
All Posts Tagged Tag: ‘Korea Animal Rights Advocates’

[Update June 5, 2020] KARA: Paju Factory Dog Support Project

Sharing for Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA). Click HERE for the previous post on May 29, 2020. KARA has now …

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KARA Legal Information Booklet for the ending of dog meat consumption (Pages in Korean)

Click HERE for more information about this booklet. Click on each page below to see larger image. This page is …

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Your signatures have been submitted – Abandoned dogs at Damyang dog farm must be rescued!

Petition: Abandoned dogs are left in cages with the rotting carcasses of their dead friends and must be rescued! Mailed …

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Dogs live in fear of death every day at an abandoned meat dog-breeding farm

This is a translation of campaign news by Korea Animal Rights Advocates, posted on August 18, 2015: Dogs live in …

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Exclusive Report: 2 million dogs in the dog farms … First ever nationwide survey of the current situation of ‘dog farms’

This is a translation of Korean news on JTBC, reported on September 9, 2015: [Exclusive Report] 2 million dogs in …

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Busan: KARA and Busan KAPCA rally against illegal puppy mills and dog slaughter

On March 6, about 40 members of Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA) and Busan Korea Alliance for the Prevention of …

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Yongin: Update – 2 Remaining dogs rescued!

This is a latest update from KARA on the case: Yongin: Gunshot killing of stray cats! Illegal capture and brutal …

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Yongin: We demand the immediate arrest of a man who killed an elk by burning it alive as well as the rescue of the remaining animals!

This is a translation of the update on January 3rd, 2014 for the case “Gunshot killing of stray cats! Illegal …

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Yongin: Gunshot killing of stray cats! Illegal capture and brutal slaughter of stray dogs! We will report this man to the police!

This is a translation of the January 2nd, 2014 posting on KARA(Korea Animal Rights Advocates)’s website: Gunshot killing of stray …

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[Seeking Volunteers] Dogs living on food garbage in raised wire cages will at last live on ground.

This is a translation of the November 28th, 2013 posting on KARA(Korea Animal Rights Advocates)’s website: [Seeking Volunteers] Dogs living …

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After arduous preparation for a year, the Amendments to the Animal Protection Act (APA) will be proposed on October 1, 2013!

This is a translation of posting from KARA: 동참요청 – 1년간의 치밀한 준비의 결실! 10월 1일 동물보호법 개정안이 발의됩니다! 9/25/2013 …

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