
Yeongdong, South Korea: Shut down the illegal dog farms!

Campaign updated on 12/23/2022.

We want Yeongdong to respect and enforce the law, stop their indifference toward animal cruelty and the illegal dog meat industry, and immediately shut down illegal dog farms and slaughterhouses.

Video: South Korea’s horrific dog meat industry. KBS DIGITALNEWS LAB.

Call for Action

📝 Suggested message

Request to Yeongdong, South Korea, to take administrative action against illegal dog farms and shut them all down immediately!

Online Petition:

* Please respond to my petition in English and Korean using Microsoft Word Document. Hancom word processor program is not used outside of Korea, and we cannot open Hancom’s .hwp file.

Below are dog farms operating in Yeongdong, South Korea:

Chungcheongbuk-do Yeongdong-gun Yeongdong-eup Ga-ri 526 beonji
Chungcheongbuk-do Yeongdong-gun Yeongdong-eup Bonghyeon-ri 460 beonji
Chungcheongbuk-do Yeongdong-gun Yeongdong-eup Sanyi-ri 335 beonji
Chungcheongbuk-do Yeongdong-gun Yeongdong-eup Sanyi-ri 37 beonji
Chungcheongbuk-do Yeongdong-gun Yeongdong-eup Seolgae-ri 123 beonji
Chungcheongbuk-do Yeongdong-gun Yongsan-myeon Baekjajeon-ri 270 beonji 273 beonji
Chungcheongbuk-do Yeongdong-gun Chupungryeong-myeon Jibong-ri 38 beonji
Chungcheongbuk-do Yeongdong-gun Haksan-myeon Aam-ri San 7-1 beonji
Chungcheongbuk-do Yeongdong-gun Hwanggan-myeon Huepo-ri 311 beonji

The dog farm specified above is suspected to be an unregistered facility and has been contributing to the pollution of the environment and thus requires urgent administrative measures and immediate shutdown.

1. Under the current enforcement decree of the Act on the Management and Use of Livestock Excreta, any dog farm at least 60 square meters in size is subject to registration as a waste emission facility. Any illegal dog farms operating without proper registration must be ordered to suspend operation and close per Article 17 and Article 18 of the Act. Administrative actions such as the imposition of fines must be issued according to Article 50 and the enforcement decree Article 20 of the same law.

2. Illegal dog slaughter may violate Article 8 of the Animal Protection Act. If a dog farm has committed an illegal dog slaughter, they will be sentenced to less than two years in prison and fined up to 20 million won. Please inspect the dog farm site to check if illegal dog slaughter is committed and report it to the police.

3. According to Articles 25 and 46 of the Waste Control Act, food waste feed recycling requires that dog farms are equipped with appropriate facilities and must be registered and authorized by the municipal government. Please inspect the dog farm to check if the food waste is being fed to dogs and take appropriate administrative actions per Article 66 for violations.

4. In the case of temporary buildings: Dog farms must obtain approval according to the Building Act Article 14 (Building Reports) and Article 20 (Temporary Buildings). Please remove the building if the building is unauthorized.

5. If sewage contamination is found: Personal sewage treatment facilities must be reported per Article 34, Paragraph 2 of the Sewerage Act. After inspecting the discharge of manure and wastewater into the public water, please take administrative measures per Article 77 of the Sewerage Act.

6. If household waste is found: Unlawful dumping and loading of household waste violate Article 13 of the Waste Control Act. After investigating the accumulation of household waste in the vicinity, please take measures per Article 66-1 of the Waste Control Act.

Our worldwide campaign urging your city to shut down all illegal dog farms and slaughterhouses is in progress.

We urge you to take quick and strong administrative measures to address the violation of laws and shut down all these illegal dog farms immediately!

📝 Suggested message in Korean (Please include this in your petition.)

영동군에 불법 개농장, 개도살장 행정처분 시행과 즉각적인 폐쇄를 강력히 촉구합니다.


* 청원 답변은 한글과 영어로 마이크로소프트 워드 파일로 보내주시기 바랍니다. 한콤 .hwp파일은 외국에서는 사용하지않으며 오픈할수 없습니다.

충청북도 영동군 영동읍 가리 526번지
충청북도 영동군 영동읍 봉현리 460번지
충청북도 영동군 영동읍 산이리 335번지
충청북도 영동군 영동읍 산이리 37번지
충청북도 영동군 영동읍 설계리 123번지
충청북도 영동군 용산면 백자전리 270번지 .273번지
충청북도 영동군 추풍령면 지봉리 38번지
충청북도 영동군 학산면 아암리 산 7-1번지
충청북도 영동군 황간면 회포리 311번지

위 개농장은 가축분뇨법상 미신고된 불법 개농장이며 여러 불법성이 보이는 바, 이에 대한 확인, 행정처분 및 즉각적인 폐쇄를 강력히 촉구합니다.

