
President Moon accepts foreigners’ complaints. Send yours TODAY!

Español (Spanish)

The Korea Times reported on May 26, 2017 that “Foreigners now have an official window to deliver their complaints directly to the central government, but they must be in a written format without a personal consultation. President Moon Jae-in opened on Thursday Gwanghwamun 1st Street, an outdoor pavilion comprising blue modular spaces, next to the Government Complex in Gwanghwamun, where visitors can leave their comments about the new administration. Comments can also be submitted online to a website launched on Friday…. Foreigners can submit their comments in their own languages to staff at the pavilion or via the email indicated on the website

Click HERE to read the entire article.

This is the chance to send our message to the President of South Korea, that we are against Korea’s cruel dog and cat meat trade. President Moon is more interested in improving the welfare of Korean animals than his predecessor. So let’s take full advantage of this opportunity to make it very clear that people from all over the world are asking Korea to stop the killing and eating of animals, which are universally considered as companion animals.

Deadline for submitting your complaint is July 12, 2017.
President Moon will report back at the end of August.

[flipclock countdown=”true” date=”12th July 2017″ face=”days” name=”countdown”]

Click HERE to the homepage,

  • Send email:
    [email protected]

    Click HERE for sample protest letter in several different languages including Korean. Feel free to use your own words.

  • If you live in Korea, please submit your petition in person. If not, send a postal letter to the address below.

    Jeongbu Seoul Cheongsa Byeolgwan 1st Floor.
    Citizens Transition Team
    0317260 Sajik-ro 8-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul
    Postal code 03172
    South Korea

    Address in Korean:
    (우) 03172 서울시 종로구 사직로8길 60 정부서울청사 별관 1층 국민인수위원회
    South Korea

Thank you!


Video: The Korea Observer. The Dog Meat Professionals: South Korea.

  1. Cherie
    CherieMay 31,17

    this act of cruelty to animals is absolutely DISGUSTING and HEINOUS and it needs to be stopped now.

    • lynne
      lynneJune 1,17


      • Hilda Goldin
        Hilda GoldinJune 2,17

        Beutiful letter. Wonderful feelings. Greetings from Peru.

        • DALE MCLEOD
          DALE MCLEODJuly 8,17

          YOU MUST E-MAIL YOUR COMMENT OR LETTER! THIS IS ONLY A COMMENT PAGE, IT WILL NOT GET TO THE PRESIDENT if you leave it here and do not e-mail it to the address at the end of the article!

      • Sonja Van Hoof
        Sonja Van HoofJune 19,17

        Beautiful that u point out that people need to be (re-)educated. It leaves possibilities.

      • Sugandha Nagarajan
        Sugandha NagarajanJuly 7,17

        Yes, I agree. Animals are just like us. We need to stop all forms of animal cruelty (fur/leather), animal experiments, eating meat and etc.

    • lisa
      lisaJune 1,17

      PLEASE stop this I beg and plead! Theyre innocent dogs!!

      • Bev Woodburn
        Bev WoodburnJune 25,17

        And don’t forget the innocent cats that ensure the same heinous torture and suffering as the innocent and precious dogs.

    • Shabs Toni
      Shabs ToniJune 3,17

      This is so horrible and so cruel!!! it shows such an ugly ,cheap and indecent image of South Koreans in the world!! Please mark the history and be the first Korean President to stop this horror against animals in South Korea!

    • Lee
      LeeJune 6,17

      This is BARBARIC and it reflects VERY VERY poorly on not only the whole country but on it’s people and citizens who are participating in this industry.
      They are just as guilty as the butchers and sellers of the dog and cat meat. Honestly, I can’t even really say the words…’s too shocking!!

    • Andrea Spencer
      Andrea SpencerJune 6,17

      Please stop this intolerable cruelty. Animals are human and deserve our love not our cruelty. Have a heart and stop this today please.

