
KOREANDOGS.ORG Community Outreach in Jacksonville, Florida, July 11, 2015

Written and shared by Bob Heisler. Click HERE to see the photos from Bob’s Facebook page.

Nobody else showed up so I did the event by myself. I gave away messenger bags, Frisbees, and leaflets. I don’t mind doing events by myself. I know that there are millions of people all over the world who want to stop the torture and consumption of dogs and cats in the meat trade. Even if I were the only person I would still do it. There is no question in my mind that we are fighting against evil. We are supporting the brave, compassionate Asians who are on the frontlines battling against dog meat atrocities. Dogs are friends not food!

I was the "lone wolf" advocate at The Riverside Arts Market in Jacksonville, Florida on the St. Johns River 7-11-15. I was there two hours. I gave away 31 KoreanDogs messenger bags, 32 KD Frisbees, and about 120 leaflets. I've done demonstrations by myself before and I'll do them again.

I was the “lone wolf” advocate at The Riverside Arts Market in Jacksonville, Florida on the St. Johns River 7-11-15. I was there two hours. I gave away 31 KoreanDogs messenger bags, 32 KD Frisbees, and about 120 leaflets. I’ve done demonstrations by myself before and I’ll do them again.

The Riverside Arts Market takes place every Saturday, March through December, beneath the Interstate 95 bridge over the St. Johns River. There is a great variety of arts and crafts to purchase. Also food of all kinds. The musical group Ruby Beach was performing when I was there. They do classic Americana and traditional rock music.

The Riverside Arts Market takes place every Saturday, March through December, beneath the Interstate 95 bridge over the St. Johns River. There is a great variety of arts and crafts to purchase. Also food of all kinds. The musical group Ruby Beach was performing when I was there. They do classic Americana and traditional rock music.

Here is a view of downtown Jacksonville from the Riverside Arts Market. The apartment building where I lived at age six was in the path of Interstate 95, right at this location. My old elementary school is next to the interstate several blocks away, vacant for decades and boarded up. Some say it is haunted. Maybe by the ghost of my first grade teacher.

Here is a view of downtown Jacksonville from the Riverside Arts Market. The apartment building where I lived at age six was in the path of Interstate 95, right at this location. My old elementary school is next to the interstate several blocks away, vacant for decades and boarded up. Some say it is haunted. Maybe by the ghost of my first grade teacher.

Thank you, Bob!!! We are grateful for your compassionate heart for the South Korean animals in the horrific dog and cat meat trade! Your dedication to help save the Korean dogs from horrendous cruelty is inspirational to all of us.

Please sign petitions against the South Korean Dog Meat Cruelty!

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