
Paju’s response to our e-People petition to shut down the illegal dog auction market 5/24/2022

Application No.: 1AA-2205-0097959
Application Date: 2022-05-04
Please, immediately shut down the illegal dog auction house occupying the Korean Ministry of Defense property in Paju and impose heavy penalties and fines for the violations!
파주시 검산동 9-1에 위치한 불법 개 경매장을 폐쇄하고, 범법자들을 구속하여 처벌할 것을 강력히 요청합니다!

Response from the city of Paju states that the dog auction house (dogs are sold for meat), located in Paju Geomsan-dong 9-1 area, is now shut down. This illegal dog auction house has been operating for many years, illegally occupying the Korean Ministry of Defense’s land. 👉 Click HERE for our campaign.

This victory was possible by the actions of Korean activists and our supporters like you, who have taken numerous actions. Thank you! But the battle is not over yet. There are still many dog farms, slaughterhouses, dog meat restaurants, and so-called “Health Centers” that sell dog meat in Paju. Until South Korea ends the shameful and callous dog meat industry, let’s continue taking action.

👎🏼 Despite our request for English translation, an English translation was not provided.

📌 Please note: The South Korean government continues to deceive us with lies and excuses. Click HERE to learn more.

Civil Petition Results
organization in charge 경기도
staff in charge 박문한
contact 031-940-4825
processing date 2022-05-24
result 1. 파주시정 발전에 협조하여 주시는 귀하께 감사드립니다.
2. 귀하께서 제출하신 국민신문고 민원[1AA-2205-0097959 (2022.5.4.)]호의 내용을 검토한 바 『대형 육견 경매장의 폐쇄조치 등』을 요청 하시는 사항으로 확인되며, 파주시에서 운영중이던 검산동 9-1 일대의 대형 개경매장은 현재 시설물 철거 등을 포함하여 폐쇄조치 완료되었음을 알려드립니다. 추가로 다른 곳에 운영중인 경매장에 대해 확인하기 위해 경매장 주소,증거사진 등의 증명자료를 요청 드렸으나 기한이 경과해도 답변이 없으신 관계로 공익신고자 보호법 제10조 2항 3호에 의거하여(공익신고자가 신고서나 증명자료 등에 대한 보완 요구를 2회 이상 받고도 보완 기간에 보완하지 아니한 경우) 민원 종결처리 함을 알려드립니다.
3. 귀하의 질문에 만족스러운 답변이 되었기를 바라며, 기타 문의사항에 대하여는 동물자원과 동물보호팀 박문한(031-940-4825)로 연락주시면 성심껏 안내하여 드리겠습니다. 끝.
End date 2022-05-24 23:59:59
Extended once
End date : (Before)2022-05-13 23:59:59, (After) 2022-05-24 23:59:59
– Reason : 사실관계 확인을 위한 현장조사가 민원처리기한 내 실시되기 어려워 민원처리기한을 연장하오니 양해바랍니다.
The fact-finding process is taking time and thus we must extend the time limit for handling your petition. Please understand.
– Extended date for handling : 2022-05-12 11:03:42


1. Thank you for your cooperation in the development of Paju City.

2. After reviewing the contents of the civil complaint [1AA-2205-0097959 (202.5.4.)] submitted by you, we understand that you requested the closing of large meat dog auction houses, etc. We want to inform you that the large open auction house in Geomsan-dong 9-1 area, Paju, has been closed, and the facilities have been dismantled. To investigate the auction house operating in other places, we requested you provide us with evidence such as the address of the auction house and photographs, but there was no response even after the deadline had elapsed. If you fail to supplement within the supplementary period after receiving two or more requests for supplementation of the report or evidence, etc., the complaint will be closed.

3. We hope that your question has been answered satisfactorily. For other inquiries, please contact the Animal Resources and Animal Protection Team at Park Moon-han (031-940-4825), and we will do our best to guide you. End.

Video: Dog auction house operating on “Blind Spot”,.. Even on military-owned land?, KBS News, 9/15/2019. (‘단속 사각지대’ 개 경매장 활개…軍 소유 땅에서까지? / KBS뉴스)

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