Call for Action: Urge the South Korean National Assembly members to pass legislation that bans the dog meat trade!
UPDATE: On 1/9/2024, “Special Bill (Alternative Bill) to end the breeding, slaughter, and distribution of dogs for consumption and dog meat consumption” passed in South Korea’s National Assembly plenary session. 👉 Click HERE to learn more.
UPDATE: On 1/8/2024, the Legislation and Judiciary Committee passed the “Special Bill (Alternative Bill) to end the breeding, slaughter, and distribution of dogs for consumption and dog meat consumption.” 👉 Click HERE to learn more.
UPDATE: On January 8th, the Legislation and Judiciary Committee plenary session will be held, and the regular National Assembly session will be held on January 9th. It is unknown whether the “Special Bill (Alternative Bill) to end the breeding, slaughter, and distribution of dogs for consumption and dog meat consumption.” will be on the agenda. The animal protection groups are trying to convey their voices to the National Assembly so that it can be submitted and passed without delay.
Please continue to email and call the Korean National Assembly members, urging their support for the bill.
UPDATE: On 6/28/2023, 12 members of the National Assembly, including Assemblywoman Han Jeoung-ae, proposed a new “special bill” (Bill No. 2122926) to end dog meat consumption. 👉 Click HERE to learn more. Our campaign supports the new proposed bill 2122926 and urges South Korea’s National Assembly members to pass this bill as quickly as possible.
👉 South Korean lawmaker introduces bill to ban dog meat for humans,
On December 30, 2020, ten members of Korea’s National Assembly, led by Congresswoman Han Jeoung-Ae of the Democratic (Minjoo) Party, proposed a revision to the Animal Protection Act that would outlaw slaughtering and sale of dogs and cats for meat. Bill Number 7035 proposes a 5-year grace period. Click HERE and HERE to learn more.
Please urge the members of Korea’s National Assembly to support and vote for this legislation and end the barbaric and cruel dog and cat meat industry. Thank you!
Video: Protest at the Daegu Chilseong Dog Meat Market, July 12, 2019 (Chobok, first of 3 Boknal days)
Call for Action
👉 Send emails to the National Assembly members.
Email addresses were updated on 7/1/2023. 📌 Click HERE for the assembly members who did not publish their email addresses.
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; 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📝 Suggested message
Korean National Assembly: Please Support the Special Bill (Alternative Bill) to end the breeding, slaughter, and distribution of dogs for consumption and dog meat consumption.
Dear Members of South Korea’s National Assembly,
Please watch KBS News’s “Shocking Reality of Dog Farms in South Korea,” aired on January 8, 2021: Also, please watch the video of the dogs burned to death in the Uljin wildfire.
I am writing to ask you to please support the Special Bill (Alternative Bill) to end the breeding, slaughter, and distribution of dogs for consumption and dog meat consumption.
Breeding and consuming dogs as food have continued as long-standing practices in some Asian countries, including Korea, China, and Taiwan. However, it is widely recognized worldwide that dogs are companion animals. Consistent with such global awareness, China and Taiwan have recently taken measures to ban dog meat.
In Korea today, an unprecedented 1 in 4 citizens has a companion animal. The general public’s awareness and appreciation of animal welfare have also drastically risen, and the will to ban dog meat consumption has never been higher.
Accordingly, slaughtering and processing dogs or cats and using or selling them for food should be prohibited, and appropriate penalties should be imposed for the violation.
International coverage of the brutal dog and cat meat trade in South Korea has stained your country’s image. The trade is increasingly attracting global media attention, including social media, informing and outraging people worldwide. For public health and animal welfare, the time to end this tragedy is now. I urge you to support the Special Bill (Alternative Bill) to end the breeding, slaughter, and distribution of dogs for consumption and dog meat consumption without delay.
Thank you!
Name, City, Country
📝 Suggested message in Korean (Please include this in your petition.)
개의 식용 목적의 사육ㆍ도살 및 유통 등 종식에 관한 특별법안(대안)을 지지해주실 것을 정중하게 부탁드립니다.
존경하는 국회의원 여러분
우선 KBS 굿모닝 대한민국 라이브 2021년 1월 8일 방송으로 보도된 “충격적인 개농장의 실태”를 참고로 봐주시기 바랍니다. 울진 산불로 인해 뜬장에서 불에 타 죽은 개들의 영상도 봐주시기 바랍니다.
대한민국에서 개와 고양이 식용 문화를 근절하기 위한 “개의 식용 목적의 사육ㆍ도살 및 유통 등 종식에 관한 특별법안(대안)“을 한 마음 한 뜻으로 지지해주시기를 간절하게 부탁드립니다.
대한민국을 비롯하여 중국, 대만 등 일부 아시아 국가에서는 개를 식용 목적으로 사육하고 소비하는 일이 오랜 관행처럼 지속되어 왔습니다. 그러나 전세계적으로 개는 반려동물이라는 인식이 보편화되어 있고 최근 중국, 대만 등에서도 국제적 인식에 부합하여 개 식용을 금지하는 조치들을 취하고 있는 실정입니다.
대한민국도 최근 반려동물을 기르는 인구가 4명 중 1명에 달할 정도로 반려동물 인구가 급증하였고, 그에 따라 일반 국민의 동물복지에 대한 인식 또한 크게 향상되어 개 식용을 금지해야 한다는 사회적 요구가 매우 높아지고 있는 상황입니다. 이에 따라 개나 고양이를 도살하여 식용으로 판매하는 행위는 마땅히 금지되어야하며 위반시 처벌을 받아야한다는 여론이 점점 자리잡아가고 있습니다.
대외적으로 볼 때 한국에서 자행되고 있는 잔인하기 짝이 없는 개, 고양이 식용을 다룬 외국 매체나 동물권 운동가들의 실태 보고 영상물 등이 소셜 네트워크 등을 통해 점점 많이 퍼지면서 국제적으로 주목을 받으며 공분을 사고 있습니다. 한국의 이미지에 악영향을 미치고 있음은 자명한 일입니다.
대한민국 국민의 건강과 동물의 복지를 위해서 이제 이 비극은 막을 내려야만 합니다. 한치의 망설임도 없이 개의 식용 목적의 사육ㆍ도살 및 유통 등 종식에 관한 특별법안(대안)을 지지해주실 것을 의원님들께 다시 한번 정중하게 부탁드리는 바입니다.
👉 ☎️ Call the members of South Korea’s National Assembly.
Use the suggested message above or use your own words.
STEP 1 Click the name of the assembly member.
STEP 2 Call the Assembly member’s office and ask them to support the bill to end dog meat consumption.
For example, below is Assemblymember Kang Giyun’s page, where his phone number is listed.
🌎 To call the Assemblymembers from your country, please follow the below:
Assemblymember Kang Giyun’s phone number: 02-784-1751
From US and Canada: 011-82-2-784-1751
From UK: 00-82-2-784-1751
From Australia: 0011-82-2-784-1751
💡 To call Korea from the USA and Canada, dial 011-82-2-xxx-xxxx. (Notice the city code for Seoul, “02” becomes “2”) To call Korea from other countries, please click HERE for dialing instructions.
Make sure that you call during Korea’s office hours. ⏲️ Click HERE for a time zone converting tool.
STEP 3 Repeat the above steps and call as many Assemblymembers as you can.
📌 📧 Email addresses for the Legislation and Judiciary Committee Members are included above. However, if you would like to address this Committee separately, their email addresses are reprinted below.
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
👉 Click HERE for the Legislation and Judiciary Committee Members. Click on their photos for contact information.
👉 ☎️ Call the members of the Legislation and Judiciary Committee.
Use the suggested message above or use your own words.
1. 김도읍 (金度邑) Chairman Kim Doeup ☎️ 02-6788-6136 ☎️ From US and Canada: 011-82-2-6788-6136
2. 소병철 (蘇秉哲) Mr. So Byungchul ☎️ 02-6788-6626 ☎️ From US and Canada: 011-82-2-6788-6626
3. 정점식 (鄭点植) Mr. Jeong Jeomsig ☎️ 02-6788-7216 ☎️ From US and Canada: 011-82-2-6788-7216
4. 권칠승 (權七勝) Mr. Kwon Chilseung ☎️ 02-6788-6101 ☎️ From US and Canada: 011-82-2-6788-6101
5. 김승원 (金勝源) Mr. Kim Seungwon ☎️ 02-6788-6236 ☎️ From US and Canada: 011-82-2-6788-6236
6. 김영배 (金永培) Mr. Kim Youngbae ☎️ 02-6788-6241 ☎️ From US and Canada: 011-82-2-6788-6241
7. 김의겸 (金宜謙) Mr. Kim Euikyeom ☎️ 02-6788-6321 ☎️ From US and Canada: 011-82-2-6788-6321
8. 박범계 (朴範界) Mr. Park Beomkye ☎️ 02-6788-6456 ☎️ From US and Canada: 011-82-2-6788-6456
9. 박용진 (朴用鎭) Mr. Park Yongjin ☎️ 02-6788-6506 ☎️ From US and Canada: 011-82-2-6788-6506
10. 박주민 (朴柱民) Mr. Park Jumin ☎️ 02-6788-6521 ☎️ From US and Canada: 011-82-2-6788-6521
11. 송기헌 (宋基憲) Mr. Song Kihun ☎️ 02-6788-6641 ☎️ From US and Canada: 011-82-2-6788-6641
12. 이탄희 (李誕熙) Mr. Lee Tahney ☎️ 02-6788-7086 ☎️ From US and Canada: 011-82-2-6788-7086
13. 박형수 (朴亨修) Mr. Park Hyeungsoo ☎️ 02-6788-6536 ☎️ From US and Canada: 011-82-2-6788-6536
14. 유상범 (劉相凡) Mr. Yoo Sangbum ☎️ 02-6788-6811 ☎️ From US and Canada: 011-82-2-6788-6811
15. 장동혁 (張東赫) Mr. Jang Donghyeok ☎️ 02-6788-6996 ☎️ From US and Canada: 011-82-2-6788-6996
16. 전주혜 (全珠惠) Ms. Jun Joohyae ☎️ 02-6788-7176 ☎️ From US and Canada: 011-82-2-6788-7176
17. 조수진 (趙修眞) Ms. Cho Sujin ☎️ 02-6788-7271 ☎️ From US and Canada: 011-82-2-6788-7271
18. 조정훈 (趙廷訓) Mr. Cho Junghun ☎️ 02-6788-7296 ☎️ From US and Canada: 011-82-2-6788-7296
☎️ Suggested phone message
For the health of the Korean people and the welfare of animals, the tragedy of dog meat consumption must end. We respectfully ask you to support the Special Act to End Dog Meat so that it can be passed at the Legislative and Judiciary Committee next week on January 8th and at the plenary session of the National Assembly on the 9th. Thank you!
