"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." ~William James

Sharing for Busan Korea Alliance for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals:

Busan KAPCA (Korea Alliance for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) 부산동물학대방지연합

Homepage: www.animallife.or.kr
Facebook: 부산동물학대방지연합
Click HERE to learn more about our work shared by KoreanDogs.org.

Who we are

We are a group of animal lovers who were working around the Busan and Gyeongnam prefecture even before the Busan Korea Alliance for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Busan KAPCA) was born in 1999. Busan KAPCA was registered in Busan City as an Non-Governmental Organization(NGO) in 1999 to enable us to work more efficiently in preventing cruelty to animals.

Since 1999, we have been focusing on rescuing abandoned animals, offering various treatments to dogs, encouraging dog adoptions and preventing cruelty to animals in general. We are also raising public awareness of the dog meat business in this region with the aim of ending the industry. In addition, we have been engaging in animal protection campaigns for animal rights such as “no fur,” amending and improving animal law, educating pet owners and volunteers and advocating TNR (trap, neuter & release) for street cats. Our aim as an NGO is “no more animals in pain.” We will continue to work hard to raise public awareness and do everything we can to prevent any pain in every species of animal. This will make this region a better place where the bonds between humans and animals are strong and live happily together.

What we do

Campaign for the Animal Welfare
“No more dog meat”, “no fur”, trap, neuter & release (TNR), adoption, and sterilization in all ranges to prevent cruelty to animals.

We provide regular courses for educating pet owners, and attracting volunteers of all ages our Animal Protection Academy.

No more Cruelty to Animals
We support whistle-blowers and will intervene to prevent all and any cruel actions to animals.

We support animal shelters and develop new programs for volunteers involved.

Animal Welfare
We rescue, adopt and support abandoned animals.

Participation in the constitutional changes
We petition the government and participate in amendments to policies and laws in the improvement of animal protection practices.

How you can help us

We do not work for only one species in the prevention of cruelty to animals but for a whole range of animals. We receive no government funding and rely solely on volunteers, members and donors. Animals are so defenseless and they need your help. Help us to help animals in distress.
Thank you.

To help Busan KAPCA continue their amazing and courageous fight against
the cruel Korean dog meat trade, please consider making a donation.

🧡 Busan KAPCA is funded entirely by donations.

👉 Donate by Paypal: [email protected]

👉 Donate by bank transfer:
Busan KAPCA (Korea Alliance for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) 부산동물학대방지연합
Kookmin Bank 국민은행: 565001-01-267719

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