
All Posts Tagged Tag: ‘sangju’

Invito all’azione: punire l’assassino che ha trascinato con una macchina un cane alla morte a Sangju, South Korea

👉 Click HERE for this page in English. A seguito al caso del furgone che investi’ una famiglia di cani …

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Sangju’s response to our e-People petition

Application No.: 1AA-2007-0716389 Application Date: 2020-07-25 Sangju, South Korea, Shut down the illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses and markets. 대한민국 …

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Our campaign is in the news again! The city of Davis requested your comments about its Sister City relationship with Sangju.

Our Sister City Campaign is in the news again! The Davis Vanguard has published a Guest Commentary by Mr. Brett …

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Sister City Campaign – Sangju, South Korea – Davis, California

✳️ This campaign has been replaced with a new one. 👉Click HERE to take action in our latest campaign. Mayor …

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