
🔥URGENT!🔥President Biden: Please add the heinous South Korean dog meat trade to your meeting agenda with President Yoon.

President Biden is hosting South Korean President Yoon at the White House on April 26, 2023. Please sign the petition asking President Biden to honor his humanity and love for dogs by urging President Yoon to finally crack down on his country’s unspeakably cruel and illegal dog meat trade.

President Yoon Suk Yeol will make a state visit to the U.S. in late April for a bilateral summit with President Joe Biden. Shown is President Yoon in May last year shaking hands with President Biden at their small-scale summit held at the Office of the President in Seoul. (Office of the President) 

Photo: Channel A, Short story: Exposing shocking illegal dog slaughter. [숏토리] 충격적인 불법 개 도축 현장 공개, 8/16/2018.

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Call for Action

🌎 Please take action no matter where you live. 🗺️

📝 Suggested Message

President Biden: Please add the heinous South Korean dog meat trade to your meeting agenda with President Yoon Suk-yeol.

Dear President Biden,

I am writing to you today ahead of your meeting with South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol later next month. I know you will have pressing geopolitical and trade issues to discuss around China and North Korea.

However, as a dog lover and advocate, I urge you to raise with President Yoon a profound moral issue: the plight of the millions of dogs in South Korea who are savagely butchered each year for their meat. They are raised in wire cages and never feel a kind touch before they are blowtorched or bludgeoned to death.

South Korea has an Animal Protection Act, and the slaughter of dogs for consumption directly violates Articles 8 and 10. Included in these same Articles is a prohibition against electrocuting dogs, routinely practiced among the thousands of dog butchers across the country. In addition, its Livestock Products Sanitary Control Act also states dogs are officially recognized and classified as “animals” that are “prohibited from being slaughtered and distributed as food for human consumption.”

It is tragically evident that South Korea’s Animal Protection Act goes unenforced.

The United States is a nation that cares deeply about animals, especially its companion animals, and, as such, must be a global leader by taking a stand against such barbarity.

Please use the power of your office to advocate for the dogs in South Korea. President Yoon must be held accountable for the daily horrors faced by dogs trapped on the thousands of dog meat farms across his country. Unlike President Yoon and Korean corporations Samsung, LG, Hyundai, and Kia, who turn a blind eye to this widespread depravity, I trust your humanity and compassion, including a profound love and respect for the best friend humankind has ever known — will not permit you to. Please consider our online petition:

I look forward to your reply.

With respect and best wishes,

[Your name, city, county]

📝 Suggested Message in Korean

바이든대통령님, 윤석열 대통령과의 회담에서 한국의 잔인무도한 개식용 산업을 안건으로 채택해 논의하여 주십시오.

바이든 대통령님!

저는 다음 달에 개최 예정인 미국과 한국의 정상회담 소식을 듣고 이 글을 올립니다. 이번 회담에서 중국 및 북한과의 긴급한 지정학적 문제와 무역 문제에 관하여 논의될 것으로 알고 있습니다.

그러나 저는 개를 사랑하고 옹호하는 사람으로서, 바이든 대통령께서 윤석열 대통령께 심오한 도덕적 문제를 제기해 주시길 촉구합니다. 한국에선 매년 수백만 마리의 개들이 잔혹하게 도살되어 개고기로 판매되고 있는 게 현실입니다. 개들은 뜬장에서 태어나 평생을 뜬장에서 심한 고통속에 살다가 사람의 따뜻한 손길을 한번도 느껴보지 못하고 참혹하게 불에 타거나 몽둥이에 맞거나 전기고문받고 죽게됩니다.

한국에는 동물보호법이 존재하며, 개를 식용으로 도살하는 것은 직접적으로 「동물보호법 제8조와 제 10조」를 위반하는 것입니다. 동 조항에는 전국의 개 도살장에서 일상적으로 일어나고 있는 전기도살도 금지되어 있으며 축산물위생관리법상 개는 ‘도살 및 식용으로 유통이 금지된 동물’ 로 분류되어 있습니다.

