
Swift response and immediate action from Irvine Mayor.

Irvine Mayor Steven S. Choi

Irvine Mayor Steven S. Choi

We have just received a response to our campaign/petition, shown below, from the City of Irvine – and it’s a positive one! We are very grateful to Mayor Choi and all of Irvine City Council, and its staff, for taking such prompt action to help the Korean dogs in the meat trade, and for being their voice! We are pleased to say that this is our 5th victory, even though we don’t yet know what response Seoul Seocho District will give to Mayor Choi’s request.

Click HERE to see our campaign.

Everyone has a responsibility to make a difference – and everyone can.

Response from City of Irvine_080316

Please send an email thanking the Mayor and the City Council members for responding to our concern. You can use our suggested message below or your own words.

Email addresses:
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];

Suggested message to the Mayor and the City Council of Irvine

Dear Mayor Steven S. Choi and the City Council members:

I would like to thank you and the City Council of Irvine for responding to our concerns raised via the recent petition on about the mistreatment, torture and consumption of companion animals in Irvine’s Sister City of Seoul Seocho-gu District.

Both domestic and international pressure on this issue is required if we are going to incite some real change in South Korea, so I kindly urge you to continue reaching out to your sister city until affirmative action is taken by the Seocho-gu district to end the horrific practice of the dog meat trade for good.

Thank you again for your efforts here.

[Your Name & City/Country]

[Update – Aug 29, 2016] Our supporters are receiving the below email responses from the Irvine City Councilwoman Christina Shea. Thank you, Councilwoman Shea!!

Swift response and immediate action from Irvine Mayor.

  1. Sonja Van Hoof
    Sonja Van HoofAugust 5,16

    Dear Mayor Steven S Choi & the City Council members,

    Thank u so much for responding 2 our supporter’s concern via about the mistreatment, torture and murder of pain feeling creatures.

    Lets change history. Its time for CIVILIZATION.

    Again, thank u so much for doing everything u can 2 END THIS CRUELTY.

    Kind regards,
    Sonja Van Hoof

    • debora peffer
      debora pefferAugust 6,16

      Thank you so much for helping in this matter. I hope this can come to a stop once and for all.

      • Brenda Hayden
        Brenda HaydenNovember 10,16

        Thank-you for hearing are sceams from the heart for the pain and suffering of innocent living animsls. Please stop the suffering. Please hear and stop the cruety of these innocent animals. Please stop this torture of animals please

    • mary beth first
      mary beth firstAugust 7,16

      Well a thankyou is in order for your interest in this of tortured, evil ways, no heart, no concious, killing of DOGS & CATS! This has went on too long. I truely hope & pray that you get this STOPPED NOW! For the ANIMALS SAKES!!! These are God’s Creatures! Please help STOP THIS HORRIFIC SLAUGHTER! This situation makes me sick & I cry! I can’t take this killing of PETS. They are our FAMILY! So show some empathy for these ANIMALS TO HELP STOP THIS! I really hope you can get somewhere with this NOW! PLEASE NO MORE ANIMAL CRUELTY!

    • Mindy Cassle
      Mindy CassleAugust 8,16

      Thank you for taking a stand!!! It is appreciated. Every small step taken by even one person, makes a huge difference.

      • Nancy Barden
        Nancy BardenAugust 11,16

        So many dogs and cats still suffer every day in Korea. I really appreciate your help in this matter This trade must end and the captive animals relieved of their stress and be allowed to live their lives in the arms of compassionate people who are truly concerned about their well being.

    • ruetsch
      ruetschAugust 25,16

      merci de prendre conscience de cette barbarie et de défendre cette cause.

    • BJ Holden
      BJ HoldenAugust 30,16

      Thank you Mr. Mayor! Thank you for your communication to the Seoul Seocho District and telling them that the torture and killing of dogs and cats is cruel and barbaric. Thanks so much for taking a stand! Hoping to see an end to this horrific practice very soon!

