
Yoon Suk-Yeol, South Korean Conservative Leader, wins Presidency.

Yoon Seuk-Yeol with Tori, rescued with a severe injury from a shelter. 17 surgeries later.

Yoon Suk-Yeol, of the Conservative People Power Party (PPP), has won the presidential election. Even though he shares his home with 4 dogs and 3 cats, Yoon angered animal advocates in South Korea when he said that eating dog meat was a matter of personal choice. How can anyone who has ever enjoyed the love and companionship of dogs and cats as pets possibly claim that there is any justification for slaughtering and eating them? He also said, “dogs for meat are different from dogs for pets.” in a presidential debate. What he failed to mention is that the only difference between the two is how they are treated by humans.

In January, he opened a Twitter account (@sukyeol__yoon) and posted many photos and videos of his pets. He clearly loves his own dogs and cats. But what about the millions of dogs in Korea’s horrific dog meat industry? What will he do for them?

We hope he does the right thing by leading the Korean people out of the dark ages in animal welfare and finally ending dog and cat meat consumption. That is what a true leader who cares about his country’s future would do.

  1. Mariana Bilic-Nohra
    Mariana Bilic-NohraMarch 17,22

    Sir have mercy, please stop the cruel dog and cat meat teade.

  2. Elaine Smith
    Elaine SmithMarch 27,22

    These dogs & cats should be a cared for and protected . They deserve to live and have a a loving life not one full of torturous murder . They are innocent animals who feel pain and hurt like we do, they should not be allowed to suffer like this or be abused in anyway .

  3. Linda
    LindaMay 5,22

    You can make your country great again by banning the cruel immoral brutal evil to dogs /cats ! Also other animals that are killed so brutally

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