☎️ Suggested phone message in Korean
대한민국 국민의 건강과 동물의 복지를 위해서 이제 개식용의 비극은 막을 내려야만 합니다. 다음 주인 1월 8일 법제사법위원회에서 그리고 9일 열리는 국회전체회의에서 통과될수있도록 개식용종식특별법을 지지해 주실것을 의원님께 정중하게 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.
🔊 You can use Google Translate to sound the “Suggested phone message in Korean.”
1. Copy and Paste the “Suggested phone message in Korean” into Google Translate.
2. Select “Korean”.
3. Click on the sound icon 🔊.
Or Click HERE and then click the sound icon 🔊.
☎️ Call the members of the Agriculture, Food, Rural Affairs, Oceans, and Fisheries Committee.
Use the suggested message above or use your own words.
☎️ To call the Agriculture Committee:
From US and Canada: 011-82-2-6788-6631
From UK: 00-82-2-6788-6631
From Australia: 0011-82-2-6788-6631
👉 To call Korea from the USA and Canada, dial 011-82-2-xxx-xxxx. (Notice the city code for Seoul, “02” becomes “2”) To call Korea from other countries, please click HERE for dialing instructions.
Make sure that you call during Korea’s office hours. ⏲️ Click HERE for a time zone converting tool.
South Korean National Assembly – Agriculture, Food, Rural Affairs, Oceans, and Fisheries Committee Members
📌 Email addresses for Agriculture, Food, Rural Affairs, Oceans, and Fisheries Committee Members are included above. However, if you would like to address this Committee separately, their email addresses are reprinted below.
📧 Email addresses:
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
South Korean National Assembly – Agriculture, Food, Rural Affairs, Oceans, and Fisheries Committee Members
👉 Click HERE for the South Korean National Assembly – Agriculture, Food, Rural Affairs, Oceans, and Fisheries Committee Members. Click on their photos for contact information.
Name | Korean Name | Office phone | Blog | Political Party | Office Number | |
Mr. So Byung-hoon (Committee Chair) | 소병훈 | [email protected] | 02-6788-6631 | Democratic Party | 848 | |
Mr. An Byung Gil | 안병길 | [email protected] | 02-6788-6711 | People Power Party | 528 | |
Mr. Shin Jeong-hoon | 신정훈 | [email protected] | 02-6788-6686 | Democratic Party | 547 | |
Mr. An Ho-young | 안호영 | [email protected] | 02-6788-6716 | Democratic Party | 1024 | |
Mr. Eoh Kiy Ku | 어기구 | [email protected] | 02-784-4360 / 041-356-2020 | | Democratic Party | 632 |
Mr. Hong Moon Pyo | 홍문표 | [email protected] | 02-784-9587 | People Power Party | 336 | |
Mr. Yoon Joon-byeong | 윤준병 | [email protected] | 02-6788-6881 | Democratic Party | 522 | |
Mr. Ju Cheol Hyeon | 주철현 | [email protected] | 02-784-6341~3 | | Democratic Party | 536 |
Mr. Kim Seung Nam | 김승남 | [email protected] | 02-784-1091~2 | Democratic Party | 739 | |
Mr. Lee Dal-gon | 이달곤 | [email protected] | 02-6788-6931 | People Power Party | 616 | |
Mr. Jung Hee-yong | 정희용 | [email protected] | 02-6788-7256 | People Power Party | 436 | |
Mr. Park Deok-Heum | 박덕흠 | [email protected] | 02-784-6550 | Independent | 604 | |
Mr. Choi Chun-sik | 최춘식 | [email protected] | 02-6788-7371 | People Power Party | 619 | |
Mr. Lee Won Taeg | 이원택 | [email protected] | 02-6788-7031 | Democratic Party | 507 | |
Mr. Lee Yang Soo | 이양수 | [email protected] | 02-784-8150 | People Power Party | 938 | |
Ms. Youn Mee-hyang | 윤미향 | [email protected] | 02-6788-6841 | Independent | 530 | |
Mr. Seo Sam Seok | 서삼석 | [email protected] | 02-784-9501 | | Democratic Party | 1022 |
Mr. Wi Seong Gon | 위성곤 | [email protected] | 02-784-6450 | Democratic Party | 717 | |
Mr. Yoon Jae Kab | 윤재갑 | [email protected] | 02-784-1460 | | Democratic Party | 542 |
👉 Send postal letters to the members of the National Assembly.
📬 Postage to mail letter to South Korea:
🇺🇸 USA: $1.20, 🇨🇦 Canada: CAD$2.71, 🇬🇧 UK:£1.70, 🇩🇪 Germany:___, 🇫🇷 France:___, 🇳🇱 Netherlands:€1,55, 🇮🇹 Italy:€2.40, 🇦🇺 Australia:___
📬 Mailing Address Labels
(The Chairman of the South Korean National Assembly and the members of the Agriculture, Food, Rural Affairs, Oceans, and Fisheries Committee)
Assemblyman So Byung-hoon (Agriculture, Food, Rural Affairs, Oceans, and Fisheries Committee Chair)
(07233) 1 Uisadang-daero Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, #848
South Korea
Assemblyman An Byung Gil
(07233) 1 Uisadang-daero Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, #528
South Korea
Assemblyman Shin Jeong-hoon
(07233) 1 Uisadang-daero Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, #547
South Korea
Assemblyman An Ho-young
(07233) 1 Uisadang-daero Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, #1024
South Korea
Assemblyman Eoh Kiy Ku
(07233) 1 Uisadang-daero Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, #632
South Korea
Assemblyman Hong Moon Pyo
(07233) 1 Uisadang-daero Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, #336
South Korea
Assemblyman Ju Cheol Hyeon
(07233) 1 Uisadang-daero Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, #536
South Korea
Assemblyman Kim Seung Nam
(07233) 1 Uisadang-daero Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, #739
South Korea
Assemblyman Yoon Joon-byeong
(07233) 1 Uisadang-daero Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, #522
South Korea
Assemblyman Lee Dal-gon
(07233) 1 Uisadang-daero Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, #616
South Korea
Assemblyman Park Deok-Heum
(07233) 1 Uisadang-daero Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, #604
South Korea
Assemblyman Jung Hee-yong
(07233) 1 Uisadang-daero Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, #436
South Korea
Assemblyman Lee Won Taeg
(07233) 1 Uisadang-daero Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, #507
South Korea
Assemblyman Lee Yang Soo
(07233) 1 Uisadang-daero Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, #938
South Korea
Assemblyman Choi Chun-sik
(07233) 1 Uisadang-daero Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, #619
South Korea
Assemblyman Seo Sam Seok
(07233) 1 Uisadang-daero Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, #1022
South Korea
Assemblyman Wi Seong Gon
(07233) 1 Uisadang-daero Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, #717
South Korea
Assemblyman Yoon Jae Kab
(07233) 1 Uisadang-daero Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, #542
South Korea
Assemblywoman Youn Mee-hyang
(07233) 1 Uisadang-daero Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, #530
South Korea
Video: What’s Happening in a Dog Farm in South Korea. KBS animal TV : animal4u. Jan 25, 2021.
Photos: Dog slaughterhouse in Taepyeong-dong, Seongnam, South Korea on July 25, 2018. Jung Jin woo.
Update: 6/28/2021
I have mailed my letters to the South Korean National Assembly – Agricultural Committee members. It took me about 2 hours total including the time spent on trip to the post office but it’s so important. Please everyone even if you can only mail 1 letter it helps!! Postage from US is only $1.20. Thank you for caring and taking actions.
Emails sent to all of them. Please everyone do the same to #SaveKoreanDogs from Hell
Stop this sick barbaric murdering of innocent cats and dogs.
Dogs are extremely intelligent and can learn to do amazing things to help people. Don’t the Korean people know this? Dogs would do anything to protect their owners. They are very loyal and loving companions. In the United States, dogs are trained to do many things such as helping to guide blind people, alerting their owners to danger and many more important things. The Korean people are wasting dogs’ lives and betraying them by killing them for food. Please have compassion and stop killing and eating dogs.
Nice points/comments, I used these in my email(s) to the Assembly…let’s hope they follow Indonesia’s lead and ban this terrible practice soon.
No más crueldad contra el mejor amigo del hombre. No sean sádicos. Donde quedó su humanidad
Unfortunately other countries are doing this too. It needs to be stopped all over the world. Dogs are used for guide dogs, in police work, lots of things for humans. It is horrendous how they are treated, abused, tortured, killed & eaten. It is sickening!!
