
Monthly Archive for: ‘February, 2015’

South Korea’s Dog Meat Cruelty-Response received from the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon’s Office

We would like to thank everyone who took the time to call, email, or write to United Nations Secretary General …

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Sister City Campaign – Daegu, South Korea

Mayor Kasim Reed of Atlanta, Mayor Kazumi Matsui of Hiroshima, and Mayor Wen-Je Ko of Taipei: Tell Sister City, Daegu, …

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Duo Duo Animal Welfare Project Global Rally To End The Dog Meat Trade – Tallahassee, Florida

Written and shared by Bob Heisler. Click HERE to see the photos from Bob’s Facebook page. We passed out leaflets …

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The Global Rally to End China’s Dog and Cat Meat Trade by the Duo Duo Animal Welfare Project

The Global Rally to End China’s Dog and Cat Meat Trade organized by the Duo Duo Animal Welfare Project was …

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Giny Woo’s speech at The Global Rally to End China’s Dog and Cat Meat Trade by Duo Duo Animal Welfare Project

This is speech I gave at the The Global Rally to End China’s Dog and Cat Meat Trade organized by …

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Nash and Shelley campaigns for the in Ontario, Canada

Nash Leon and Shelley Craig with Victory for Animals met at school. They share the passion to help the animals …

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Petition letters mailed – Los Angeles, Chicago, and Montréal(Canada)– Tell Sister City Busan to stop the torture and consumption of dogs and cats!

We mailed petition letters for the petition, Mayor Eric Garcetti of Los Angeles, Mayor Rahm Emanuel of Chicago and Mayor …

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Petition letters mailed – San Francisco, Washington DC, Honolulu – Tell Sister City Seoul to stop the torture and consumption of dogs and cats!

We mailed petition letters for the petition, Mayor Kirk Caldwell of Honolulu, Mayor Ed Lee of San Francisco and Mayor …

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Petition letters mailed – Aurora, CO – Tell Sister City Seongnam to stop the torture and consumption of dogs and cats!

We mailed petition letters for the petition, Aurora Mayor Steven Hogan and Aurora City Council Members: Please tell Sister City …

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Becoming the best we can be — an evening with Lyn White

Becoming the best we can be — an evening with Lyn White (Animals Australia) What an inspiring message! Please share!

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Compassionate young Amiyah helps pass out leaflets and promotional items at Jacksonville, Florida’s Memorial Park on Jan 31, 2015.

Shared and written by Bob Heisler. Each of us have different talents that we can use to help lessen the …

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