[Update] Scene of a dog hanging at the Busan Gupo market – Case turned over to the Prosecutor’s Office!
[Update on June 26, 2014]
This is a translation of the June 26, 2014 posting on Busan KAPCA(Korea Alliance for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)’s Facebook: Update: Scene of a dog hanging at the Busan Gupo market!
We have an update regarding the case of a dog hanging slaughter at the Busan Gupo Market.
Do you remember this case?
This is the case of our Busan KAPCA’s planning team incidentally witnessing a scene of dog killing by hanging at a slaughterhouse in Gupo Market while out monitoring.
The case was turned over to the prosecutor’s office with the recommendation for indictment back in April 2014. We just received a news that the perpetrator was fined with 2 Million Korean Won ($2,000 USD).
While this amount seems small, because it’s very rare in reality that someone gets punished for violating the Animal Protection Law, the fact that someone was fined is indeed encouraging.
In fact, this might be the first time that a fine is ever imposed for animal cruelty in Busan area.
Busan KAPCA will continue to fight the dog meat industry.
Please join us in our effort.
[Update on April 7, 2014]
This is a translation of the April 7, 2014 posting on Busan KAPCA(Korea Alliance for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)’s Facebook: Update: Scene of a dog hanging at the Busan Gupo market!
A short time ago while out monitoring at the Gupo Market, our Busan KAPCA’s planning team incidentally witnessed a scene of dog killing by hanging at a slaughterhouse and we reported this case to the police. Click here to read the previous report! https://koreandogs.org/scene-of-dog-hanging-at-the-busan-gupo-market/
If you live in Korea, click here to read the previous report in Korean from Busan KAPCA’s homepage: http://www.animallife.or.kr/bbs/view.php?&bbs_id=free&page&doc_num=1938
We just received an update on the police investigation of this case. We were notified that the case was turned over to the prosecutor’s office with the possibility of an indictment for the violation of the Animal Protection Act. We have made reports to the police numerous times in the past but I think this is the first time the provisions of the Animal Protection Act will be applied for the indictment.
Now that the case has been turned over to the Busan District Public Prosecutor’s Office, we ask for your continued interest in and support for this case. If you would like to submit a petition to the Busan District Public Prosecutor’s Office, please contact our office and we will provide you with the case number. We also sincerely ask for your support in our efforts to shut down Gupo dog meat market. Currently, the Gupo dog meat market is continuously threatening our director and the planning team through a third party person.
We need your continued interest and support. Currently we are in need of funding. Please help us by sending us your membership dues or donations.
By bank transfer:
Busan KAPCA (Korea Alliance for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) 부산동물학대방지연합
Kookmin Bank 국민은행: 565001-01-267719
By money transfer (For example, Western Union):
Send donation to: Aera Kim (Busan KAPCA Founder & Director)
Send email to Aera Kim: rucy3(at)naver.com
Source: Busan KAPCA (Korea Alliance for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) 부산동물학대방지연합

Photo: Busan KAPCA. This white dog was being dragged forcibly as if he knew that he would be killed. (We were following that dog truck…)
Please, please prosecute this man and close Busan Gupo market.
How many times have I read that certain cases have been turned over to the Prosecutors Office for a POSSIBLE indictment. Nothing happens, there are no laws prohibiting this kind of cruelty. These people should be arrested, put in prison and fined and these slaughterhouses should be closed down. I am so disgusted and I certainly will refuse to buy anything from S. Korea.
Are you able to set up a Paypal account for donations?
Hello, if you would like to donate to Busan KAPCA, they do not currently have a paypal account set up but you can donate to them through other methods such as western union or a bank transfer. You can find their information on this page: http://koreandogs.org/info/aro/busan-kapca/ Thank you!
Please ! This sadistic , barbaric practice must stop now ! Humanity is judged by the acts we do !