Stop murdering these innocent Dogs!!!!! You people are disgusting!!!!
Hi there, when I press send it states that some of the email addresses are invalid and won’t let me send the email at all – does anyone know which email addresses are invalid? Thank you, Kim
I had all returned as invalid & had to put on separate lines, then was OK as far as I’d got. Still a load to do ‘though.
No más crueldad contra el mejor amigo del hombre. No sean sádicos. Donde quedó su humanidad
SHAME on this country and those people. BOYCOTT all their products….right away. Let them know how we feel and hit them where it hurts.
Hi Tina! Thank you for the example. I just did the same. Let’s cross fingers!!!!
No living creatures should be subjected to such pain and suffering, especially dogs, who have served mankind faithfully and loyally for millennia. Dogs deserve our gratitude – not death and torture by our hand. And if we, humans, do this – then we do not deserve any justice, any fairness, any mercy!!!
I’ve just sent the email!
be strong against this torture.
No living creature should be subjected to such pain and suffering, especially dogs, who have served mankind faithfully and loyally for millennia. Dogs deserve our gratitude – not death and torture by our hand. And if we, humans, do this – then we do not deserve any justice, any fairness, any mercy!!!
Wie geisteskrank müssen all diese Menschen sein, die mit der Aufzucht,dem Handel,dem Schlachten und dem Verzehr beteiligt sind! Süd Korea ist ein aufstrebendes Land und seine Regierung scheint nicht in der Lage zu sein, gegen diese erbärmliche Hund und Katzen Mafia an zu kommen oder zu wollen. Wir leben im 21.Jahrhundert und da haben solche Grausamkeiten an chancenlosen, leidensfähigen Mitgeschöpfen keinen Platz mehr und gehören endgültig verboten. Eine Schande für jedes Land und ein Armutszeugnis für die jeweilige Regierung!
yes send to all please.
Please send e-mails to all of them! I have sent more than 1.000 and I will never stop!
You are horrible people to do this to innocent dogs. The torture you inflict on these animals is beyond description. You are an embarrassment to the human race. These are God’s creatures to take care of, not torture. You are subhumans. The world looks at your country in disgust and we will continue to tell the world how horrible you are. Stop this torture and killing of “man’s best friend”. Useless people.
animals are sentient beings and should not be slaughtered for food
President Moon Jae-In and Korean Government Officials:
I am angry and appalled over the torture and consumption of companion animals in South Korea. Every day on social media we are hearing of horrific abuse and seeing shocking images and videos of innocent dogs being tortured and killed in your country. (for example see: )
Even though Korea has an Animal Protection Law for companion animals, it is meaningless as the Korean government does not enforce it. As a consequence dogs are still beaten, hung, electrocuted, and brutally treated by farmers and slaughterers. In addition, both dogs and cats are still being boiled alive for so-called elixirs having no medical properties except in the minds of gullible customers.
These practices have no place in the modern world. Yet, all this goes on in the open and the Korean government does nothing to stop it. Why? Other Asian countries have banned the eating of dog meat and the cruel industry that promotes it. Why not Korea?
It is the responsibility of the Korean government to end the abhorrently cruel dog meat and cat medicine industries in Korea and start taking animal welfare seriously. This means educating its citizens about the importance of spaying and neutering, about not abandoning pets, and about treating animals humanely. Until these things are done Korea’s reputation in the international community will deservedly suffer.
I urge you and the people of Korea to hearken to the wisdom of Mahatma Gandhi who said: “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
Americans love their companion animals, dogs and cats alike. But it is not only for that reason we feel a special obligation to speak out on this issue. It is also that we remember well our many loved ones whose lives were sacrificed in your country insuring your freedom, and are mindful of the considerable treasure our country continues to spend for that same purpose. We can only pray that so much sacrifice has been worth the cost.
Until the illegal dog meat and cat medicine industries have been finally abolished in Korea, I will boycott all Korean products and companies. I also intend to urge everyone I know to urge everyone they know, etc. to do the same. In addition I will unceasingly lobby our own government to do whatever is within its power to persuade Korea to join the civilized nations of the world with respect to its treatment of companion animals.
I await your reply!Become civilised or we the civilised world be exterminate you filth-bag asian dog and cat murderers!!!!!!
Hi Jeniffer, thank you for being such a kind and caring person and raising your voice for the defenseless dogs and cats in the dog and cat meat trade of South Korea. I read your letter and I thought it was very well-written, however, I feel we should avoid insulting the receivers of our letter because I feel it may cause them to avoid reading our letters and to not be as receptive to our requests, as they will become defensive and less willing to engage with us. I also am horrified by the fact that this abuse is ignored and even allowed in many Asian countries and I am thankful that there are caring people like you willing to raise your voice and help end this cruelty. Thank you
Urgent: Please stop this cruelty. Dog meat isn’t healthy.
DOGS ARE FAMILY, NOT FOOD!!! How would you like it if you became the main course meal?? Think about it!!
Stop this
Appalling and complete lack of any compassion or concern for these poor dogs
Shut down these slaughthouses
How do we send the sample letter there is no address to send it to. Do we print it off and post it or do we email it to all of those email addresses above the list of which is SO big and none of them are highlighted so it’s a massive undertaking for anyone to do all that. I really want to help and sign everything i can but that list is very daunting.
You can just cut and paste the whole list of email addresses and put it into one email. Then add the text they’ve provided into the body of your email. It’s easy, just took a couple minutes.
It is very easy to do, but I seem to have a problem with my server. I’ve been copying and pasting the email addresses in a block and I keep getting a message saying they’re invalid, but did I want to try sending anyway, so I tried to send again and it failed. I tried doing the first line of addresses only to see what happened and had the same result. I really want to send the email, but can’t see any way around it. I really hope other people are managing to send the email successfully.
Hi Karen,
Please try using a different email address to send it.
They may have blocked your email address.
Thank you!!
I’ve now tried sending the first few names individually and it worked that way, so it seems the problem is with sending to multiple addresses. Even sending to two addresses doesn’t work. I’ll send as many as I can individually.
This is totally barbaric and needs to be outlawed as a matter of urgency!
Please. no more cruelty don’t eat dogs and cats.
It’s, cruel, abusive, and vile done by evil people
Please stop this Barbarity.
Dear President Moon Jae-In and Korean Government Officials:
As an American citizen, I am angry and appalled over the torture and consumption of companion animals in South Korea. Every day on social media we are hearing of horrific abuse and seeing shocking images and videos of innocent dogs being tortured and killed in your country. (for example see: )
Even though Korea has an Animal Protection Law for companion animals, it is meaningless as the Korean government does not enforce it. As a consequence dogs are still beaten, hung, electrocuted, and brutally treated by farmers and slaughterers. In addition, both dogs and cats are still being boiled alive for so-called elixirs having no medical properties except in the minds of gullible customers.
These practices have no place in the modern world. Yet, all this goes on in the open and the Korean government does nothing to stop it. Why? Other Asian countries have banned the eating of dog meat and the cruel industry that promotes it. Why not Korea?
It is the responsibility of the Korean government to end the abhorrently cruel dog meat and cat medicine industries in Korea and start taking animal welfare seriously. This means educating its citizens about the importance of spaying and neutering, about not abandoning pets, and about treating animals humanely. Until these things are done Korea’s reputation in the international community will deservedly suffer.
I urge you and the people of Korea to hearken to the wisdom of Mahatma Gandhi who said: “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
Americans love their companion animals, dogs and cats alike. But it is not only for that reason we feel a special obligation to speak out on this issue. It is also that we remember well our many loved ones whose lives were sacrificed in your country insuring your freedom, and are mindful of the considerable treasure our country continues to spend for that same purpose. We can only pray that so much sacrifice has been worth the cost.
Until the illegal dog meat and cat medicine industries have been finally abolished in Korea, I will boycott all Korean products and companies. I also intend to urge everyone I know to urge everyone they know, etc. to do the same. In addition I will unceasingly lobby our own government to do whatever is within its power to persuade Korea to join the civilized nations of the world with respect to its treatment of companion animals.
Thank you for your time. The favor of your reply is requested.
They’re wanting us to send this letter to the long list of email addresses of Korean politicians. It’s easy, just cut and paste the email addresses into one email, then cut/paste the text of the letter they’ve provided into the body of your email. Just takes a couple minutes.
Please stop killing dogs and cats. They are pets and not food
This is nothing more than horrendous cruelty towards living animals and those creatures who call themselves human are no more than evil wrong doers with wicked streaks and it would be best for their fate to be the same as that they perpetrated on man’s best friend; thus proving they could not even be trusted as friends in their community.
Please stop The cruelty to animals and shut down all the dog meat farms and slaughter houses. Animals feel pain, and they should be treated with respect. Until South Korea stop the cruelty I will not buy any product produced in South Korea.
Please do all you can to save these precious pups from torture, murder and being devoured by people that SHOULD KNOW BETTER!! Dogs are man’s best friend, NOT FOOD! Thank you for doing the right thing!!
I demand to prosecute the criminal dog meat and to put and end now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Horrible …. no other words needed!
I urge you to stop this cruel, inhuman dogmeat trade. It is a shame for your country and it has to stop. Dogs are living beings, they feel pain and fear the same as we do.
Please help to bring awareness of the barbaric South Korean dog meat industry
Please help to bring awareness of the barbaric South Korean dog meat industry
Please end this cruel and inhumane dog and cat meat industry. Thank you.
Stop such an atrocity! That’s barbarian cruel demonical!!! Stoooooop!!!
