
Monthly Archive for: ‘July, 2013’

New Documentary “Boshintang” – South Korea’s Shockingly Cruel Dog Meat Industry

Boshintang (Dog Meat Soup), Documentary by StopIt! Korea Campaign Click to check out more undercover videos by StopIt! Korea Campaign …

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`Penalties for animal cruelty’ strengthened… Amendment to animal protection law passed

Translation of Korean News: Yonhap News 7/3/2013 `Penalties for animal cruelty’ strengthened… Amendment to animal protection law passed (Sejong=Yonhap News) …

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Launch of STOP IT! KOREA Campaign Against S. Korea’s Dog Meat Trade

제주 작은 개 Little dog in Jeju, S. Korea by Stop It! Korea Campaign STOP IT! KOREA Campaign was launched …

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Yangju Dog Farm Fire…35 Dogs Burned to Death

Translation of Korean News: Naver News 7/8/2013 Yangju Dog Farm Fire…35 Dogs Burned to Death [Yangju=Newsis] Jong-Gu Lee Reporter. Fire …

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[Breaking News] Sumangri Dog Farm New Construction Permit Cancelled – City of Seogwipo Confirms Violations of Law

Translation of Korean News: Jemin Ilbo 6/28/2013 This is an update from “Seogwipo Sumangri Residents Strongly Opposes New Construction of …

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