    • ewa igras
      ewa igrasSeptember 21,17

      Merci beaucoup !!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Ewa Perczak
    Ewa PerczakAugust 5,16

    beautiful news !!! could hope that soon this horrendous traffic will stop !!! we need a help of all people who, by their important position, could talk in favor of the dogs and the cats !!!! all citizens in South Korea are not the bad people, I know, but together, we can do a lot of things, good things to save these poor dogs and cats !!!

  3. marge scott
    marge scottAugust 5,16

    What a wonderful man. showing the world and his country men this has to stop..Thank you

  4. leannwalters
    leannwaltersAugust 5,16

    ALLEGATIONS!!!! Why mince words? These are not allegations, there is thousands of videos proving the torture and it has to stop. Don’t pussy foot around this issue. And don’t stop fighting until it is done.

  5. tessa connorton
    tessa connortonAugust 5,16

    Despicable uncivilised treatment of domesticated pets. south korea expects us to Trade with them and to be involved in World affairs yet behave like savages. Until this stops and you end #boknal we will never let you forget and we will continue to boycott you.

  6. Laurens Sonia France
    Laurens Sonia FranceAugust 6,16

    Mail to all members sent.

  7. Judy Youngman
    Judy YoungmanAugust 6,16

    Many thanks for your good intentions but until all dogs and cats are free to live their lives as they choose, Korea will remain on the world’s Black List for it’s horrific lack of humane treatment of God’s wonderful cats and dogs!

    • Rebecca Cowart
      Rebecca CowartAugust 6,16

      yes many thanks to all that is trying to stop this cruelty…cats and dogs do not deserve to be tortured and killed for human enjoyment by eating them. I will never stop supporting these cause..these animals are one of the most lovable loyal and unconditional love a human will ever know.

  8. Marianne Haas
    Marianne HaasAugust 6,16

    Thank you Mayor to out a end to this unnessesary killing
    Of dogs!!

  9. Lisa schlomer
    Lisa schlomerAugust 6,16

    Thank you so so much!!!!!!

  10. Sherre Hodny
    Sherre HodnyAugust 6,16

    THANK YOU!!!

  11. Jen
    JenAugust 6,16

    Thank you for caring

  12. Jamie Cogdill
    Jamie CogdillAugust 6,16

    Thank u

  13. mehdi salimi
    mehdi salimiAugust 7,16

    Thank you Mayor for humanity

  14. Salvatore
    SalvatoreAugust 7,16

    Thanks for caring!

  15. David Lovett
    David LovettAugust 7,16

    Your continued support of the campaign to end the consumption of Dogs and Cats, and the immense and unjustified cruelty associated with it would be appreciated worldwide. Nor can I believe that the awful and disgusting treatment and exploitation of intelligent animals in this way in the 21st century is widely supported by the general population of the people of South Korea, or is indeed in their interests nationally in terms of the level of negative and outright condemnation that has been expressed worldwide on this issue as a result. Your children, and your children’s children will thank you for your humanity when this ongoing torture and cruelty to these innocent and vulnerable creatures is brought to an end.

  16. leontine
    leontineAugust 7,16

    Thank you so so much for ending this!

  17. Jacinta McDonnell
    Jacinta McDonnellAugust 7,16

    Thank you so much for being the voice for the voiceless!

  18. isabella aliaud
    isabella aliaudAugust 7,16


  19. Sylvia Zade-Routier
    Sylvia Zade-RoutierAugust 7,16

    Thank you to all who act against this horrible cruel Korean meat trade, which is a barbarian crime and MUST STOP immediately.

  20. Pam Burton
    Pam BurtonAugust 7,16

    Thank you for helping and speaking out for these little dogs. Please keep supporting us so we can get this horrible cruel barbaric killing of these beautiful dogs stopped. God Bless you.