Dear President Moon Jae-In and South Korean Government,
Please watch these videos: Shocking Cruelty of South Korean Dog Meat Industry, The Dog Meat Professionals: South Korea
I am extremely upset about the torture and consumption of companion animals in South Korea.
With the ubiquity of social medias, every day we are seeing shocking and heartbreaking images and videos of innocent dogs being tortured and killed in your country.
Even though Korea has established an Animal Protection Law for companion animals, dogs are still beaten, hung, electrocuted, and treated brutally by farmers and slaughters. Also, dogs and cats are still being beaten and boiled alive for so-called elixirs, which do not have medical properties except in the minds of ignorant and gullible customers.
These practices have no place in the modern world. Other Asian countries have banned the eating of dog meat and the cruel industry that goes with it, such as Taiwan and the Philippines. Why does Korea persist in lagging behind these countries and other civilized societies?
It’s the responsibility of the Korean government to once and for all end the cruel dog meat and cat medicine industries in Korea. It is time to dismiss the childish myths and propaganda surrounding these industries and their vile products. It is time to leave behind backward and unnecessary traditions.
And it is time for Korea to start taking animal welfare seriously and show that it really does have a compassionate and ethical society. That means it is time for the Korean government to start better educating the public about the importance of spaying and neutering, about not abandoning pets, and about treating animals in a proper manner.
Until these things are done, Korea’s reputation in the international community will continue to suffer. Its citizens will continue to face shame and embarrassment. And Korea will continue to be regarded as “third world,” despite its modernization and attempts at globalized thinking.
I would ask that you do all in your power to stop this barbarism and cruelty immediately.
From now on, I will boycott Korean products, and I will not support Korean companies or visit Korea until the abuse of cats and dogs has finally ended.
Yours sincerely,
Danielle Putt
I urg you to plkease close down these babaric slaughter houses and stop the slaughter of dogs and cats. Please.
This is THE MOST disgusting thing I have EVER IN MY LIFE witnessed. Eventually this will be spread worldwide and everyone will boycott if not stopped.
Make it STOP!!! PLEASE!
I am horrified and pained by the brutality of the South Korean dog and cat meat trade. I refuse to and do not purchase anything made in South Korea as well as urging friends and family to do the same. I protest and inform the public of the torture and slaughter of companion animals all for some selfish and cruel satisfaction.
The South Korean government has a responsibility to lead and educate its population. You have the ability to bring your people into the 21st Century and end the slaughter. I prevail upon you to do just that. Until then, South Korea will continue to be seen as a pariah amongst all civilized nations.
South Korea, lead the way. Make yourself an example for all Asia to end the dog and cat meat trade!
Why do you let this EVIL dog slaughterhouse continue in your country? Please STOP this horrible animal abuse of dogs and cats!
No Respect for life
How they kill the dogs is barbaric ans painful
Why does it have to Happen this was.
It s so painful
I Never will Travel to a Country which has such
Stop the barbaric practice of eating sentient companion animals.
The slaughter of dogs and cats is horrific.
Dear President Moon Jae-In and South Korean Government,
Please watch these videos: Shocking Cruelty of South Korean Dog Meat Industry, The Dog Meat Professionals: South Korea
I am extremely upset about the torture and consumption of companion animals in South Korea.
With the ubiquity of social medias, every day we are seeing shocking and heartbreaking images and videos of innocent dogs being tortured and killed in your country.
Even though Korea has established an Animal Protection Law for companion animals, dogs are still beaten, hung, electrocuted, and treated brutally by farmers and slaughters. Also, dogs and cats are still being beaten and boiled alive for so-called elixirs, which do not have medical properties except in the minds of ignorant and gullible customers.
These practices have no place in the modern world. Other Asian countries have banned the eating of dog meat and the cruel industry that goes with it, such as Taiwan and the Philippines. Why does Korea persist in lagging behind these countries and other civilized societies?
It’s the responsibility of the Korean government to once and for all end the cruel dog meat and cat medicine industries in Korea. It is time to dismiss the childish myths and propaganda surrounding these industries and their vile products. It is time to leave behind backward and unnecessary traditions.
And it is time for Korea to start taking animal welfare seriously and show that it really does have a compassionate and ethical society. That means it is time for the Korean government to start better educating the public about the importance of spaying and neutering, about not abandoning pets, and about treating animals in a proper manner.
Until these things are done, Korea’s reputation in the international community will continue to suffer. Its citizens will continue to face shame and embarrassment. And Korea will continue to be regarded as “third world,” despite its modernization and attempts at globalized thinking.
I would ask that you do all in your power to stop this barbarism and cruelty immediately.
From now on, I will boycott Korean products, and I will not support Korean companies or visit Korea until the abuse of cats and dogs has finally ended.
Yours sincerely, Mayahuel
End this barbaric practice immediately….the world must be the voice of these innocent creatures…..
Please stop this abuse and killing of dogs and cats. It’s senseless and un-necessary.
It is time the barbaric South Korean dog meat industry, and this time is NOW !
I don’t understand how anyone can eat a dog.
Absolutely disgusting barbaric cruelty, these nasty evil people should be hung up . Poor animals, hopefully karma will each one of the evil creatures as .
Dogs are not a food!!!!
Done!! This horrible practice is very disturbing and needs to cease permanently! These precious animals weren’t created for human consumption. They do not deserve to be brutalized at all!!
This is beyond horrifying and I can’t believe this continues to go on. It makes me sick how they treat these poor innocent animals with no voice. We have to stick up for them and help put a STOP to this…please!!!!!
The human race never ceases to disappoint me. I urge you to put a stop to this barbaric practice. We will never come anywhere near peaceful co-existence until we learn to respect other species. Shame to these people and dishonour to those who do not stop them.
done!Emails sent to all of them
I am sickened! …How can you do this to innocent dogs is mind blowingly, cruel and vile
God see’s what you are doing …and will punish you…
its about time you stopped this barbaric cruelty to dogs and cats who do you call on when you have to find some one trapped DOGS I am a firm believer in Karma and I truly think you are getting your know with all the floods and earth quake I have know sympathy for you nation of backward sub humans the way you treat animals is one of the reasons I would never give money to any aid your nation needs I really do hope Karma keeps coming to you all until you stop this mindless cruelty
All emails sent
This cruelty have to stop immediately !! After see this I have no mercy for Korean and China at all . God please help these innocence Royal amimals . I still can’t believe now day they still eat dogs and cats !!! Please stop or the whole world will stop do any business with your countries even stop tourist to these countries ..
Please stop this cruelty dogs and cats are not food but pets it is nog off this age 2018 there are other means off food
In the United States , dogs are part of our family. This is cruel and abusive. Please stop.
Svp arrêtez ces cruautés envers les chiens les chats. Changez donc vos manières de vivre et arrêtez de vous conduire comme des barbares. Svp ARRÊTEZ
Please stop the illegal dog meat eating; this is unacceptable treatment!
My dog is my daughter she’s a big sister to my step kids and our baby rabbit no animal should be eaten
You sick fucks. Hope you rot in hell and someone brutally beats you and slaughter ur ass. What goes around comes around in time.
You sick fucks. I hope you all rot in hell.
In my sheer ignorance I had never heard of such a barbaric practice and, for this I am sorry. It must be stopped immediately, if possible. How can the Koreans think that this is ok?
OMG you people are totally fucked up to do this to dogs. They are companion animals. You are all heartless, you have no compassion, no heart, no feelings, and you are not human. You all need to be annihilated because people like you do not deserve to live on this planet. So easy to hate you all. You are all fucked up in the head. Wish you all the most rotten karma the world can bring you!
Totally unacceptable!!!!!
Discusting people, discusting country!!
Stop this barbaric and horrifically cruel act. It is an embarrassment to the good people in your country and in the international community that there is still a need to do this.
Please we are asking you to end the cruelty for dogs and cats !! These are loving animals and people’s pets !!
This needs to end now
YOU ARE THE FUCKING ANIMALS! bunch of fucking dog eaters! I hate you. Just know that a dog would never torture you before it ate you. They have more compassion for their food. I can’t stand to see it and I am helpless.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Would you treat a human like you treat these dogs? Dogs have feelings, are loyal and have the same feelings we do. Please don’t hurt them! Please!!!
Did E-mails –
This absolutely breaks my heart,no more please,this is just heartless and disgusting
disgusting and cruel and barbaric. This must end
Without REVERENCE for all life there can be no PEACE>>>>>
The most destructive force of nature is…human nature…because it can choose>>>>>>>>>>>>
Please stop this barbaric cruel act. Please.
I remain a voice for the animals.
Did all e-mails. Thank you for your help!
Please put an end to this horrific cruelty now
Please stop torturing and killing sentient beings. In your next life you may be reborn as a cat or dog. Buddha said:’Harm no living being’
Anyone participating and condoning these heinous crimes of sadistic torture of animals are a disgrace to humanity. This is NOT how humans conduct themselves and still call themselves humans!
To feel compassion for our fellow co-inhabitants in the world requires a soul. That is the HUMAN WAY! You say dogs and cats doesn’t have a soul, therefore it’s ok to sadisticly torture them in the most hellish ways. Guess what? The only ones here that doesn’t have a soul are you!
In the name of humanity will you please act immediately to cease the cruel practice associated with the slaughter of dogs and cats which are holy and sacred animals
This is to horrific. Please stop
stop the torture and cruelty please
Emails sent to all the provided email addresses (a couple was sent in return because the address was not valid or the email inbox of the recipient was full).