    • Patricia Nora Quintans
      Patricia Nora QuintansJune 8,17

      Sr. Presidente de Korea del Sur y funcionarios de su gabinete:

      Ver y leer sobre lo que les hacen y cómo los matan a estos pobres perros y también gatos, es escalofriante e inconcevible. Es de mentalidad bárbara, primitiva, cruel y asesina. En el siglo XXI el mundo no puede permitir que exista el comercio de carne de perros y gatos ni ninguna actividad ni hechos que los hagan sufrir y los maten. El mundo debe protegerlos como nuestras mascotas que son y como creaturas que Dios creó en este mundo. Animales buenos, fieles, cariñosos, inteligentes y nuestros mejores amigos deben ser protegidos y defendidos contra todo acto cruel e inhumano. Muchas gracias.

    • Marika
      MarikaJune 21,17

      The people in China argue that Americans eat meat as well. I am opposed to all animal cruelty. However, these breeds of dogs and cats were bred by humans many years ago for the purpose of being pets. I do not agree with that either. Had we left the animals alone, they would be wild, self sufficient, and they could protect themselves against humanity.

    • fran gilbey
      fran gilbeyJune 21,17

      how can you do this it cannot make you big in the eyes of the world people will turn there backs on you, and you will be on your own we all need each other human animal eveything that lives and breath on this planet, from the sea,air,earth. take care as time is running out for us all. the animals will turn and you will not have no wear to run.

    • Dave and Rita Cross
      Dave and Rita CrossJune 22,17

      Please, BOYCOTT ALL S. KOREAN PRODUCTS! Don’t forget the Hyundai and the KIA, Samsung, LG, and others! WE will not attend the 2018 Winter Olympics due to the barbarism and vile cruelty to companion animals!!

    • Dave and Rita Cross
      Dave and Rita CrossJune 23,17

      Please continue the boycott of all S. Korean products and travel!! Don’t forget the KIA and Hyundai cars!

    • joanna Anselmo-DePalma
      joanna Anselmo-DePalmaJune 29,17

      Dear Mr. President,

      It’s not about dogs as a food source, its about the inhumainity and unimaginable torture these animals endure.

      The author made good points about the dog meat trade, and the fact that there are no laws in place to restrict these atrocities. It’s horrifying to see these dogs hung, beaten, and skinned alive. We in the Western world love our dogs as if they were our children. We need to protect these innocent lives. Hopefully your listening.

      The letter from Susan Kearney expresses it best.

    • D. Michelle Nelson
      D. Michelle NelsonJuly 6,17

      Can I copy and paste you comment? I absolutely agree with everything! Only thing I wonder is…..the people involved seem to be just like the people here in the United States who butcher live stock and go to school to learn it:( re-education is the only way to abolish this disgusting way of life. I am a vegetarian and mostly a vegan with this being the reason for my lifestyle change. I am also a psychology major here at Ohio State, so I see that side too. Extensive studies show that there is nothing but bad stuff happening in and around the slaughterhouses and the employees lives. Crime rates are 30% higher around within the cities where the slaughterhouses reside, along with where the employees live. There is much more evidence proving that there is evidence to the connection to global warming and all kinds of other worldly matters. I am happy to report that My husband no longer hunts and barely eats any meat! Win win! Just a matter of time for things to change.

      • D. Michelle Nelson
        D. Michelle NelsonJuly 6,17

        Linda Saldana
        MAY 31,17
        Dear President Moon Jae-In and Korean Government Officials:
        As an American citizen, I am angry and appalled over the torture and consumption of companion animals in South Korea. Every day on social media we are hearing of horrific abuse and seeing shocking images and videos of innocent dogs being tortured and killed in your country. (for example see: )
        Even though Korea has an Animal Protection Law for companion animals, it is meaningless as the Korean government does not enforce it. As a consequence dogs are still beaten, hung, electrocuted, and brutally treated by farmers and slaughterers. In addition, both dogs and cats are still being boiled alive for so-called elixirs having no medical properties except in the minds of gullible
        These practices have no place in the modern world. Yet, all this goes on in the open and the Korean government does nothing to stop it. Why? Other Asian countries have banned the eating of dog meat and the cruel industry that promotes it. Why not Korea?
        It is the responsibility of the Korean government to end the abhorrently cruel dog meat and cat medicine industries in Korea and start taking animal welfare seriously. This means educating its citizens about the importance of spaying and neutering, about not abandoning pets, and about treating animals humanely. Until these things are done Korea’s reputation in the international community will deservedly suffer.
        I urge you and the people of Korea to hearken to the wisdom of Mahatma Gandhi who said: “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
        Americans love their companion animals, dogs and cats alike. But it is not only for that reason we feel a special obligation to speak out on this issue. It is also that we remember well our many loved ones whose lives were sacrificed in your country insuring your freedom, and are mindful of the considerable treasure our country continues to spend for that same purpose. We can only pray that so much sacrifice has been worth the cost.
        Until the illegal dog meat and cat medicine industries have been finally abolished in Korea, I will boycott all Korean products and companies as well as the 2018 Olympics. I also intend to urge everyone I know to urge everyone they know, etc. to do the same. In addition I will unceasingly lobby our own government to do whatever is within its power to persuade Korea to join the civilized nations of the world with respect to its treatment of companion animals.
        Thank you for your time. The favor of your reply is requested.

