
Dog Meat Restaurants & ‘Health Center’ in Nam-Moon & Ji-Dong Markets, Suwon

While taking a short walk around Nam-Moon (means ‘South Gate’) Market (남문시장) and Ji-Dong Market (지동시장) located right next to each other in Suwon, Gyeonggi-do, our volunteer saw dozens of dog meat restaurants and so called ‘Health Centers’ that make to order ‘dog elixir'(dog boiled with herbs until it turns into a thick liquid and packed in plastic one-serving pouch). In this Metropolitan city filled with high rises and home to the global technology giants such as Samsung Semiconductors,.. .just outside of Seoul, sadly the evidences of barbaric and shameful dog meat consumption is everywhere. She poked her head into some of these restaurants and saw that the places were bustling with diners devouring on tortured innocent animals. Estimated number of dogs consumed in S. Korea is around 2-2.5 million every year.
👉 Suwon’s Homepage.
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Below are just few of the dozens of dog meat businesses at the Nam-Moon and Ji-Dong Markets:

Bo-Gun Health Center 보건 건강원 sells ‘Dog Soju’ (Dog Elixir)

Nam-Moon Dog Meat Soup 남문보신탕

Our Dog Meat Soup 우리 보신탕

Gold Cola Tech Restaurant 황금 콜라텍 식당

Il-Mi Health Center 일미 건강원

Suwon Castle Restaurant 수원성 식당

Farm Dog Meat 농장 개고기

Hometown Farm 고향촌 농장

Native dog meat soup 토종 사철탕

Whang-Hae Health Center 황해 건강원

Ji-Dong Market 지동시장

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  1. Catherine Simpson
    Catherine SimpsonAugust 1,13

    What you do to this poor animals is horrible, you should be ashamed of yourselves.
    Wouldnt call you human!

  2. Phil Mc Garry Arthurs.
    Phil Mc Garry Arthurs.October 19,21

    This should not be happening in this present day and age, all animals have feelings.

  3. Dan
    DanOctober 24,21

    This is horrible. No one in their right minds eat dogs and cats. This is 2021. What is wrong with you people. How can you hurt these poor animals like this. The awful tortuous lives they a forced to live in cages and then brutally killed. That’s horrible. What is wrong with you people? You should be in prison. Anyone and everyone involved in this activity should be sent to prison.

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