I am astounded at how barbaric people in your country can be and even more astounded at how your government allows this to happen. You do realize that how a person treats animals extends to how they treat human beings. Stop this barbaric and cruel dog meat trade and help your people learn to have compassion and caring for all forms of life.
Stop this now . These animals DONT deserve this . They need to go a shelter before being killed .
Stop the killing!
STOP, STOP, STOP you are barbaric people. I do not have enough words to express how I feel.
It’s cruel, abusive and vile done by evil people
Please show courage and stop this cruel act that is tarnishing your image around the world. Korea is a great country with amazing culture and it is a shame that you are allowing the profit of this industry damage your image like this. My wife and I have wanted to come visit Korea for many years but due to the existence of this cruel and inhumane industry we have decided not to bring our dollar to your country until your government stands up to this industry.
Message sent.
Is this what your country wants to stand for? You are barbaric nasty human beings for brutally killing and making these animals suffer. Do it to yourself if you think it is so great. Rise up and stand for decency.
You really are truly horrible people to inflict such pain on innocent animals. Do you realize people do not want to visit or work in your country because of the torture you inflict on those poor animals. Please Please I beg you to stop this and improve animal welfare because your country right now is seen as barabric cruel and uncivilised. Its such a shame because your country would be a great place to visit but i know thousands of people who simply will never visit because of the way you treat animals.
I cannot believe how people can be so heartless and cruel. You are all sinners and I believe that god will pay you back some day. I mourn your behavior and horrific actions. Please stop!!!!!!
Its time for a big change. If you we are not changing we are not learning or improving
Please Stop. Its very very wrong.
This cruelty must be stopped now. I will not buy any products from your country as long as this cruelty exists
Just send the letter in english and coreen to all the gouvernement members ! Some adresses failed but the most part went ! Please people here , you can make your comment but please act and sent the letter to each member of the gouvernement : copy and past and send to 10people at a time till you have sent to everybody ,if you send to all emails adresses at one time : postmaster could return the mail saying it’s spam , be carefull ! please ACT for the doggies !
I used to be able to copy and paste email addresses but it no longer works like that. I have to copy and paste individually, any suggestions?
The audacity and disrespect — as if the voices of so many do NOT matter — how WRONG they are — we MUST do whatever it takes for them to buckle and LISTEN to what is rational, moral, merciful and compassionate. — Someone made a very good suggestion — HAND DELIVER by COURIER — have it videoed! — get some footage — Korean Consulate SHOULD be ashamed of themselves — WHAT is their purpose? — WHAT do they do all day? — all they care about is “looking respectable” — the fact they are NOT respectable, to them, is of no consequence — this is cowardly, shameful, hateful, unconscionable.
I will not buy Korean products ie.Kia vehicles.
Boycott is very effective way of opposition. I do not buy korean beauty products. Most of them are tested on animals as well.
I sent the email. I signed all the petitions. I stop eating meat altogether after I watch the videos. It has been four years now. Sometimes I watch interviews with Koreans on youtube about dog meat. Even the young generation defend that it is tradition even if they say that they do not eat it. Not every tradition is good. Marrying the girl at a young age was a tradition once, even human sacrifice was a tradition in some tribes. Korea is not a traditional country but claims to be. All is a facade. They just cling to some past traditions on the surface because of this hypocrisy the change is so slow. They are very harsh and use racism card if you try to criticize them. I watched a Korean variety once called Abnormal Summit. All of the panel members mostly were European. All of them except the one form Germany -if I recall correctly- said that they ate dog meat and liked it and I died a little inside 🙁 Funny thing if you watch several Korean varieties you would see that they are really xenophobes.
Please stop this inhumane practice! Show some heart! Dogs are so smart and beautiful companions full of love. Please in the name of mankind stop this immediately! PLEASE!!!
Stop murdered the animals.
STOP this evil horrendous doing to the Precious Dogs NOW!
All this torturing and murdering of the Innocent Dogs is plain WRONG and MUST to be put to a STOP, NOW! No words could express how evil and wrong this is, what these LOVING and LOVELY Dogs are put through is awful and there is NO justification for any of that!
Stop torturing and murdering of Dogs, HELP SAVE their LIVES! JUSTICE needs to happen for these Precious Dogs!
You are a troglodite population..a shame for the humanity
this country knows how other countries people feel about this despicable trade in these poor dogs,but do nothing about it.utter shameful south Korean authorities ,who do nothing.may they all rot in hell for eternity.please god.and soon as possible..and those who eat them all get stomach cancer/asap please god
Dogs and cats are pets NOT food, so STOP THIS UNHUMAN TREATMENT OF THIS beautyful animals NOW!
Son unos salvajes!!! no entiendo como la sociedad puede consentir ésto. Boicot a estos países, pero empezando por las naciones
All emails sent !
please stop all this pain and torture on all these beautifull animals god didn`t intend for all this their are here for all the good things that we have to offer ,like train them to help the sick, and blind and even our police and fireman .I don’t have to explain they gives us lots of love and proctection and .how could you kill thusands of animals just to make youselfs rich ,its all about the money and power .you must have a very cold heart or maybe no heart. to do this to the poor animals that cant even talk and tell their pain and torture .thy just want a good loving home,and to feel free and walk on the grass they certainly didn’t ask for this .so please have a heart and put a stop to all this . think of these poor animals are going thru withal this pain .think what if you were a dog or cat, also had family and had to watch ,them suffer and die .and feel they their trash and don’t` even care.
I fine this amazing, that you have no fear ,in catching any sickness since you don’t even treat them with kinkness ,and feed them crap, just look in their eyes and see the pain .and how scared they are. you are sick people to do that .whats next ,are you going to do this to children too. if you can do this to loving animals it makes people think whats going to be next just to make money and fame. so please stop this ,the whole world thinks the worest of you and your country .and don’t want to go their either,dont you want the world to think that your country is save and good .please change this from going on
Dogs are not food, and they love and trust human-kind. Because human-kind is the most capable of causing agony, misery and torture is when we become the merciful and caring saviors of our fellow travelers in this journey called life. How lonely we would be without pet dogs that share in our journey called life. They are members of the human family and enrich our lives and our journey. Most people and nations on Earth have dogs to join the human families and bring happiness and joy to our lives. I could no more eat my beloved and adored dogs than I could a child. And, all vertebrates are closely related; human-kind is a vertebrate and so are dogs. Let’s protect these voiceless, helpless and defenseless members of the human family because we can, because we must. Let’s be their salvation and their voice.
STOP THE INHUMANITY. You will suffer for your misdeeds!
All the emails done. Please help, everyone !!!
What is wrong with these people…this is so sick…this has to stop now!
This is the most sadistic cruelty you inflict upon these beautiful dogs ,cat, or any other animal . I am absolutely disgusting with this barbaric evil act. This has to be stopped, we are in the 21 centre not medieval times .
You must not want to live in Heaven or Paradise after this life because of the evilness of your actions!
God told Adam in Genesis that he was to have “dominion” over all the animals. Man took it upon himself to usurp God’s Authority and felt like he could do anything with the animals; so instead of having “dominion”, he decides to “destroy”animals…now to the point of extinction. Dogs who have always been man/woman’s best friend have been mercillesly tortured and butchered while still wagging their tails at their barbarians not knowing what is going to happen to them. Let it be known that “all dogs/cats go to Heaven”, but as for the butchers and for anyone who abuses and tortures animals WILL face bitter wrath from God for these sinners have put forth their decision to not live by the Law of God, but to DIE by the Law of God. These butchers will be dead much longer than be alive and when the time comes to face God, they will face His Wrath and and will be sent to everlasting Hell for all eternity and suffer more suffering than one could ever imagine. Your days are numbered and you are running out of time!!
Need to hang the scum #outrageous Heathens
Hi there! I sent the e-mails and 10 bounced back. Thanks for all your hard work
“The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated”-Mahatma Gandhi.
Your evil treatment of dogs and cats will condemn your lives!!!
I have sent the emails twice to the President of S>K. and his cabinet and have received messages back that my emails are blocked and are spam. So just to let you know, they are not getting through the the recipients.
please stop this ,look how scared their are they don’t want to be killed or torture ,its inhumane please have a good heart and put a stop to this ,they cant talk or tell you so we the people have to tell you
The majority of this world agrees that killing and consuming cats and dogs as food is wrong. Even worse they are kept in cruel conditions all their lives or stolen from a loving home before being killed inthe most sickening and tortuous ways, dying in agony. You need to make sure this immoral act never happens again in your country.
These People are so Cruel they never would make a stop for anything! Shame on you !
Stop the horrific cruelty now!! All dogs deserve a carefree life free of such inhumane people. Don’t you have a conscience?
Non posso sopportare, da persona sensibile civile amante di tutte le creature viventi, questo comportamento aberrante e disgustoso che viene riservato a delle creature come cani e gatti, creature che da centinaia di anni amano aiutano l’uomo in tante difficoltà, FERMATE PER FAVORE QUESTO MASSACRO IGNOBILE E INCIVILE
Posso solo ribadire ancora con forza quello che ho già detto nel mio sopra indicato pensiero di questa orribile e barbara situazione che si trovano questi povere creature indifese
Sent email to all of them ! Stop this Cruel animal Killing, Abuse !!!
This is so inhumane. Ignorance is a big play here! They know nothing about the intelligence of dogs and all they do for the service of mankind!
E’ inumano quello che sta succedendo in questa terra che tortura uccide gli animali piu’ fedeli al servizio dell’uomo
This is unbearable to watch or even think about. I can’t imagine the physical & psychological horror these animals experience. It needs to stop. NOW!
