
Write to the International Olympic Committee (In Finnish)

Countdown to PyeongChang 2018:

[flipclock countdown=”true” date=”9th February 2018″ face=”days” name=”countdown”]

Kirjoita Kansainväliselle Olympiakomitealle
Boycott Pyeongchang_1440x2160_pPyeongChangin talviolympialaiset ovat vain vuoden päässä ja Kansainvälisen Olympiakomitean International Olympic Committee (IOC) ja eteläkorelaisten järjestäjien väliset yhteydet ovat luotu.
Nyt on siis hyvä hetki pyytää IOC:ta vaatimaan, että Etelä-Korea lopettaa ympäri maailmaa seuraeläimiksi miellettyjen eläinten brutaalin kiduttamisen ja tappamisen.

Lähetä sähköinen viesti tai kirje Kansainväliselle Olympiakomitealle pyytääksesi heidän tukeaan.
IOC sosiaalisessa mediassa:

  • Klikkaa TÄSTÄ lähettääksesi viestin.
  • Lähetä kirje.

    The International Olympic Committee
    Château de Vidy
    Case postale 356
    1001 Lausanne

  • Lähetä kopio kirjeestäsi PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Organizing Committee lle.

    The PyeongChang Organizing Committee for the 2018 Olympic & Paralympic Winter Games
    108-27, Olympic-ro, Daegwallyeong-myeon, Pyeongchang-gun, Gangwon-do 25347, Postal code 25347
    Republic of Korea

    The PyeongChang Organizing Committee for the 2018 Olympic & Paralympic Winter Games
    17-3, Gyodonggwangjang-ro 100beon-gil, Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do, Postal code 25512
    Republic of Korea

    The PyeongChang Organizing Committee for the 2018 Olympic & Paralympic Winter Games
    69, Baekjegobun-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Postal code 05556
    Republic of Korea

    PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Organizing Committee Addresses in Korean:

    2018 평창 동계올림픽대회 및 동계패럴림픽대회 조직위원회
    강원도 평창군 대관령면 올림픽로 108-27 (우) 25347
    Republic of Korea

    2018 평창 동계올림픽대회 및 동계패럴림픽대회 조직위원회
    강원도 강릉시 교동광장로 100번길 17-3 (교동) (우) 25512
    Republic of Korea

    2018 평창 동계올림픽대회 및 동계패럴림픽대회 조직위원회
    서울특별시 송파구 백제고분로 69번지 (잠실동) (우) 05556
    Republic of Korea

  • Soita.
    Phone +41 21 621 61 11
    Fax +41 21 621 62 16

Suggested message for IOC’s online contact form:

To IOC: The S. Korean Govt does nothing to stop the horrendously cruel & unethical dog /cat-meat trades; trades which allow use of unregulated drugs & food, uncontrolled emissions of polluted waste from dog farms, & overt torture & killing of the animals for consumption. You state: “Sport presents broad opportunities to promote…far-reaching actions for environmental, social & economic development across society”. We ask: how can these health hazards & eating practices be allowed to continue in Korea? Does not a lasting change for their environment need to stretch beyond the sporting arena? And, what sort of effect must this open cruelty & horrific slaughtering have on Korean children? IOC Members, in the name of compassion, right, & for the good of the Korean people, we ask you to look for ways of addressing these concerns through your ‘partnership between PyeongChang 2018 & the Ministry of Education’ & through the IOC’s position of “being a catalyst for lasting change”.

Suggested message for the postal letter to the IOC:

Dear members of the International Olympic Committee,

The IOC web-site states that “Sport presents broad opportunities to promote … far-reaching actions for environmental, social and economic development across society”, and it then goes on to note that “for the seven years of preparation following the election of the host city, and for many years beyond, the story is about the city, the country and its people. People expect the Games to be a catalyst for lasting change—a change that ranges far beyond sport performance and facilities.”

Therefore, we ask you to please watch this video:

We believe that an important, far-reaching action – for environmental, health, social and ethical reasons – would be to work towards ending the dog and cat-meat trades in South Korea. And preparations for the PyeongChang 2018 events would be the perfect time to do so.

Fact: Koreans believe that the more pain and suffering an animal endures, the more beneficial the meat product will be to virility or health (dogs are hanged, electrocuted, boiled alive or burned to death). Mr Pyo Chang Won, the chairman of the Animal Welfare Committee of the Korean National Assembly, commented on a childhood memory of his “I witnessed several barbaric slaughters of dogs by lakeside and in the neighboring town.” A memory that, no doubt, haunts him still.

We ask: what sort of effect must this overt cruelty and horrific slaughtering of companion animals have on the children of Korea?

Fact: Farmed dogs are pumped full of antibiotics and medicines but “Consuming meat concentrated with high level of antibiotics will cause severe toxic effects in the human body, and will cause endocrine disruption in the long term and eventually lead to cancer and diabetes.” – Dr. Tae-Yo Ha, HankookIlBo, 7/4/11. South Korea is not a poor country; it has the world’s 14th largest economy and is home to global brands such as Samsung and Hyundai. However, an estimated 2.5 million dogs and thousands of cats are slaughtered and eaten each year in South Korea, and the Government does nothing to end these profit-driven, tax-free, unregulated trades, which peak at the Boknal so-called ‘festival’.

We ask: how can such health hazards and eating practices be allowed to continue in Korea?

Fact: Dog farms are unsanitary and produce unacceptable levels of pollution to waterways, and through stench and noise (dogs frequently have their eardrums burst to deter barking).

We ask: does not a lasting change for the environment in Korea need to stretch beyond the sporting arena?

These shameful trades must be stopped – the South Korean Government must take action to ban dog and cat-meat consumption.

Therefore, we also ask: in the name of compassion and justice, and for the good of the people of Korea, that the International Olympic Committee looks for ways of addressing these concerns, through their new ‘partnership between PyeongChang 2018 and the Ministry of Education’, and through the IOC’s position of being a catalyst for lasting change.

Thank you!

[Your name, City, Country]

P.S. Please see the online petition in progress: Boycott PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea, A Dog Eating Nation! 169,360 signatures collected as of 10/27/2016.


Boycott Pyeongchang 2018 in Finnish


Video: CARE(Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth). Moran Dog Meat Market/Slaughterhouse, Seongnam, South Korea.

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