    • Kelly
      KellyJuly 6,17

      These individuals are heartless. This is torture and needs to stop immediately.

    • Janet G Heinle
      Janet G HeinleJuly 7,17


  2. susan kearney
    susan kearneyMay 31,17


  3. Linda Saldana
    Linda SaldanaMay 31,17

    Dear President Moon Jae-In and Korean Government Officials:

    As an American citizen, I am angry and appalled over the torture and consumption of companion animals in South Korea. Every day on social media we are hearing of horrific abuse and seeing shocking images and videos of innocent dogs being tortured and killed in your country. (for example see: )

    Even though Korea has an Animal Protection Law for companion animals, it is meaningless as the Korean government does not enforce it. As a consequence dogs are still beaten, hung, electrocuted, and brutally treated by farmers and slaughterers. In addition, both dogs and cats are still being boiled alive for so-called elixirs having no medical properties except in the minds of gullible

    These practices have no place in the modern world. Yet, all this goes on in the open and the Korean government does nothing to stop it. Why? Other Asian countries have banned the eating of dog meat and the cruel industry that promotes it. Why not Korea?

    It is the responsibility of the Korean government to end the abhorrently cruel dog meat and cat medicine industries in Korea and start taking animal welfare seriously. This means educating its citizens about the importance of spaying and neutering, about not abandoning pets, and about treating animals humanely. Until these things are done Korea’s reputation in the international community will deservedly suffer.

    I urge you and the people of Korea to hearken to the wisdom of Mahatma Gandhi who said: “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

    Americans love their companion animals, dogs and cats alike. But it is not only for that reason we feel a special obligation to speak out on this issue. It is also that we remember well our many loved ones whose lives were sacrificed in your country insuring your freedom, and are mindful of the considerable treasure our country continues to spend for that same purpose. We can only pray that so much sacrifice has been worth the cost.

    Until the illegal dog meat and cat medicine industries have been finally abolished in Korea, I will boycott all Korean products and companies as well as the 2018 Olympics. I also intend to urge everyone I know to urge everyone they know, etc. to do the same. In addition I will unceasingly lobby our own government to do whatever is within its power to persuade Korea to join the civilized nations of the world with respect to its treatment of companion animals.

    Thank you for your time. The favor of your reply is requested.


    • Mary Biggins
      Mary BigginsJune 1,17

      Please, sir, in the name of all that is decent and moral, PLEASE take this VITAL HUMANE STEP and end the cruel dog and cat meat trade NOW – your country is too good for this and the WORLD IS WATCHING and looking forward to celebrating an end to this sick and cruel evil practice! Make this horrific practice a thing of the past! Thank you and God bless!

      • Theresa A. Scarnuley
        Theresa A. ScarnuleyJune 19,17

        Please end this cruel practice. There are so many other ways for the people of Asia to make a living. God bless you

    • MaryAnne
      MaryAnneJune 2,17

      Did you mail this letter? Posting it in the comments I don’t think reaches the President.

      • Shirley
        ShirleyJune 4,17

        Can anyone please let me know how I post my complaint on the Korean website please.
        I just don’t know which box to copy and paste my letter, it’s incredibliy frustrating, as I don’t read Korean.
        I’ve asked x3 times now if anyone can tell me how to do it.
        Thank you in advance.