  21. Sylvia Rottenberg
    Sylvia RottenbergAugust 7,16

    Thank you so much Mister Irvin Major Steven S. Choi for helping to stop this horrifing dog and cat meat
    To day I was just looking on TV South korea and I was suprise how people are respectuous , the technology ,high buildings and everything is so modern and clean.
    How it it possible to torture and kills 2,5 millions dogs and cats???
    You are a very rich country working hard but this trade make a very bad karma .

  22. Laura Danani
    Laura DananiAugust 8,16

    Mail to Mayor and members sent.

  23. lee jones
    lee jonesAugust 8,16

    thank you!!!!

  24. ana antunes
    ana antunesAugust 9,16

    Please stop this cruelty, there are some beings suffer a lot. Lets make this world better

      JIM TAYLORAugust 12,16

      Thank you for real positive action on this horrific abuse of man’s best friend. I do hope that this step in the right moral direction will influence all your countrymen to become true animal lovers and thus enjoy the sincere love and devotion our lesser brothers bring to us. This wicked ,war-torn world we all live in is caused by : hatred, greed and wickedness and until man can live and respect himself and all life there will never be PEACE in this world. THANK YOU FOR YOUR BRAVE ACTION and MUCH SUCCESS TO YOU.

  25. Winter Robin
    Winter RobinAugust 14,16

    ??? thank you

  26. Miriam Wright
    Miriam WrightAugust 18,16

    Thank you for helping STOP such a horrific, cruel, suffering to man best friend. The world is watching and we’ll be forever grateful for your actions to be a hero to end these atrocities for the dogs and cats in S Korea.

  27. Christie Mello
    Christie MelloAugust 19,16

    Thank you for such a quick and positive response. I hope we actually get some where and make a difference. This HORRIFIC TORTURE MUST END

  28. D ebbie Cordin
    D ebbie CordinAugust 23,16

    Thank you, and with everyone helping, these beautiful dogs/cats can have a life they deserve. What people believe about them in other countries, is not true. They should not be abused, tortured,and ate. There are no magical powers that happen from this horrible act.

  29. susanne
    susanneAugust 30,16

    Thank you

  30. Eileen Huettl
    Eileen HuettlSeptember 15,16

    Thank you for helping these voiceless animals. It was heartbreaking and unbelievable that anyone or any country would allow the suffering of these animals. Has to STOP !!!

  31. Ana M. French
    Ana M. FrenchSeptember 26,16

    Thank you for your enormous efforts! Hopefully one day those criminals hiding behind “tradition”will stop with that inhumane, cruel, barbaric practice.

  32. Chenoa MacSweeney
    Chenoa MacSweeneySeptember 27,16

    Dear Mayor Steven S. Choi and the City Council members:

    I would like to thank you and the City Council of Irvine for responding to our concerns raised via the recent petition on about the mistreatment, torture and consumption of companion animals in Irvine’s Sister City of Seoul Seocho-gu District.

    Both domestic and international pressure on this divisive issue is required if we are going to incite some real change in South Korea, so I kindly urge you to continue reaching out to your sister city until affirmative action is taken by the Seocho-gu district to end the horrific practice of the dog meat trade for good.

    Thank you again for your efforts here.

  33. ida
    idaOctober 19,16

    io ucciderei il sindaco la sua famiglia e il pazzo piccolo uomo che si crede il padrone del mondo alla stessa maniera però metterei il sindaco e il piccoletto pazzo vivi nell”acqua bollente davanti a tutto il popolo coreano io questo farei ha chi governa le 2 coree basta carne di cane e gatto mangiate la carne dei vostri governanti a cominciare dal sindaco che per paura del piccoletto pazzo fa tutto quello che gli dice

  34. Neville
    NevilleOctober 31,16

    Brilliant! Many, many thanks!

  35. Vickey Baker
    Vickey BakerDecember 8,16


  36. Monica Lucchi
    Monica LucchiSeptember 21,17


  37. xisca
    xiscaSeptember 21,17

    Muchas gracias por lo que has hecho y por toda la gente que hemos firmado…

  38. Sasha Patrick
    Sasha PatrickSeptember 22,17

    Thank you so much for helping these poor animals.

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