
Petition letters mailed – Los Angeles, Chicago, and Montréal(Canada)– Tell Sister City Busan to stop the torture and consumption of dogs and cats!

Busan's Sister City Petition ScreenshotWe mailed petition letters for the petition, Mayor Eric Garcetti of Los Angeles, Mayor Rahm Emanuel of Chicago and Mayor Denis Coderre of Montréal(Canada). Tell Sister City, Busan, South Korea, That We’re Opposed to the Torture and Consumption of Dogs and Cats! to the Mayor Eric Garcetti, Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Mayor Denis Coderre on February 13, 2015 by USPS Certified mail with return receipt service as below.

Click HERE to take action!

This petition is still open and we will send the letters again when we reach 50,000 signatures so please click HERE to sign and share!

Petition letters mailed

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti

Scanned Letter to Mayor Eric Garcetti_pg1
Scanned Letter to Mayor Eric Garcetti_pg2
Scanned Letter to Mayor Eric Garcetti_pg3

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel

Scanned Letter to Mayor Rahm Emanuel_pg1
Scanned Letter to Mayor Rahm Emanuel_pg2
Scanned Letter to Mayor Rahm Emanuel_pg3

Montréal(Canada) Mayor Denis Coderre

Scanned Letter to Mayor Denis Coderre_pg1
Scanned Letter to Mayor Denis Coderre_pg2
Scanned Letter to Mayor Denis Coderre_pg3

Receipts for USPS Certified Mail with Return Receipt Services for the petition letters mailed

Certified mail receipts for Busan's Sister Cities

Busan Bupyeong Market, Samgak-jib Dog Meat shop/slaughterhouse.  부산부평시장 삼각집

Busan Bupyeong Market, Samgak-jib Dog Meat shop/slaughterhouse. 부산부평시장 삼각집

  1. Claudia López
    Claudia LópezFebruary 15,15


    ANNETJIEFebruary 16,15

    It is so important that we as humans protect animals of all types. Empathy is what makes us human, not money but empathy for those who are wronged and can’t speak for themselves. I am living in South Africa and this upsets me every time I read about this evil deeds. We as humans must love, care and respect all living souls on this planet. DOGS ARE HUMANS BEST FRIENDS NOT FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! BE HUMAN AND DO THE RIGHT THING STOP THIS CRUELTY NOW !!!!!!!!!

    • Chéruy
      ChéruyFebruary 16,15

      C est la entiere qui touchee par cette barbarie les predateurs de notre race ne meritent aucune excuses. Ces barbares se sont ils demande si ds une prochaine vie ils ne se reincarneront pas en martyr ce serait la mkindre des choses. Vous qui entaché notre condition. Nos valeurs notre respect de toute âme qui vie.. Soyez maudit pour l eternite.. Meditez bien sur vos actes.

  3. christina pafitis
    christina pafitisFebruary 16,15

    in the name of god stop this horrible cruelty to these innocent animals we the human race must learn to live, love, and respect all animals in the animal world, if we keep killing mother nature what kind of a world would it be with too much cruelty we need to teach our children to love and respect animals so we can live in a better world of no violence towards animals please stop this and have some compassion towards these animals.

  4. Patrizia Larese
    Patrizia LareseFebruary 16,15


  5. Tracey Stewart
    Tracey StewartFebruary 17,15

    Man’s best friend has both the intelligence and the emotional intelligence of a five year old child. Killing these beautiful creatures is a sign of psychopathy.

  6. Donna Duran
    Donna DuranFebruary 24,15

    Stop this horrendous animal abuse!

  7. Donna Duran
    Donna DuranFebruary 24,15

    Stop this horrendous animal abuse

  8. Angeline sieb
    Angeline siebJuly 2,19

    Stop this torture. This so wrong

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