        • Sophie
          SophieJune 6,17

          You have to email your letter of complaint to: [email protected]

          • Sonja Van Hoof
            Sonja Van HoofJune 19,17


  4. Lauren Smith
    Lauren SmithMay 31,17

    Please do the socially responsible and humane thing and stop this horrible torture and cruelty!

    • sheree bryant
      sheree bryantJune 1,17

      please Sir, the world is and has been watching…millions of us have tears and heartachs over this daily now that we have seen the truth. cant you just sign a law that will and should be enforced? i understand that some of the same goes on all over the earth, but are making changes also. start your changes. Yulin is not going to allow “legal” dog meat at its party…a mountain has been moved right there. please enforce this change…thank you Sir.

  5. Ruben Terveen
    Ruben TerveenMay 31,17


  6. Heather Golding
    Heather GoldingMay 31,17

    Sir, I absolutely beg you…implore you..please stop the killing and eating of companion animals..namely cats and dogs, in Korea. The way they are transported, and their actual deaths, are horrific. No country is perfect, but please please set a new example for other countries..and stand proud to show compassion.

  7. Perczak Ewa
    Perczak EwaMay 31,17

    I sent the letter to Mr Moon, saying all my hope I have on him !! how horrendous situation it is and that it’s time to change now ! if you take the word GOD by the end you obtain DOG !!! maybe it is a sign of changement ? who knows but I believe on it !!

  8. Krista Lonsdale
    Krista LonsdaleMay 31,17

    People from all over the world are asking Korea to stop the killing and eating of animals, which are universally considered as companion animals. We hear stories of the way these animals are killed which we cannot bear! Any killing of an animal needs to be as quick and as kind as possible. We hear stories of companion animals being stolen for this meat trade ,surely that is theft so why is it tolerated? And it`s a theft that breaks a human heart too,maybe several. Practising kindness is good for us;we hope your people can practise it a little more on cats & dogs very soon….Krista

  9. Moira Frew
    Moira FrewMay 31,17

    Please, please stop this cruelty, you have the power and I know you are a nice person. My heart breaks with every post or article concerning the DMT. Please I beg of you to do something.

    LISA MAYERMay 31,17

    Dear president Moon, you will receive many emails of the same nature asking or begging you to please put an end to the dog and cat meat trade. Many people around the world hope you will have the compassion and understanding to finally end the slaughter of these beautiful and innocent animals. I look at my dogs and cats everyday and remind myself how lucky they are to have been born in this country and adopted by me. It brings tears to my eyes wondering their fate had they been born elsewhere. I hope you see it in your heart to educate the younger generations in your country that this cruel and unnecessary behavior is wrong and animals should be treated with respect and loved just as they look to us for love and companionship. Please stop the killing.

  11. Michael Nush
    Michael NushMay 31,17

    This is a truly horrible practice, to purposely torture a animal and use barbaric practices is inhumane. We as a human race period are better than this. We need strong leadership from intelligent individuals to end this. We turn to our government officials to lead people and promote a better understanding that this practice will end. Thank you

  12. Diane Winter
    Diane WinterMay 31,17

    Please stop the killing of our beloved pets, horses, cats & dos! They are not for human consumption but for human compassion to help us live a healthier life!

  13. Ginette Gaudet
    Ginette GaudetMay 31,17

    please I peg you to stop this cruelty, in Canada we loved dog and dog are not thing you eat. My children are so in pain. It’s so painfull my family and a thousand of my comunity don’t want go at your city because they afraid to eat the animal they love Please stop that you can because I hope you have a big heart

  14. Wil Van Well
    Wil Van WellMay 31,17

    Please stop met dit vreselijke martelen van honden en katten dit vreselijke lijden met dieren moet gestopt worden zijn hele inteligente dieren

    ANNE COONEYMay 31,17

    Peoples are judged by the way they treat their animals so please show the world that you are a good person by banning this horrific practice now and forever. May God bless you if you do.

  16. miranda kalonarou
    miranda kalonarouMay 31,17

    Please stop the killing of innocent animals especially for human consumption!! There are other ways to feed the humans

  17. Richard Hamedl
    Richard HamedlMay 31,17

    A dog is the most loyal animal on this planet. How could you do this to God’s most precious creature on earth ? Please take a dog home as a pet and see for yourself. Thank you.

