Send a message to UN Secretary-General, Ki-Moon Ban
posted by team on July 6,2012 in Action Alert, Campaign
Please send a message to the United Nations Secretary-General Ki-Moon Ban, who is an S. Korean national:
Sample message (Limit to 200 characters):
To Secretary General Ki-Moon Ban: Please end the cruel and gruesome dog and cat meat trade in your home country of S. Korea. We will boycott S. Korea until then. Thank you.
Sign the petitions!
Categories: Action Alert, Campaign Tags: 2018 Olympics, animal abuse, animal cruelty, boshintang, Cat Elixir, cat meat, Cat Soju, Dog Elixir, dog meat, Dog Soju, Dr. Dogmeat, Gaegogi, Health Food, Moran Market, Pyeongchang, Seongnam, Seoul, South Korea, 강아지, 개고기, 개소주, 개식용, 고양이, 고양이소주, 누렁이, 도살, 모란시장, 민속시장, 보신문화, 보신탕, 보양식, 불법포획, 사철탕, 식용견, 애완견, 영양탕, 유기견, 한국
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