What is wrong with these sick people doing this to defenseless dogs… damm asian people need to stop this nonsense and eat regular food not household pets. It’s sick sick sick
Por favor, esto pone a Corea como el más cruel y atrasado de los países. Paren ya
Make me tear for man lost his dog and bad evil people use innocent dogs and cats for money. God rest the animals in peace no more suffering on earth 🙏🏼
This is the most horrible disgusting inhuman act a culture and person can commit. It goes against their religion as well. I dot. Understand how a culture could display no feelings towards a living breathing being. Their religion states no harm to living thing s and karma will get those who commit the act. I can only pray those animals get the help and will so whatever necessary to help the fight.
Stop this cruelty!
Shame, shame on you people for allowing this hideous practice to continue. You can do better!
I urge everyone to boycott any Korean products. LG and Samsung galaxy phones, tv’s wash machines ,etc Boycott Hyundai and KIA autos.
Anything and everything made by these companies and make it known to these companies by writing their CEO’s Presidents. These companies have the power to change things.
I am horrified that you allow this in your country. It is repulsive to hear this and I can not even look at these images. To do this to any living creature is torture and repulsive. This should come back on you all. Are you dead inside and have no souls?
Torturare uccidere e poi mangiare un cane e un gatto mi sentirei colpevole come se avessi ucciso e mangiato un caro e fedele amico o un componente delle famiglia, come è possibile che in questa terra si possano commettere delle atrocità tanto orribili
The QUESTION is this — is CRUELTY, DEPRAVED ABUSE, MURDER and premature DEATH your CULTURE? — If so, how would you JUDGE such a society? — the second QUESTION is this — what KIND of society DOES THIS?
Stop eatting cats and dogs
Stop eatting cats and dogs
Stop this evil , stop it now . IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE , not one bit
Stop this trade cruel
Actions say a lot about people and societies, these are barbaric evil cruel acts and actions, country and society not respected by these acts and practices, shows how uncivilized the country is.
Stop eating all animals, not just those you think need saving.
stop eating dogs
End this inhumane and gruesome torture of voiceless animals.
That is evil!!!!!! time to stop this evilness or we will stop you!
End this inhumane and gruesome torture of voiceless animals.
Stop eatting dogs, close illegal farms
Stop to eat cats and dogs
Close these horrible markets
I cannot even imagine that the people can do that, and I see that in SKoerea it is still possible, I see that SKorea is between these asian countries where the DCMT exists. Where these poor animals are so tortured, where it’s possible to cut a leg of dog when he’s still alive, that it’s still possible to burn or boil a dog alive….. Who can do that ?!!! What evil ? How could it be that you are so cruel ? And we cannot talk about tradition…. it’s simply torture….. and those who do that, take a real pleasure in seeing these beatiful animals suffer …. I boycott your country, I point my finger on all korean labels….shamfull country like those where this horrendous behavior exists …. I was very happy when in 2017 the president Moon was elected… now, I see that he’s like others, without power, lobbies govern in this country, the money governs this country not soul and kindness……
End this inhumane and gruesome torture of voiceless animals.
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” GHANDI
won’t let me submit petition. keeps saying invalid domain address
Dear Cindy, would you be so kind to send us the screenshot of the error you are seeing to us?
[email protected].
Thank you!
It’s just a shame
Stop this
Evil and barbaric!!
Pass the legislation that bans eating dog meat.
The world is looking at you SK and is very ugly what is seeing and the world is judging you. Remember what you do will return.
I like most people who have something of a heart,and who know and have owned and cared for a dog or a cat,which is many people thankfully,hear about your heartless barbaric treatment of these wonderful animals,and feel that you must all have lost utterly, your essential humanity as a race,for truly this is a shameful trade.You should be ashamed to allow and condone this cruel trade.Think of something else to eat,that doesn”t involve the torture of innocent domestic animals.
Begging you to stop this 🙏
Ban dog-eating NOW!
Pass legislation to ban eating dogs and cats. They are loving pets not food.
Abusing animals is inhumane and a sin. We are to take care of the. Dogs are amazing animals, loveable, playful, intelligent and loyal companions to be treasured not eaten. Please ban the abuse and eating of these precious creatures.
It’s just a shame
The email text can be found here. Don’t forget to change the target name to National Assembly. Korean: & English:
I think this people has serious problems, I hope the screams of these innocent creatures will ruin your nights for the rest of your miserable lives…
Wrote to each of them.Hope it will bring good news for dogs.
#SaveKoreanDogs from Hell
It’s unthinkable that a living creature could treat another in these most horrific ways
Comment peut on imaginer pareilles cruauté ! le diable lui même doit vomir de dégoût. Maudits soient ils !!
Humanity rages with blood on its hands. It seeks war, murder, torture, and all for a screwed up inner delight that should shock all world religions but then there are ritual killings of live animals screaming with pain to the delight of their murderers. One often wonders what role religion is playing in this world if it is totally a spiritual development then one would think cruelty would not play a part in it but sadly some religions do use ritual sacrifice which I would think is ungodly. MURDERING THOUGHTS BEGETS MURDER, EVIL BEGETS EVIL, HATRED BEGETS FURTHER HATRED and we all live in a world that experiences all that far more than the great LOVE ALL RELIGIOUS GROUPS EXPOUND THROUGH THEIR TEACHINGS.
Is South Korea a civilized country?
Without the help of dogs it would not have been possible for our far ancestors to change
their nomadic way of life against a settled one. No dogs – no domesticated animal herds the dogs helped to defend against predators; no dogs – nobody to keep watch against enemies; no dogs – no aid in hunting.
No cats – no one to defend crops against the onslaught of noxious rodents.
Dogs and cats have been mankinds LOYAL servants for thousands of years. We OWE dogs and cats a lot. It is about time we repay them a little bit of this debt in form of kindness or at least – mercy.
So … IS South Korea a civilized country?
Il popolo le istituzioni sono sordi ad ogni richiesta di finire di torturare e uccidere queste creature intelligenti e sensibili che possono essere utili all’uomo in tante difficoltà, imparate dai paesi civili
This horrendous cruelty towards living creatures and animals we have trusted for centuries to rid us of vermin can only ensure those who do these cruel actions will no doubt have very cruel actions towards them by return tickets. Ever consider why man rages against each other and turns his evil eye on adorable family loved pets??? The far east needs an urgent wakeup call to stop this terrible cruel actions.
Dogs and cats have been mankind’s helpers and companions for thousands of years. They are loving, sensitive creatures. Especially in this time of Covid-19 so many people are relying on their pets for comfort, safety and companionship. We should protect our animals, and never treat them cruelly. Please stop the dreadful cruelty, it’s heartbreaking to think about.
This cruelty to our furry friends must be stopped. Cruelty must be stamped out.
Please, file petition with the South Korean government through e-People online!!
stop this cruelty immediately! This is not the middle ages
This barbaric act has to stop now. poor dogs and cats, they don’t deserve those treatment, its so mad and people doing that are monsters.
Stop the torture of dogs and cats🙏
All email addresses are rejected !!
Dear Baka,
Not all emails are rejected. Please see below for what you can do. Thank you!
FAQ: I have sent emails to addresses given on your web-pages, but many of them ‘bounce’ or have some other message saying they cannot be delivered. Why is this?
There could be several reasons why your emails are returned or not delivered:
As the Korean Government receives a significant amount of emails protesting dog and cat meat cruelty, they put an automatic block on their system to filter out any mail which, for example, contains words such as “dog meat” or “cruelty”, etc. In addition, the sources from where we have collected these email addresses could be out of date, or incorrect; or may have changed since we collected this information and listed it on our website. We do try our best to keep up-to-date information, but, as you can appreciate, it is not always possible to reflect these changes.
One suggestion that we would like to make is that you can separate your personal email with the petition mailing email account. You can also setup multiple email accounts on gmail for petition email sending.
The e-People petition is the most effective of all the actions you can take so please try doing that today. This will never bounce back and you will ALWAYS get a response from the Korean government.
We also urge everyone to pass on your message by sending postal letters, and making telephone calls. Telephoning is particularly effective as the message cannot be so easily ‘ignored’.
Please stop this brutal slaughter of dogs
Shut these death farms!!
You make me ashamed
5 years?! What corrupt ass negotiated this? 5 more years of boycott! I don’t believe it’s impossible to end it immediately. Taiwan was able to do it – and Korea can too.
This is horrific and must stop. Now!
shared, e-petition : done , emails : sent !!! we should do everything we can to stop this barbaric behavior !!
Please stop this horrible cruelty. Dogs are very lovely loyal friends.
Emails send… I really hope that this horror will find an end!
We need to end this asap! We change for the better!
Please stop this brutal slaughter of dogs and cats.
Please please please stop eating dogs and cats!!!! This is so sad to hear!!! Dogs and cats are our friends and family!!!!
Please stop eating them.
Please stop this horrific cruelty! It reflects badly on your country and your people.
Horror abuse and are not for torturing or eating! These are people’s pets friends and not meant to be eaten!
Please stop the cruelty, stop the torture, thank you !
Please.. Please.. Please.. stop this cruel and barbaric trade in dog farming for meat.. This has no place in a modern world.
Please take steps to root out this horrific practice. While I am a vegan, and I abhor all forms of animal cruelty and callousness on the part of humans, I find this to be such an obvious case of backwardness and depraved human behavior, that I find it hard to find words. People who engage in the dogmeat trade should be severely punished as a deterrent for further abuse by others who who attempt to escape justice.
Pls stop this brutal and horrifying way of killing dogs. God has mercy on those who show mercy to His creation. The killing is horrific and ghastly. Just please stop it, for God’s sake
How is this still happening in 2021! I won’t buy anything from countries like yours if I can help it!