  18. Vilena
    VilenaMay 31,17

    Dear President Moon Jae-In and South Korean Government,

    Please watch these videos: Shocking Cruelty of South Korean Dog Meat Industry, The Dog Meat Professionals: South Korea

    I am extremely upset about the torture and consumption of companion animals in South Korea.
    With the ubiquity of social medias, every day we are seeing shocking and heartbreaking images and videos of innocent dogs being tortured and killed in your country.

    Even though Korea has established an Animal Protection Law for companion animals, dogs are still beaten, hung, electrocuted, and treated brutally by farmers and slaughters. Also, dogs and cats are still being beaten and boiled alive for so-called elixirs, which do not have medical properties except in the minds of ignorant and gullible customers.

    These practices have no place in the modern world. Other Asian countries have banned the eating of dog meat and the cruel industry that goes with it, such as Taiwan and the Philippines. Why does Korea persist in lagging behind these countries and other civilized societies?

    It’s the responsibility of the Korean government to once and for all end the cruel dog meat and cat medicine industries in Korea. It is time to dismiss the childish myths and propaganda surrounding these industries and their vile products. It is time to leave behind backward and unnecessary traditions.

    And it is time for Korea to start taking animal welfare seriously and show that it really does have a compassionate and ethical society. That means it is time for the Korean government to start better educating the public about the importance of spaying and neutering, about not abandoning pets, and about treating animals in a proper manner.

    Until these things are done, Korea’s reputation in the international community will continue to suffer. Its citizens will continue to face shame and embarrassment. And Korea will continue to be regarded as “third world,” despite its modernization and attempts at globalized thinking.

    With the upcoming 2018 Winter Olympic Games being hosted in Pyeongchang, I would ask that you do all in your power to stop this barbarism and cruelty as the world’s attention will be on South Korea both before and during the events.

    From now on, I will boycott Korean products, and I will not support Korean companies or visit Korea until the abuse of cats and dogs has finally ended.

    Yours sincerely,

  19. Kathleen Grossman
    Kathleen GrossmanMay 31,17

    Please stop the brutal practice of torturing, killing and consuming dogs and cats. Look into the eyes of these precious beings and see the intelligence and love they exude. Animals are never judgmental; all they want in life is to love and be loved in return. They bring so much happiness and joy their human companions. They were never meant to be food, so I beg of you, please stop this cruel practice and instead promote kindness and compassion for these beautiful creatures.

  20. Anne Chapple
    Anne ChappleMay 31,17

    Animals don’t belong to us to use as we please, despite what many people believe. Please, please stop the slaughter of dogs, horses, cats and other pets. Eating them is a very bad cultural habit that you can break if you will assert your authority. Please end this terrible slaughter forever.

  21. lorna grundy
    lorna grundyMay 31,17

    The treatment of these poor animals is so barbaric, they are terrified, horridly abused, then they get slaughtered in a number of horrific ways. THIS has to stop, make people proud that you can see this suffering should not continue.

  22. Kissindra
    KissindraMay 31,17

    It’s not even so much that they’re eaten it is How they are Raised and Slaughtered that is by far the most disturbing thing anyone has seen. When you desensitize people to Brutally Torturing and Savagely Murdering these animals you create people who will in turn have no qualms about treating other people with extreme and horrific violence. There just is no words for the things I have seen done in your country to these animals but it gos way beyond butchering. There is Definitely a Huge difference between Humanely Putting an animal down and butchering it versus Horrifically Murdering it. Here we do our best in the USA to stop this sort of brutality and find it is Always associated with people who go on to become serial killers. You cannot possibly work towards a healthy society if that society is allowed brutalize everything around them. I personally see a great deal of deception, theft, and cruelty in your culture that leaves me no desire to visit any asian country because one thing I do not want to do is facilitate that way of life and I certainly don’t want someone feeding me an animal they Proudly Tortured to Death and getting off on either my horror or my lack of knowing what they have done. Every country always has a long way to go and no one countries problems will ever justify anothers lack of control or interest over their own. There is no pot calling the kettle black here there is only the need to bring back the Humanity in people rather than the barbarity. Frankly I don’t care what you eat I care How you kill it and How you raise it just like I care about that here in my own country. I also care about Education and it seems most of your people have the idea that eating dogs or cats, especially brutalizing them first, gives them some kind of Magical powers or results. How are foreign nations to take your country seriously when they think rhino horn fixes erectile dysfunction and tiger bones give you special powers? It makes you guys look like a joke because your people are naive and childlike enough not to be capable of reason and common sense. That is what Educated people think out here and that is what the government thinks of your nation. How you conduct yourselves Matters in more ways than most have realized. I am happy to see an Educated Man in charge for a change who has the bravery and Honor to start putting his people back together instead of continuing the tear them apart. You have a long hard road ahead of you and I wish you and your people Success!

