and the team によるドキュメンタリー
Please sign petitions against the South Korean Dog Meat Cruelty!
posted by KoreanDogs.org team on December 20,2015 in Campaign
韓国・ソウルにおける犬肉反対キャンペーン(2015年)-Nami Kim and the team によるドキュメンタリー
Please sign petitions against the South Korean Dog Meat Cruelty!
Categories: Campaign Tags: animal abuse, animal cruelty, Asiana Airline, boshintang, boycott, Daewoo, Dog Elixir, dog meat, Dog Soju, FILA, Gaegogi, Kia, Korean Airline, LG, Samsung, SK, South Korea, 개고기, 개농장, 개소주, 개식용, 누렁이, 대한민국 Hyundai, 도살, 보신문화, 보신탕, 사철탕, 식용견, 영양탕, 한국
Posted on: 11-14-2024
ChatGPT is Helping Korean Dogs
Posted on: 09-20-2024
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