Watchdog is at Busan Gangseo-gu Daejeo massive scale illegal dog farm to shut it down. 9/17/2021
Sharing for Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE)/Watchdog
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Watchdog reported an illegal and large-scale dog farm near Daejeo Station in Gangseo-gu District in Busan to the authorities.
A typhoon is blowing gale force winds in Busan and we are looking at a large-scale dog farm that is breeding more than 1,000 large yellow dogs for meat.
This dog farm looks like it’s over ten years old. How many dogs have been distributed to the slaughterhouses of traditional markets in Gyeongsang-do region, and Gupo Market in Busan and Chilseong markets in Daegu?
On the road underneath the Daejeo rail Station, the road underneath the 8-lane highway, the hidden dog farm that no one knew about and was difficult to access had finally been exposed, and now it will be shut down by Watchdog.
Most dog farms and dog slaughterhouses are operated with a foothold on all kinds of illegal activities. Watchdog finds the illegality and is working to shut down dog farms and dog slaughterhouses.
Until South Korea debates, enacts, and enforces the Dog Meat Ban law, countless dogs will live in hell and be brutally slaughtered. Watchdog is a project that actively works to shut down the dog farms and dog slaughterhouses right now.
Please become a Watchdog member and help us shut down more dog farms and slaughterhouses, and let’s become the leader in putting an end to the dog meat cruelty in South Korea.
Watchdog members are currently serving on a volunteer basis. The goal of the organization is to raise enough donations on an ongoing basis to enable them to hire full-time paid activists to expand and carry out their vision of the complete elimination of dog farms and slaughterhouses. With a dedicated full-time paid staff, Watchdog will be in a position to accomplish even more than they are currently doing.
Operations like this are only possible through donations to CARE. Please help them continue their important work of shutting down the dog meat industry in South Korea by donating today. Click HERE to see the most recent updates from the Watchdog. Thank you!🙏🏼
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Watchdog post in Korean:
“ 오늘도 와치독은” 부산 강서구 대저역 근처, 불법 대규모 개농장 적발
태풍이 부는 부산, 대규모 개농장 안에는 1000마리 이상의 엄청나게 큰 누렁이들이 사육되고 있습니다.
십년은 넘어 보이는 개농장. 그동안 얼마나 많은 개들이 부산, 경상권지역, 부산의 구포와 칠성시장 등 재래시장 도살장으로 흘러 들어갔을까요?
대저역 전철이 다니는 아랫 길, 8차선 자동차 도로 아랫길, 아무도 알지 못했던, 접근하기 어려웠던 숨겨졌던 개농장이 드러났고 이제 와치독에 의해 없어지게 되었습니다.
🥷와치독 2차 단원 교육이 열립니다.✊🏾
대부분의 개농장과 개도살장은 온갖 불법행위를 기반으로 운영되고 있습니다. 와치독은 그 불법성을 찾아내어 개농장과 개도살장을 폐쇄하는 활동을 하고 있습니다.
개식용금지법에 대한 논의와 결정, 시행까지 긴 시간이 소요되고 그때까지 수많은 개들이 저 지옥에서 살다가 도살됩니다. 와치독은 지금 당장 개농장과 개도살장을 없애는 활동입니다.
와치독 단원이 되어 개농장과 도살장을 없애고 함께 개식용종식 견인의 주역이 됩시다!
🙌단원 교육 신청…/1lapyVq0nVrwabQiT…/viewform…
🧚♀️서포터즈🧚 신청은…/1OV5Bo4zMn0rfmLjN…/viewform…
🙏🏼🐕❤️와치독을 응원하는 개인과 기업을 기다립니다!
🐾와치독 활동은 케어를 통해 후원합니다. 🐾350-910009-40504 ( 하나은행:케어) 입금 시 입금자명 옆에 (와치독) 표기
👉🏿제보 및 교육 문의: [email protected]
➡이메일: [email protected]
Shut down these illegal farms NOW. It is MURDER. We need to save these poor defenseless Animals. Dogs and Cats lives matter too.
Absolutely disgusting! Sick freaks there is no need for this torture!
Stop this horrific shit you do to animals.
This heartless act has to stop .. defenseless animals .. makes you a true coward .. there is Karma .. this is murder .. it has to STOP ..
The whole world is observing. This is not accceptable never more. Moreover with such cruelty,.
We need to stop this nightmare now. All those beautiful Dogs and Cats need to be rescued. What is wrong with these sick people that do this? Dogs and Cats are living souls and give unconditional love. I can’t take seeing this anymore. We need to do whatever it takes to stop these sick bastards.
The S.Korean government could stop all this very quickly if it wanted to. Boycott all their products.
End this torture and murder
Please continue to shut down these evil places for these poor animals
Kära djurvänner bojkotta allt som kommer från detta odjurvänliga land. Detta är omänskligt och ren ondska samt brottsligt. Detta land blundar för verkligheten som djurvän går mina tankar dagligen till dessa djur som inte får ett bra liv.
This is the most horrific evil monsterous acts of cruelty by the most heinous torture imaginable. These poor dogs suffer more than you will ever know about. Electrocution, clubbing in the head, stabbing, cutting off limbs while alive to make them suffer, drowning, hanging, blow torching to death. This is demonic and beyond evil. These sub humans care nothing about the suffering they bestow upon these poor animals. I demand this stops now and should have been stopped years ago. Educating people and making them aware of the disease infested conditions the dogs are kept in and how sick they become in their environment is passed onto whoever eats them. Dogs do not deserve this fate. They are truly a mans best friend and they save human lives everyday. Stop MURDERING THEM and save their lives. Please help them.
Cela montre les cruauté humaines qui devraient plus exister ! Surtout dans une époque soit disant moderne !
Indegno di un popolo civile
Orribile indegno di un essere umano