Massive Pyeongtaek dog farms are under surveillance by animal rights group Watchdog! 9/29/2021
👉 Click HERE for the CARE’s Facebook page for the latest updates in Korean.
On both sides of the road in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi-do province is a dog farm complex large enough to potentially hold 10,000 dogs! Today, Watchdog is at that huge, industrialized dog farm complex, which has been operating for decades and never before been exposed by anyone.
The vicious dog farms in this complex have gone so far as to divide the normal size raised wire dog cages into thirds, making the cages even smaller and more tortuous for the dogs. Tosa dogs, bred in these raised wire cages the size of a plastic dog carrier, barely had room enough to even turn around.😭
Watchdog will be filing civil complaints against the dog farms that have the capacity to hold 10,000 dogs (an annual capacity of 30,000 dogs). Watchdog is committed to shutting these farms down!
Watchdog members are currently serving on a volunteer basis. The goal of the organization is to raise enough donations on an ongoing basis to enable them to hire full-time paid activists to expand and carry out their vision of the complete elimination of dog farms and slaughterhouses. With a dedicated full-time paid staff, Watchdog will be in a position to accomplish even more than they are currently doing.

👉 Click HERE to learn more about Watchdog.
👉 Click HERE to see some of dog farms and dog slaughterhouses shut down by Watchdog.
Operations like this are only possible through donations to CARE. Please help them continue their important work of shutting down the dog meat industry in South Korea by donating today. Thank you!🙏🏼
🐕❤️ Donate by Paypal: (Put “Watchdog” in the comment)
➡: [email protected]
CARE’s posts in Korean:
“ 양 쪽 두 농장. 1만 마리 규모? “
와치독은 오늘 평택 개농장에 와 있습니다.
그동안 보지 못했던 공장화된 대형 개농장. 악랄한 이 곳은 일반 뜬장을 3분의 1로 나눠버렸습니다. 뜬장 하나는 플라스틱 이동식 켄넬만 했고 그 안에 큰 도사견 한 마리가 몸을 돌리기도 어려운 공간에서, 딱 자기 몸크기와 비슷한 사이즈의 뜬장에서 사육되고 있었습니다.
와치독은 양 옆 2개의 개농장에 평소 1만 마리 규모. 한 해 최소 3만마리가 사육된 개농장을 고발할 것입니다.
반드시 없애겠습니다.
🥷와치독 단원 모두는 현재 자원활동이지만 향후 와치독 기금이 안정적으로 모일 경우 상근활동가들을 반드시 조직해야만 더 크게 활동할 수 있습니다. 와치독은 개농장을 , 도살장을 없애는 조직이며 그에 관해서 더 많은 성과를 이루어 가겠습니다🥷
🙏🏼🐕❤️와치독을 응원하는 개인과 기업을 기다립니다!
🐾와치독 활동은 케어를 통해 후원합니다. 🐾350-910009-40504 ( 하나은행:케어) 입금 시 입금자명 옆에 (와치독) 표기
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Shut down these illegal farms NOW. Dogs and cats were not put on this earth to be tortured and abused. Dogs and cats were not put on this earth for human consumption. It is illegal and barbaric.
This has to stop, please….