그러나 한국의 동물보호법이 제대로 시행되고 있지않습니다.

미국은 동물, 특히 반려동물에 대한 깊은 관심을 가지고 있는 국가로 이러한 야만적인 행위에 대항하는 글로벌 리더로서의 역할을 해주셔야만 합니다.

한국의 개식용산업에서 잔인하게 학대받고 있는 개들을 위해서 바이든 대통령님의 힘을 보태 주십시오. 윤대통령과 한국정부는 전국 수천 개의 개농장에 갇혀 끊임없이 공포를 겪고 고통받고있는 개들에 대해 책임을 져야 합니다. 윤대통령과 삼성, LG, 현대, 기아 등 한국의 기업들은 만연된 동물학대를 묵인하고 있지만, 저는 바이든 대통령님의 인류애와 측은지심을 믿습니다. 인간의 가장 친한 친구로서의 개에 대한 깊은 사랑과 연민을 가지고 계신 바이든 대통령님은 동물학대를 모른척하지 않으실 것이라 믿습니다.
우리의 청원을 고려해 주십시오:

기대와 존경하는 마음으로 대통령님의 답장을 기대하겠습니다.

Video: Large scale dog meat farm in Yeoju, South Korea.

Video: Urgent Action Alert! Forest fire in Uljin burns dogs imprisoned in dog meat farms.

More than 1400 dogs starved and frozen to death in Yangpyeong, South Korea!

Video: Shocking cruelty of South Korean Dog Meat Industry, Jeju-do, South Korea.

    FRANCISMarch 11,23


  2. Shelley Buckley
    Shelley BuckleyMarch 11,23

    Why is the South Korean Government doing anything??? Are they as heartless as the’people’ that continue to carry out these heinous crimes day after day !!!!!

  3. Karen Lyons kalmenson
    Karen Lyons kalmensonMarch 11,23

    Friends not food

  4. Urszula Lund
    Urszula LundMarch 11,23

    HOW LONG will the WORLD watch unspeakable tortures inflicted on dogs and cats at South Korea’s dog-meat markets and do nothing about it. How can you talk about “peace” and “democracy” while shocking horrors are regularly committed on defenseless, loving and innocent animals in front of your eyes! Skinning dogs and cats alive, cooking them alive and other appalling tortures shall NOT BE SILENCED, but openly directed to the South-Korean President. We live in 2023 and this abomination must end!

  5. Eileen Easton
    Eileen EastonMarch 12,23

    There should be a HUGE WORLDWIDE OUTCRY about this barbaric, horrific cruelty to our beloved dogs and cats!! It is now 2023 ….. time to move forward and end ALL CRUELTY TO ANIMALS!!! How can this cruelty be allowed to continue???? My heart breaks for these precious animals.

  6. Sandra K
    Sandra KMarch 12,23

    how can President Biden even shake hands with this evil POS!!!!! He is one of the ones responsible for COVID!!! He allows all brutality to happen to dogs and cats in his country and does nothing. I feel like I am looking at satan when I look at his face!!!! I wish we could just wipe out the entire country and China too while we are at it!!!! These Asian countries are pure evil..sorry to say but it is true!!!!

  7. Cocki Beverloo
    Cocki BeverlooMarch 13,23

    Against Animal Abuse!

  8. Michael
    MichaelMarch 13,23

    Dont eat Them

  9. Carol Forman
    Carol FormanMarch 14,23

    Please, President Biden. You have dogs and know how horrific this is.

  10. Marco Salvetti
    Marco SalvettiMarch 29,23

    Please, tweet this to keep pressure:
    .@sukyeol__yoon .@koreanet Your Excellency President Yoon Suk-Yeol, please end the horrific #dogmeat #catmeat #cruelty! 👉 👉

  11. Fabiola Alvarez
    Fabiola AlvarezApril 25,23

    Please, this is your opportunity to help hundreds of thousands of tortured dogs!!! I never buy anything made in south Korea for obvious reasons. You have the power to change this horrific situation!!!!

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