
Monthly Archive for: ‘July, 2012’

‘The dog truck’ not guilty? … people’s backlash diffusing online

NEW PETITION! SIGN AND SHARE, PLEASE! Jeju Island of S. Korea! Punish the “Dog Truck from Hell” and ban the …

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[Urgent] S. Koreans: Do you know any of these dogs? Dog truck transported on a cruise ship from Jeju to Mokpo.

NEW PETITION! SIGN AND SHARE, PLEASE! Jeju Island of S. Korea! Punish the “Dog Truck from Hell” and ban the …

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Chobok in S. Korea – Unsanitary Dog Slaughterhouses

Translation of Korean News: “비위생적인 개 도축장” Tomorrow is Chobok (the first of three dog-eating days of summer), and …

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Site of illegal dog slaughtering on a hillside in Goyang-city

Translation of Korean News: “바닥엔 털 뽑힌 개… 도축후 바로 솥에 삶아” Click here for photos! Dogs on the …

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City of Namyangju, S. Korea: Close down the illegal “Hell Hole” dog slaughterhouse now!

[Update – 9/17/2013] We mailed 21,805 signatures along with your comments, dog meat report, a copy of undercover video, leaflets …

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Abandoned dogs being distributed as dog meat … sanitary conditions ‘appalling’

Sign petition! City of Namyangju, S. Korea: Close down the illegal “Hell Hole” dog slaughterhouse now! Translation of  news:|article|default …

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Husky and her dead puppies…ghastly scene of cruelty

A dog farm in Kimpo-city, Gyeonggido-province, S. Korea! This is a typical dog farm in S. Korea. Despicable, shameful with …

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Send a message to UN Secretary-General, Ki-Moon Ban

Please send a message to the United Nations Secretary-General Ki-Moon Ban, who is an S. Korean national: Sample message …

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