Please stop it 🙇🏻♀️
Please stop it 🙇🏻♀️
The whole list of emails comes back as an invalid email address….😿😿😿
Please stop the cruelty!
Tutto il vostro sviluppo tecnologico non basta a coprire tutte le crudeltà che fate subire a quei poveri cani e gatti di cui ne fate cibo dopo averli torturati senza pierà
Please, stop the cruel killing of mens best friend!
Please stop this horrific practice! Dogs and cats are family members not food for humans!
Please end this horrific practice forever!
Stop eat dogs
This disgusting slaughter of dogs and indeed all types of animals is so horrific. We adopted a rescue from one of the Korean Meat Markets and she is for ever damaged. So sad! It MUST STOP!
Vergogna, fatelo a voi stessi
This is shocking and despicable that the government of South Korea and the citizens would condone such atrocities to innocent intelligent dogs
Dogs are man’s best friend, not to be tortured and murdered
Shame on Koreans to all his to continue and to eat dogs for food
People should protest these horrific auctions and farms
Something has to be done to stop this insanity going on in South Korea
Please take steps to root out this horrific practice. While I am a vegan, and I abhor all forms of animal cruelty and callousness on the part of humans, I find this to be such an obvious case of backwardness and depraved human behavior, that I find it hard to find words. People who engage in the dogmeat trade should be severely punished as a deterrent for further abuse by others who who attempt to escape justice.
Dear Members of South Korea’s National Assembly,
Please watch KBS News’s “Shocking Reality of Dog Farms in South Korea” aired on January 8, 2021:
I am writing to ask you to please support Bill Number 7035—Proposed Partial Amendments to the Animal Protection Act—introduced and sponsored by Congresswoman Han Jung-Ae along with nine of your fellow Assembly members to end the dog and cat meat trade in South Korea.
Breeding and consuming dogs as food have continued as long-standing practices in some Asian countries, including Korea, China and Taiwan.
However, it is widely recognized around the world that dogs are companion animals. Consistent with such global awareness, China and Taiwan have recently taken measures to ban dog meat.
In Korea today, an unprecedented 1 in 4 citizens has a companion animal. The general public’s awareness and appreciation of animal welfare have also drastically risen, and the will to ban dog meat consumption has never been higher.
Accordingly, the act of slaughtering and processing dogs or cats and using or selling them for food should be prohibited and appropriate penalties imposed for violation.
International coverage of the brutal dog and cat meat trade in South Korea has stained your country’s image. The trade is increasingly attracting global media attention, including on social media, informing and outraging people the world over. For the sake of both public health and animal welfare, the time to end this tragedy is now. I urge you to support Bill Number 7035 without delay.
Thank you!
For the abused, tortured and murdered dogs and cats of South Korea please enact animal welfare laws and ban this morally empty atrocity. Killing innocent nonhuman creatures for profit is a stain on the Korean nation. Demonstrate that you as a government representing your citizens have compassion for companion animal!s and that simple pursuit of profit at any cost to life is reprehensible. End this moral corruption!
Stop stop stop stop eating pets, dogs and cats!!! The way you treat them is extremely cruel and very very unhealthy!! Please please please STOP this horrible act!!!
Appalling and complete lack of any compassion or concern for these poor dogs
Shut down these slaughthouses – what cruel bastards are these dog butchers – soul-amputated monsters! We are in the 21st century!
As long as such cruel dog slaughterhouses exist in your country, we will boycott all products from your country and will call for a tourist boycott
As long as such cruel dog slaughterhouses exist in your country, we will all products from your country and will call for a tourist boycott.
Coloro che maltrattano torturano e uccidono cani e gatti per farne cibo sono di una crudeltà infinita e incomprensibile
Dobbiamo unirci tutti e dare con un grido di dolore il nostro rifiuto a questa orribile tradizione ( se si può chialare tradizione)
This needs to stop NOW! such barbaric behaviour, Disgraceful you should be ashamed of yourselves to let this carry-on.
These savages need to THINK! What if the tables were turned?
How would you like it if we kept you in cages and feed you slop and abuse you just to get eaten at the end?
Fermate questa crudeltà
Animals are NOT ours !
Stop using, hurting and killing them now !
Shame on your country, I would never put a foot on this ground until you stop
being barbaric !
End this immediately !!!
Basta con la crudeltà sugli animali
È disdicevole, è inumano
Il solo modo di avvicinarsi agli animali è l’amore
I emailed every address they gave here and every one of them were sent back to me as un-deliverable . I tried and tried. I wish they would stop abusing and torturing living beings ! It is evil. Those poor animals are terrified, sick and scared. This whole dog and cat meat trade is so diabolical it is hard for my human mind to wrap around it…it feels like a nightmare from hell. Imagine what these precious and innocent dogs are being put through. I want to save them all from this hell !
Thank you, Gail for taking actions!! Please try creating another email account with gmail and use the new email to send out your protest email. Thank you!!
Please put a stop once for all to these horrible traditions. Such evil and cruelty have no reason to go on in a “civilized” country. To raise and eat an animal is one thing, but to raise and eat our best friends, dogs, and raise and kill them in such cruel ways, there is unacceptable. For this reason, I shall never visit your country and I boycott all your products.
Stop killing Animals NOW ! They are not ours !!
They live on this planet WITH us, not FOR us !!!
Our whole family is boycotting your country, nobody wants to visit
a country like yours !
Stop animal cruelty NOW !
Everyone with any decency is appalled, shocked and horrifed by what your country does to these poor innocent creatures for gain, shame on all of you, Korea MUST pass legislation to stop this and make sure it doesn’t happen. No one has any right to carry out these atrocities, eventually your country will be left behind and no one will visit. You must all be sick to indulge in this SICKENING practice.
Good human beings do not act like this towards these innocent animals, these are evil people that do these acts and as a government you should be doing everything in your power to stop it and STOP IT NOW!
Wir boykottieren alle Produkte aus Korea und boykottieren den Tourismus nach Korea, solange diese unbeschreiblich grausamen Massenvernichtungen an Hunden und Katzen praktiziert werden. Schämt Euch in Grund und Boden solche Massaker auszuüben. Man sollte alle diese Tiermörder an den Galgen knüpfen und dann zuschauen, wie sie jämmerlich verrecken, diese Tiermörder
Stoppt den Wahnsinn und das Leiden der Tiere
YOUR GOVERNMENT MUST STOP THIS HORRENDOUS CRIME OF MURDERING DOGS FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION! These dog meat farms are ILLEGAL, yet your useless government ignores the brutality! Shut them down NOW. Korea is proving it’s still a third world country by being complacent. I hope Korea’s bid for the OLYMPIC GAMES is rejected by the IOC once they witness through social media the way in which your useless government ignores the HORRIFIC way in which these poor dogs are treated. SHAME ON KOREA!
Please stop this cruelty now dogs life’s matter.
I sent emails to all of the above: Subject: STOP TORTURING & EATING DOGS! EMAIL MESSAGE: YOU ARE BARBARIANS!!!!
Plus, I sent your group $100.00USD.
Thank you for the work you do!
Basta con queste barbarie
È ora di finirla
Non avrebbe nemmeno dovuto comincia
Basta con queste barbarie
È ora di finirla
Non avrebbe nemmeno dovuto cominciare
Please stop the dog meat trade and help the rescued dogs recover and find proper homes.
Stop the cruelty.
Still, after all of this time, I cannot imagine anyone terrorizing a dog to death so that some else can eat it.
Stop it now..there is no logical or nutritional need. This is just an excuse to be cruel
please stop this terrible torture and suffering !!! they are living beings, they feel stress and pain just like humans !!! don’t let more horrors on them !!! help please !!!!!
Stop this cruelty, animals are not ours
Please stop it!
Please stop it!
Stop it now..there is no logical or nutritional need. This is just an excuse to be cruel
Abolishing these cruel practices would be a major step forward for South Korea and the World.
Siete un popolo retrogrado ignorante e violento VERGOGNATEVI!! SIETE LA VERGOGNA DELL’UMANITÀ
please help these poor animals!!
This is man’s best friend, they’re not meant to be a meal.
This is Cruelty Beyond Belief, to Dogs and Cats Mans Best Friends this cannot go on in a so called Civil society it is just Barbaric that this gos on What is happening inside these people’s Heads it is out of this world it has to stop for the sake of these innocent Animsls has know place any where on Earth.
Stop this madness
STOP this horrific cruelty! It reflects badly on your country and your people.
This has to end now. Dogs and Cats have been suffering and continued to be murdered and tortured for human consumption.
Dogs and Cats are not for human consumption. Dogs and Cats are loved throughout the World. They are treated as pets to people all around the World. They are treated as part of people’s families World wide. What are you teaching your children and future generations that this unnecceary killing of innocent animals is acceptable. It is not. Shut down these illegal farms Now. Release these poor helpless Animals. Countries all around the World will take on these poor helpless Animals and love and care for them. Those that are involved in the brutal murder of defenceless animals should be prosecuted and imprisoned for there act of cruelty to animals. The Korean goverment have the power to end this illegal act of brutality and torture to innocent Animals. Why are they not ending this? They are letting these criminals get away with the brutal torture of these poor helpless Animals. They should be ashamed of themselves. It is illegal and barbaric. What does that say of the Korean Government?
America Great Britain and Canada alongside other Countries, are fighting for the end of Dogs and Cats of South Korea to end this illegal act of brutality and murder to these poor helpless Animals. They deserve to live a quality of life and there lives matter too.
