Update on the case “600 Stray Cats Boiled Alive”
Update on the case “600 Stray Cats Boiled Alive”.
Chung OO, who was charged in May of 2015 for capturing and boiling alive 600 stray cats which were sold to the “health food centers”, was sentenced to 10 months imprisonment, 2 years probation and 80 hours of community service on April 6, 2016 by Changwon District Court. However, in Korea Chung OO will not be going to prison, and will only serve time if he commits the same criminal act within the 2 year probation period. Only then, will he go to prison for 10 months plus the sentence for any new crime he commits. This is a slap on the wrist for such horrendous cruelty and the violation of the Animal Protection Act.
To protest this outrageous sentence and ask for an appeal of the sentencing, on April 11, Busan Korea Alliance for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Busan KAPCA) and Korean Animal Welfare Association (KAWA) held a protest and a press conference in front of the Changwon Supreme Prosecutors’ Office, but were unable to meet with the prosecutor. They plan to continue protests through a one person relay protest in front of the Changwon Supreme Prosecutors’ Office. Click HERE to see the photos from the April 11 protest.
Photos: Busan Korea Alliance for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Busan KAPCA)
Korean animal protection groups also started an online petition urging the appeal of the sentencing. If you are a Korean resident, please sign their petition: http://bbs3.agora.media.daum.net/gaia/do/petition/read?bbsId=P001&articleId=184019
The deadline for filing an appeal for this case is April 14, 2016. This crime of horrendous cruelty toward animals must fit the punishment. Thank you.
Click HERE to watch the Korean news!
Please click HERE to call the South Korean Embassies in your country to protest!
Please click HERE to sign and share our petition!
Postal Address to send your petition:
Prosecutor General Sang-Bum Yoo
Changyi daero 669, Seongsan-gu District
Changwon, Gyeongsangnam-do, Postal code 51456
South Korea
Address in Korean:
창원지방검찰청 검사장 유상범
(우)51456 경상남도 창원시 성산구 창이대로 669
South Korea

Location where the stray cats were slaughtered

The location where the stray cats were slaughtered
On April 11, 2016, we mailed the petition letters to the below Korean government officials:
Prosecutor General Sang-Bum Yoo
Changyi daero 669, Seongsan-gu District
Changwon, Gyeongsangnam-do, Postal code 51456
South Korea
Ambassador Ho-Young Ahn
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
2450 Massachusetts Avenue N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008
Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon
United Nations Headquarter
405 East 42nd Street, New York, NY 10017
Ambassador Oh Joon
In care of ECOSOC Secretariat
The United Nations Headquarter
405 East 42nd Street, Room No. S1275
New York, New York 10017
President Geun-Hye Park
1 Cheongwa-daero, Jongro-gu, Seoul 03048
South Korea
No interest to do any business with South Korea,before I really wanted to by a LG washer,Samsung TV,KIA car,………..NOW,I look everything coming from this country,with disgust,and I TELL EVERYBODY about the cruel practice,how they kill dog,cats,in the most inhumane way.Not to mention,the younger generation of South Korean,who TORTURE,set dogs on fire.SICK NATION.
The way that a nation treats animals, so will it treat many people.
Children learn how to treat people in part by the way that they see people treat animals.
How sick is your culture that you allow this shit? I have many Korean friends and they are likewise disgusted. Take a stand on this. What is wrong with you people that you can’t punish these offenders. Are you NUTS?
Yes, Hester, these demons in the clothing of people are completely NUTS!!! They are sociopathic lunatics. They should all be locked up.
There is no God or justice
I am so disappointed in South Korea and China. This horrible practice has to be stopped. I can’t believe that people still eat animals that are other country’s pets. I have only pity and disgust with both of these countries for allowing this inhumane treatment of dogs and cats. They make me sick.
DISGUSTING S PRIMITIVE S BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOYCOTT KOREA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is NO deterant, how will they ever learn this is soooooooo wrong. I refuse to but anything Korean for the last 2 years.
THANK YOU to all the good protesters out there who recognize this murder for what it is, and for being courageous enough to stand up against it!!!
Just because something is a tradition or part of a culture, does NOT make it right, and thank God that you recognize that.
If the people murdering these poor animals don’t care about anything else, they SHOULD care about this—this is how these deadly viruses jump from animals to people, and mutate. Korea, if you don’t clean up your act, one of those superbugs is going to wipe you out. You’re not ready for it.
At last, soneome who comes to the heart of it all
There is absolutely no excuse for the pain and torture administered to these creatures. The belief that excruciating pain improves nutritional, medicinal and taste of the meat they take from these creatures is a LIE. Not to mention that to willingly do this to ANY creature shows signs of severe psychological disturbances! NO MORE PAIN FOR PROFIT!
All these animal murders for the sake of tradition, is disgusting. Why do Asian countries think that this is acceptable? It’s barbaric and sickening and for children to be involved, makes it even worse. We live in a world where cruel humans have no compassion for animals. We don’t need to eat meat to live so this animal torture and abuse and horrific killing needs to stop, and ANYONE involved should be severely punished, and stronger laws to protect all animals. If someone took any of my cats and killed them in the way these senseless bastards do, I’d be heartbroken, because I love animals. These people have no soul or compassion whatsoever to be able to do this to animals. Do something to stop this and save the innocent animals.
That’s the best answer by far! Thanks for cogtuibrtinn.
What happened to the 18 cats found still living? Is there any way to contribute towards their welfare?
From the KSPCA: ‘Thank you for feeling concern about the 18 cats found alive.
They are all rescued and re- released to the area where they had lived.
The cat mom who had been taking the stray cats also wanted to do it.
If you have any further question, please let me know.
Thank you’
Thank you Nami Kim and everyone else, for your continued efforts in helping to rescue dogs and cats from this evil.