1) 가축분뇨의 관리 및 이용에 관한 법률 시행령 상 60㎡ 이상 개농장은 배출시설 신고대상에 해당합니다. 신고되지 않고 운영되는 불법 개농장의 경우 가축분뇨 관리법 제17조 및 제18조에 따라 사용중지 및 폐쇄명령, 동법 제50조 및 시행령 제20조에 따라 과태료 부과 등 행정처분이 내려져야 할 것입니다.

2) 불법 개도살이 이루어질 경우 동물보호법 제8조 위반 가능성이 있습니다. 해당 개농장이 불법 개도살을 할 경우 2년 이하 징역, 2천만원이하 벌금에 처해집니다. 불법 개도살이 이루어지는지 현장 확인 후 경찰에 고발조치 해주시기 바랍니다.

3) 폐기물 관리법 제25조 및 제46조에 따르면 음식물류 폐기물 사료 재활용은 적정 시설 장비를 갖추고 지자체 인허가를 받거나 신고하도록 되어 있습니다. 음식물류 폐기물을 개들에게 급여하는지 확인해 주시고, 위반 시 제66조 조항에 따라 행정조치 바랍니다.

4) 가설 건축물일 경우 : 건축법 제 14조(건축신고) 및 제 20조(가설건축물) 허가 후 견사를 지어야 합니다. 무단 증축된 건축물일 경우 철거 조치 바랍니다.

5) 하수도 오염 사항이 발견될 경우 : 하수도법 제 34조 2항에 따라 개인 하수처리시설 신고가 필요합니다. 공공수역 분뇨, 폐수 배출 상태 확인 후 하수도법 제 77조에 따라 행정조치 바랍니다.

6) 생활 폐기물이 발견될 경우: 생활 폐기물 불법 투기 및 적재는 폐기물 관리법 제13조 위반입니다. 주변에 생활 폐기물을 쌓아두고 방치하는 행위 조사 후 폐기물 관리법 제66조 제1호에 따라 조치해 주시기 바랍니다.

영동군의 불법 개농장과 도살장 폐쇄 청원 캠페인을 전세계적으로 진행하고 있습니다.

불법 사항 해결에 대한 적극적인 처리와 재발 방지를 위한 신속하고 강력한 행정처분, 및 즉각적인 폐쇄를 강력히 촉구합니다.

  • Send a Twitter message!

    Suggested Twitter text

    .@yeongdong_gun .@chungbuk_assem .@kyh21 .@cbminjoo .@parkdukhyum #Yeongdong #SouthKorea Shut down illegal dog meat farms😿😢🙏 😭🐾🐕#Korea #Hyundai #HyundaiGenesis #Samsung #SamsungGalaxy #LG #Kia #SK #Daewoo #POSCO #FILA #Hynix #Shinhan #ImagineYourKorea

  • Click HERE to learn more about our e-People petitions filed to shut down each dog farms in the Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA)’s dog farm archives.

    Click HERE to learn more about KARA’s dog farm archives.

Photo: Korea Animal Welfare Association (KAWA).
  1. Mette Ring Bursche
    Mette Ring BurscheOctober 4,19


  2. Alessandra Trois
    Alessandra TroisOctober 23,19

    FERMATE questo mercato della carne dei cani e dei gatti orribile barbaro crudele e incivile, una vergogna per il genere umano

  3. Johanna Schwarzer
    Johanna SchwarzerNovember 19,20

    Dass es im 21.Jahrhundert noch solche grausamen Tier Höllen gibt, ist mehr, als unmoralisch und verantwortungslos. Kore ist ein aufstrebenden Land mit aufgeklärten Menschen und daher ist es unfassbar, dass genau diese Menschen noch Fleisch von Hunden und Katzen essen. Dessen nicht genug, weil die hilflosen Mitgeschöpfe auch noch bestialisch gequält werden, bevor sie einen unvorstellbar grausamen Tod erleiden. Auch das Fleisch dieser armen Kreaturen wird von keinem Veterinär überprüft und stellt somit eine nicht zu unterschätzende gesundheitliche Gefahr für solche Menschen dar, die es verzehren. “Kein Erzeugnis aus Korea – und – sei es noch so kostengünstig!” so heißt unser Slogen, denn so lange die Koreanische Regierung nicht in der Lage, oder gewillt ist, dieser unfassbaren und verantwortungslosen Grausamkeit gesetzlich ein Ende zu bereiten, sollen diese “Un – menschen” auf ihren Erzeugnissen sitzen bleiben. Korea bildet auf der Landkarte einen großen schwarzen Fleck – der stellt die große Schande dar, welche das Land auf der ganzen Welt kennzeichnet. Ich fordere ein sofortiges Ende von Überlieferungen, die aus dem Mittelalter stammen und keinen Platz mehr im 21.Jahrhundert haben dürfen!