Shit down these illegal farms Now.
Dogs and Cats deserve to live a decent quality of life.
End this cruelty to animals NOW. It is illegal and barbaric.
This is absolutely disgusting barbaric evil act , stop destroying these beautiful animals, dog cats are not for your consumption, just pure evil dark ages behaviour. Stop this now
Enough is enough people FFS these are feeling beings and are rightly called man’s ‘ best friend . What you are doing is tantamount to evil…pure evil… there’s no other word for it. If you can do this to these innocent dogs I think you’re very capable of doing it to human beings but laws forbid you. To appeal to the ” good ” people of South Korea PLEASE End this horror no one with any heart can stand back and not be appaled by what you’re putting these animals through it is horrific hideous and heart breaking to see..i have already boycotted Korean products and brands as have millions across the world . The Korean government and the powers that be must end this or your country will become a total pariah state.
Please end the dog meat trade and provide proper care and rehabilitation for these animals.
Bonjour, Je vais envoyer quelques courrier , mais il faudrait pour bien faire envoyer une traductions en coréen, facile avec Google
mais un conseil faites des lettres pas trop longues
quelques mots quelques phrases , des photos ( copié-collés)
et n’oubliés pas d’ajouter que vous boycottez leurs pays !
Please stop dog meat!
Please stop dog meat!
Bill 7035, revision on Dec. 30, 2020. Act that outlaws the slaughtering and sales of dog and cat meat. YOUR GOVERNMENT PUT A FIVE YEAR GRACE PERIOD ON THIS!!!! Stupid, stupid people! Get your shit together and shut down the ILLEGAL DOG MEAT FARMS AND MARKETS NOW! Your useless government ignores this and it proves South Korea us STILL A THIRD WORLD COUNTRY! Millions of North Americans are watching you slaughter these beautiful animals. SHUT THEM DOWN IMMEDIATELY!
Just finished send the mails.
To all of them!
Poor animals souls.
Je viens d’envoyer plusieurs mails, les mails sont envoyés sans problème technique
cela prends un peu de temps à faire , mais juste quelques clic , copié collé, envoyé
cela en vaut la peine, on ne peut laisser faire sans réagir
Please stop this terrible cruelty
stop this barbarism!
it is not human to act like this
Stop these horrors, dogs are our friends, they are not our meals!
The whole world has its eyes on you and your barbaric and inhumane methods!
We have to be the voices for the voiceless. Remember (everyone here & around the world) that all God’s creatures should be cherished, valued and treated humanely. Torture to ANY animal is utter cruelty and pure evil and has no place on this earth. All animals have a level of intelligence, demonstrate love, nurture their young and show true emotion. Companion animals above all like dogs and cats are a “gift” to all of us that have had the pure joy and heartfelt love having them as members of our families. Please stop this barbaric and truly inhumane practice of torturing these beautiful animals for consumption; shut down these illegal farms now –this has gone on way too long!!
Please put an end to this illegal abomination and cruelty, the dog meat trade, inflicted on humanity’s most loyal and loving companion animal, the dog. Such indifference stains Korea as a nation lacking in moral intelligence. Support your Korean activists trying to end this horror.
Korean politicians appear indifferent to the sadism involved in this trade, perhaps because they seek voter support in being reelected.
Quand je voit ces horreurs je me demande si nous sommes en 2021 ?
ce n’est pas possible ! quel horreur !
les animaux méritent de la compassion
ce sont des être sensible , comme nous
seule l’apparence est différente
comment peut on être aussi inhumain
c’est horrible , fermez les ferme maintenant
traitez les animaux dignement
optez pour la compassion!
stop eating all animals!
This is such a cruel and sickening practice and should be stopped! We are no in the dark ages and are better than this.😳
Please put an end to this illegal abomination and cruelty, the dog meat trade, inflicted on humanity’s most loyal and loving companion animal, the dog. Such indifference stains Korea as a nation lacking in moral intelligence. Support your Korean activists trying to end this horror.
Korean politicians appear indifferent to the sadism involved in this trade, perhaps because they seek voter support in being reelected.
Treating Dogs in this way is wrong animals have rights, Ban the trade in dog meat. its cruel, move on Korea no countries eat dogs theyare intelligent animals mans best friend,
help for all dogs and cats !!! please help !!!!
I have mailed 20 letters to the South Korean National Assembly – Agricultural Committee members yesterday. B.t.w. postage for a 0 to 20 grams letter from the Netherlands to any International destination costs €1,55.
Thank you, Onno!!
stop your horrendous cruelty boycott korea
Sent my 20. Let’s hope it works 🙂
Thank you, Michael!!
Loppu lemmikeläinten rääkäys, murhaminen ja vielä kamalampi heidän syönti. 😠 😈 .
Koko aasia 😠 😠 Häpeä. Palakaa helvetissä. Teiltä tuli Korona. Ja on tulossa vielä kamalampi sairaus jos ette lopettaa eläinten väärinkäyttöä. Kunnioitaka elämiä pysytte itsekin tervenä. Karma on tulossa 😈😠. Stop, stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop. Pelastaka eläimet heti
Please stop, this is torture for these amazing animals. All factory farming must end!
This inhumane atrocity MUST END! I have been signing petitions and donating for as long as I can remember to ban the torture of our beloved companion animals, and yet, all you continue to do is CONSIDER, CONSIDER, CONSIDER. What in God’s name is to consider??? It is abominable.
Dog and puppy cruelty has to stop. Dog and puppy meat should really be a criminal activity and people who commits this act has to serve life sentences.
This industry needs to stop. Dogs have assist humans throughout history as companions. They are not ours to eat.
Malditos bastardos.
Please stop, this is torture for these amazing animals. All factory farming must end ! Stop it dog and cat meat, please 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💔💔💔😢😢😢🔥🔥🔥🔥 Dogs and cats are man’s friend 😢😢🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
BOYCOTT BOYCOTT BOYCOTT this disgusting nation of sadistic psychopaths bestially killing and eating our family members – cats and dogs!!! You insult people all over the world who have dogs and cats as their beloved family members! The whole world watches you and hates you for your sadism against these innocent and loving creatures!
Cats and dogs are sentient beings, however, just after being pets, they turn out to be meat that are off and on tortured before being cruelly killed. Such a lack of compassion, such barbarism are absolutely appalling. Please put an end to that evil habit.
I sent the emails and I will also mail letters via postal mail to the South Korean National Assembly as well since you are asking us to do this too! I hope everyone else does both too and thanks for not giving up the fight for these poor animals!!
Thank you, Sandra!!
Please stop this cruel and horrific trade . We live in the 21st century so tradition need to change . The world is watching and passing judgement on your country .
Stop eating dogs! Stop animal cruelty and stop killing them!!
Mi sembra che stiamo combattendo una guerra crudele senza fine a favore e per difendere degli esseri innocenti che chiedono pietà con quegli sgurdi tristissimi, speriamo in un miracolo che tarda
T H E S E ‘M O N S T E R’, B E I N G S H A V E B E E N D O I N G T H I S F O R M A N Y M A N Y Y E A R S – A N D G E T T I N G A W A Y W I T H
T H E I R ‘ E V I L ‘, B E H A V I O U R – W E M U S T D O E V E R Y T H I N G I N O U R P O W E R T O – S T O P T H E M – N O W – P L E A S E = : (
l’uomo il predatore più crudele sulla faccia della terra
Uomo sei la crudeltà impersonificata
Stop killing these beautiful sentient animals for food. It is abominable and barbaric. STOP NOW!!!!
Stop eating dogs! Stop animal cruelty and stop killing them!!
Dogs are pets! Not food – this is barbaric!!!!
Dogs are pets! Not food – this is barbaric 🙁
stop killing dogs
stop killing dogs forever
It’s not about eating dog’s or cat’s – we in Europe eat also cow’s, pig’s and sheep’s or horse’s …. But what is horrible, how they are caged, stress stress stress and the hormones they release, people then eat and that can’t be healthy. The same with slaughter, the fear hormones of such a sensitive dog that are released in this cruel environment and how they are treated, people eat that too! Maybe that would be the approach to ban the meat, that the meat absolutely cannot be healthy with all these stress hormones. This must have an end STOP this killing of this sensitive dogs!!!
BARBARI STOP! Stop eating dogs!
Deixem viver os animais em paz! Eles sentem como nós. Basta de violência e boçalidade! Stop animal cruelty!
O homem é a praga mais desgraçada da Terra!
This Is disgraceful and needs to end! Dogs and cats are FAMILY NOT FOOD! STOP THIS CRUELTY NOW!!
Emails sent, quite a few are rejected as always but some do get through.
This needs to end. Dogs are humans best friends. They deserve better
Grow Up Korea! Show a little compassion and empathy! You re a modern nation and you stuff face on dogs and cats? What is wrong with you? Care about something besides your stomach. And while we re at it-leave the pangolins alone as well! You’re behavior is repugnant!
HOW LONG will the WORLD watch unspeakable tortures inflicted on dogs and cats at South Korea’s dog-meat markets and do nothing about it. How can you talk about “peace” and “democracy” while shocking horrors are regularly committed on defenseless, loving and innocent animals in front of your eyes! Skinning dogs and cats alive, cooking them alive and other appalling tortures shall NOT BE SILENCED, but openly directed to the South-Korean President. We live in 2024 and this abomination must end!
Those who visit this COUNTRY of HORRORS have the obligation to scrutinize its shocking ways of animal abuse and TAKE ACTION!
please, please help stop this barbaric action of ill-treating these poor dogs both mentally and physically.
The same torture should be carried out on the owners and workers