Rescued Dogs from Lotte Dog Farm – Contact the dog rescue organizations in the U.S. and Canada

✈️🐶CARE needs flight volunteers! 👉Click HERE to learn more.
The dogs at the Lotte Dog Farm in Incheon Gyeyang Mountain, are large, mixed- breed dogs and they have little chance of being adopted in South Korea. Therefore, overseas adoption is the best chance for these dogs to have a happy future after a life of fear, abuse, and suffering. Would you please appeal to the international animal rescue organizations for help in finding permanent homes for them?
👉 Click HERE to learn more about the Lotte Dog Farm rescue.
Below are the sample letter, the names and email contact information of the international rescue organizations and nonprofit search websites where you can find dog rescue organizations. Please feel free to personalize the letter with your own words. Your letters to them may help find adopters who will provide them with love and a brighter future.
Sample Letter to Rescue Organizations:
Subject: Please help save the dogs rescued from dog meat farm in Incheon, South Korea.
Dear [name of the rescue organization],
Greetings from [your country],
This past summer, there were +250 dogs rescued from a dog farm in Incheon Gyeyang Mountain by volunteers, rescuers, and the animal rights organization CARE (Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth). However, the dogs are still at the dog farm because they have no place to go. Dedicated teams of volunteers and CARE are working hard but it’s not possible to find foster homes or forever families for all of these dogs.
These large, mixed breed dogs have little chance of being adopted in South Korea. Therefore, overseas adoption is the best chance for these dogs to have a happy future after a life of fear, abuse, and suffering.
We appeal to international animal rescue organizations for help in finding permanent homes for them. Even one dog will help save a life. Can you help them by finding adopters who will offer a brighter future for them?
If they are not adopted to a family, they will end up living in CARE’S outdoor shelters where they will be living in a less than optimal environment.
Click the below pages to learn more:
👉 Leo and his 197 friends, who escaped from slaughter, calling for desperate help from all over the world
👉 Save the 200 dogs at the Incheon Gyeyang Mountain dog farm!
👉 [Update on 10/25/20]
Please contact CARE to inquire about adoption: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Send message through Facebook page of the Volunteers To Save The Dogs At The Lotte Dog Farm:
Thank you so much for your consideration and attention to this urgent matter.
[Your name]
List of International Animal Rescue Organizations:
Please get their email address from their website. Please feel free to also email other Animal Rescue Organizations not on this list. Thank you !!
🐶 The British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (BC SPCA)
🐶 Greater Good Charities
[email protected]
🐶 Charity Navigator
Search result for “Dog Rescue”. Narrow it down further using filters.
Click HERE.
🐶 Guide Star
Search for “Dog Rescue”. Narrow it down further using filters.
🐶 World Animal Net
Search for “Dog Rescue”. Narrow it down further using filters.
🐶 Humane Society International (HSI)
Canada: Rebecca Aldworth, [email protected]
US: Kitty Block,
🐶 American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA)
[email protected]
🐶 International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW)
[email protected]
🐶 World Animal Protection
[email protected]
News: 10/30/2020, Hello! Seoul-Gyeongin (LG HelloVision), Raised wire dog cages are being demolished but the dogs still need homes. (계양산 개농장 뜬장 철거…′해결은 아직′)
🙏 Will you donate whatever you can to help with the care of these dogs?
Donations may be made through Paypal: Thank you!

#계양산롯데동물보호소 #롯데계양산개농장 #개농장철폐 #개고양이도살금지 #계양산개농장 #롯데목장개살리기시민모임 #계양산 #계양산장미원 #계양산정산 #계양산둘레길 #계양산뜰에 #계양산카페 #계양구 #계양산둘렛길솔밭 #계양산성 #계양산전통시장 #인천광역시 #롯데 #롯데백화점 #롯데시네마 #롯데타워 #롯데월드 #롯데호텔 #롯데퓨리나 #롯데마트 #롯데월드몰 #빼빼로 #불매 #롯데계양산
Don’t Forget PETA!
There are MANY questions to PETA. Though I admit their great work in promoting vegan lifestyle, their shelters are reported to have highest kill rate. They prefer to kill carnivores than to see them adopted. Probably because you have to buy meat or meat-based food to feed a carnivore. I wouldn’t trust them a cat or a dog.
Please contact: IDAUSA(In Defense of Animals) Address:3010 Kerner Blvd, San Rafael, CA 94901, ph.415-448-0048, 800-705-0048
and: Last Chance For Animals: address:8033 W Sunset Blvd Ste 835, West Hollywood, CA 90046, Ph:310-271-6096 or
🐶 World Animal Protection
[email protected]
wrong site address, I suppose.
Just an idea – maybe we can petition sport organisations who are responsible for taking part in international events. Those sport teams travel to various countries and, maybe, they can take some dogs with them?
Lady Freethinker,, is a very competent and powerful organization that is also involved in trying to end the dog meat trade. They were also covered in ‘People’ magazine:
I have emailed various charities in the UK. I hope someone can help. HSI seem to be able to carry out large scale rescues. Please can you contact them.
Cani e gatti sono gli amici piu’ sinceri e fedeli dell’uomo e non merita di subire una tortura e una morte tanto orribile
This must stop. Cruelty, and evil, must never be aloud.
fermate questa orribile situazione