    • goldie zeidman
      goldie zeidmanJune 1,17

      I agree with you to an extent. However, the USA isn’t much better…. They raise and slaughter thousands of animals a day and the way they raise and treat them even up to slaughter is horrific. The hormones and drugs they give them to grow faster, produce more eggs and milk is illegal all over Europe and Canada because of the health problems it causes the animals. People in the USA are now buying milk from Canada because even though it is more expensive, the taste is so different and more pure. Trump has even made a video stating how Canada is putting 3 main dairy companies out of business.

  23. Pam Dunlap
    Pam DunlapMay 31,17

    Please end this psychopathic animal massacre. Every country merfs improvement. Be the leader here.

  24. Paul & Victoria Thompson
    Paul & Victoria ThompsonMay 31,17

    Honourable President Moon Jae-in and South Korean Government Officials.

    We respectfully ask that you stop the barbaric and immensely cruel trade in dog and cat meat in South Korea. When our family and friends think of South Korea or see any South Korean products, we immediately have the images in front of our eyes, and memory, of this incredibly cruel practice in animal suffering. This of course acts as a deterrent to buying any South Korean products or visiting your country.

    We wish you every success!

  25. Marzena
    MarzenaMay 31,17

    Please do all what is possible to end this cruel treatment on animals in Korea. The measure of humanity is our attitude towards animals.

  26. Ray Morris
    Ray MorrisMay 31,17

    My letter to President Moon Jae-In
    This letter represents how I feel each and every day and so I hope you take the time to read it and to not discount it as just another generalized letter available on many animal welfare sites.
    I am writing to you in the hope that you can use your influence to make the torture of dogs and cats illegal.
    What will be your response be when your children or grandchildren say to you “You knew about this torture and yet you did nothing!”?
    You will be remembered as a great leader if you make torture of dogs and cats illegal, but what will be your legacy if you do nothing?
    Ignorance is what drives the torture. The mythological belief that the meat will taste better or that it will contain health benefits should be denounced by leaders and educated people in authority. The belief that stray or farmed dogs don’t have souls should also be denounced.
    Even if I believed, or even if there was evidence, that consuming tortured dog or cat meat could save my life, I would rather die than inflict the horrendous pain on these poor defenseless animals.
    When I first heard about the torture of dogs and cats, I found it difficult to believe that any sane person would be capable of inflicting so much pain on another animal, but I now know this occurs and am truly appalled that a civilized country would consider this to be a normal activity.
    You know that stray, farmed or companion dogs are the same species, same goes for cats, and that any fear or pain that a companion animal suffers is the same for those which are slaughtered for meat or their skins. I understand that many pets are stolen for this trade and my deepest sympathy goes to those pet owners. Most pet owners consider their pet to be part of the family, so the knowledge that their stolen family member was going to be tortured by having their paws cut off, being boiled alive, burnt alive, skinned alive or by any other torture method, would be unbearable.
    I can’t imagine how I would feel if my dog was stolen, knowing that her life was about to end in the most brutal and painful way imaginable. I would be devastated and prepared to do anything to get her back.
    What will be the historical record of the 21st Century for your country, will it be that mistakes were made and then rectified or will it be that the country took a big step backwards into the dark ages?
    Please do whatever you can to end this suffering.