  4. Ewa Perczak
    Ewa PerczakNovember 19,20

    What terrorism is for democracy, DCMT is for the progress of human civilization, namely barbarism … if South Korea , wants to belong to the world where both , human civilization and the evolution of man, exist, the government of SK which tolerate this ignominy, must prohibit it .. it is inconceivable that this barbarism can still exist in our time and I pity the people who approve it …. for me, quite simply it means that these people do not belong to our time It’s time to us to act , Albert Einstein said ” the indifference, callousness and contempt that so many people exhibit toward animals is evil first because it results in an incalculably great impoverishement of the human spirit” . Hope that SK will change at last …

  5. Carina Rizell
    Carina RizellNovember 19,20

    Please treat dogs with respect and love. They are out best friend❣️

  6. John Farnan
    John FarnanNovember 22,20

    The dog and cat meat trade is a moral obscenity of the first order. The nations, mainly Asian, who condone this torture to such loving and trusting companion animals such as dogs, and cats, have absolutely nothing to be proud of if they crow endlessly about their materialistic progress and glorious civilizations. The empty rationalizations used to justify such depravity of a ‘business’ are just fallacious sophistic nonsense. Until animal welfare laws and legislated and enforced in said countries, and the populations are educated to understand what an obscenity this is, such nations are empty vessels of indifference and corrupt behaviour. To accept torture of nonhuman life as a norm, and not object to it, reveals systemic evil, mainly from the authorities who claim to govern the citizens under their control and who are unprepared to listen to their own activists wishing this horror to be banned. To be against torture — inflicted through malign cultural traditions — is not cultural imperialism. Those individuals who speak up to condemn the concept of cultural relativism are freely entitled to condemn torture to humans or nonhumans perpetrated in any nation on Earth. That torture is somehow acceptable within a culture, and outsiders should not interfere or criticize other cultures, is irrational nonsense. To pander to this concept is just an excuse to deny criticism of an evil. To do so exonerates the perpetrators of cruelty, the callous dog and cat meat traders who need retraining for more productive and humane occupations. Above all the acceptance of cruelty fails the nonhumans who cannot speak for themselves. More than ever, we need compassionate individuals with empathy to speak up for those beings denied a voice to live a happy life free from misery, torture, suffering and death. No more excuses for the corrupt horror of the Asian dog and cat meat trade! End it. Ban this sordid trade.
    End the South Korean dog meat trade before another pandemic hits the world!

  7. Lilia Birleson
    Lilia BirlesonMay 24,21

    As the Korean Government why are you still allowing illegal cat and dog farms in your Country?
    What are you doing to end this illegal act of brutality and torture to innocent Animals? It is illegal and barbaric and pure evil to allow poor defenceless animals to be treated in this way. Cats and dogs were not put on this earth to be used for for human consumption. All around the World Cats and dogs are domesticated and they bring pleasure to people all around the World. You the Korean Government have to end this illegal act of brutality and torture to innocent Animals Now. What you are allowing to happen in your Country is wrong and evil. Those that are involved in the brutal murder of defenceless animals should be prosecuted and imprisoned for there act of cruelty to animals. Do the right thing and close these Illegal farms down now. All around the World we are fighting for your Country to end this illegal act of brutality and torture to innocent Animals. As you the Korean Government are doing nothing.

  8. Lilia Birleson
    Lilia BirlesonMay 24,21

    Shut these illegal farms Now. End this unnecceary killing of innocent animals now. You the Korean Government can stop this. Use your Power and your political status to stop this now. It is illegal and barbaric. Do the right thing for your Country.

  9. Erika Weiss-Geissler
    Erika Weiss-GeisslerMay 24,21

    „Die Größe und den moralischen Fortschritt einer Nation kann man daran messen, wie sie ihre Tiere behandeln“- Gandhi

  10. Erika Weiss-Geissler
    Erika Weiss-GeisslerMay 24,21

    Die Größe und den moralischen Fortschritt einer Nation kann man daran messen, wie sie ihre Tiere behandeln.

    Mahatma Gandh

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