
Paju, South Korea, Shut down illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses, markets, and restaurants.

Campaign updated on 10/21/2022.

If you want to help fight the grisly South Korean dog and cat meat trade and make a difference in South Korea, here are a few quick actions you can take that could save millions of dogs and cats each year.

In Paju, there are numerous dog farms, slaughterhouses, markets, and restaurants where the dogs, who have been tortured their entire lives, end up being slaughtered in the most inhumane ways, such as by electrocution, hanging, or beating; and then thrown into boiling water – sometimes while they are still alive. In many places, dogs are being killed in full view of other terrified, caged dogs; and this takes place in broad daylight. In addition, many abandoned and stolen former pets end up in this industry and are subject to the same cruelty.

Video: Dog auction house operating on “Blind Spot”,.. Even on military-owned land?, KBS News, 9/15/2019. (‘단속 사각지대’ 개 경매장 활개…軍 소유 땅에서까지? / KBS뉴스)

Photo: South Korea’s dog farm, 동물구조119.

A Search Engine reveals the sickening scale of Paju’s dog meat demand.

Shown below are two search results on Naver (the most popular search engine in Korea) – the first one was for so-called “Health Centers,” which commonly sell dog elixirs and cat elixirs (also known as dog soju and cat soju), and the second one was for “dog meat restaurants.”

The searches resulted in hundreds of Health Centers and dog meat restaurants in the vicinity of Paju.

Even if half of these ‘Health’ Centers and restaurants serve dog and cat ‘ingredients’ in one form or another, imagine how many dog/cat slaughterhouses must be present in the vicinity of Paju to supply these outlets.

👉 Click HERE to see the partial list of dog farms/slaughterhouses in Paju.

There are laws in South Korea against selling dogs and cats for consumption, yet these laws are blatantly ignored.

Call for Action

경매장에서 구입한 개들을 트럭 가득 싣는 도살자
Butcher loading a truck full of dogs purchased from the auction house in Paju
낙찰된 개를 그물망에 던져넣는 모습
Throwing the dog purchased in the auction into a wire cage
낙찰되어 그물망에 던져지는 개
Dog being thrown into a wire cage after being purchased in the auction

Video: Appalling Reality of South Korea’s Illegal Dog Farms (불법 개농장 참혹한 현실 – 제보자들 20200610)

  1. Sherry Eisenhuth
    Sherry EisenhuthSeptember 7,18

    You must please enforce your law I know dog and cat consumption. They live torturous lives until they are horrendously and cruelly killed. These are man’s best friends. The whole world is watching you Korea. Please have a heart. No more dog and cat Meat Farms, slaughterhouses, and meat markets.

  2. Sean
    SeanSeptember 8,18

    I am Korean and disgusted by this. There is no need for this. STOP.

  3. Cecilia Johansson
    Cecilia JohanssonSeptember 11,18

    South Korea equals Hell on Earth for anyone who understands anything about animals. As long as there is no change, we remain the voice of the voiceless.

  4. Rhonda Davis
    Rhonda DavisSeptember 25,18

    Dear Sirs,
    You have an opportunity to show the world that you have compassion.
    You Must stop the eating of dogs and cats!
    These are loving sensitive living creatures that feel pain just as much as you do. If I cut off your leg will you not be in agony -that’s what they feel, feel it in yourself for a moment. Imagine your child feeling it. Would you not do everything in your power to prevent your child such pain??
    Thank you for your consideration.
    In Hope for a better future.
    Rhonda Davis, Canada

  5. Dana Orságová
    Dana OrságováFebruary 2,19

    help for dogs !!!!!!!!!!!! please !!!!!

  6. Guy Perkins
    Guy PerkinsJuly 7,20

    The display and sale of dog carcasses in traditional outdoor markets is a violation of the Food Sanitation Act, Article 4, 5. Violation of laws banning the sale of harmful food due to the contamination from unsanitary and illegal slaughter of the animal and display of the dog carcass. For example, dog carcasses are routinely contaminated by microorganisms that cause human diseases and food poisoning; this can lead to serious and life threatening health complications. There are also strict laws that ban the sale of meat from sick animals, due to the fact that there is no quality control or formal monitoring of slaughter practices in the dog meat trade it is very likely that violation of these laws is happening routinely.

  7. Tracy Mosier
    Tracy MosierJanuary 16,21

    Trying to spread another virus?

  8. Sally Reeve
    Sally ReeveJanuary 21,21

    Karma is awaiting these monstrous humans

  9. Paolo Puccinelli
    Paolo PuccinelliOctober 29,22

    I pray that our brothers and sisters in that country cease supporting this crueltly forthwith. I condemn this cruelty in the strongest possible way and encourage everyone to regard South Korea as a terrorist state.

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