  27. Prish Hackman
    Prish HackmanMay 31,17

    Dear President Moon Jae-In, There are not words enough to describe how despicable the horror of the torture these animals are subjected to…the fear, the excruciating pain and stress inflicted upon them, the sheer terror each and everyone of these INNOCENT dogs and cats KNOW they are going to go through….they FEEL it, they’ve SEEN it and now the same is going to happen to them….the coming nightmare….ABSOLUTELY TERRIFYING and HOW is their ordeal going to be executed? Skinned alive? Beaten by a metal rod? Electrocuted? Paws and legs cut off while still alive? or thrown alive into boiling water? This is just too horrific for words. WHO, in their right minds would or could EVER THINK OF COMMITTING SUCH ATROCITIES on ANY LIVING CREATION!!?? Dogs, for one, show such true loyalty and devotion, TRUST unto their fellow man which is beyond belief. Just remember what Horses and Dogs have done for humans in times of war, how Cats have saved many a human in alerting them of the danger of fire….to even THINK of treating these remarkable animals in such a diabolical, disgusting way is so utterly without compassion…..utterly UNFORGIVABLE and COMPLETELY without reward.
    I IMPLORE you, on behalf of myself (I can hardly sleep for thinking about what these animals are going through..) and many of my fellow countrymen, HERE IN FINLAND, for you to do EVERYTHING in your power to make it the law and order of your country to put a final STOP to these nightmare (literally) atrocities, ANIMAL ABUSE ONCE AND FOR ALL….A S T O P to all of this F O R E V E R . THIS A L S O applies to DONKEYS and HORSES !!!!!

    Yours, sincerely,
    Prish Hackman

  28. Paul Hignett
    Paul HignettMay 31,17

    please please stop this forever and give these cats and dogs a chance they are pets

    • Denise. Anthony
      Denise. AnthonyJune 19,17

      This barbaric uncivilised cruelty must be stopped this shameful behaviour shouldn’t be allowed to carry on we are in the 21st century no way is this is culturally relevant it looks like animalsabuse at its worst the world see your country and all Asian count at barbaric unbelievable heartless and uneducated please help your people understand that this is just disgusting cruelty needless torture and the world will see these countries like your different at the moment your presence on this earth as a country is against humanity

  29. Prish Hackman
    Prish HackmanMay 31,17

    P.S. We are also animals as many seem to forget and ALL animals feel stress, terror, discomfort and PAIN and they are all totally aware of their dignity being undermined.

  30. Joan hansen
    Joan hansenMay 31,17

    Please stop the killing and eating of the innocent animals in Korea. They deserve a life just like you and I!!

  31. Jean Ouderkirk
    Jean OuderkirkJune 1,17

    Dear President Moon Jae-In and South Korean Government,

    Please watch these videos: Shocking Cruelty of South Korean Dog Meat Industry, The Dog Meat Professionals: South Korea

    I am extremely upset about the torture and consumption of companion animals in South Korea.
    With the ubiquity of social medias, every day we are seeing shocking and heartbreaking images and videos of innocent dogs being tortured and killed in your country.

    Even though Korea has established an Animal Protection Law for companion animals, dogs are still beaten, hung, electrocuted, and treated brutally by farmers and slaughters. Also, dogs and cats are still being beaten and boiled alive for so-called elixirs, which do not have medical properties except in the minds of ignorant and gullible customers.

    These practices have no place in the modern world. Other Asian countries have banned the eating of dog meat and the cruel industry that goes with it, such as Taiwan and the Philippines. Why does Korea persist in lagging behind these countries and other civilized societies?

    It’s the responsibility of the Korean government to once and for all end the cruel dog meat and cat medicine industries in Korea. It is time to dismiss the childish myths and propaganda surrounding these industries and their vile products. It is time to leave behind backward and unnecessary traditions.

    And it is time for Korea to start taking animal welfare seriously and show that it really does have a compassionate and ethical society. That means it is time for the Korean government to start better educating the public about the importance of spaying and neutering, about not abandoning pets, and about treating animals in a proper manner.

    Until these things are done, Korea’s reputation in the international community will continue to suffer. Its citizens will continue to face shame and embarrassment. And Korea will continue to be regarded as “third world,” despite its modernization and attempts at globalized thinking.

    With the upcoming 2018 Winter Olympic Games being hosted in Pyeongchang, I would ask that you do all in your power to stop this barbarism and cruelty as the world’s attention will be on South Korea both before and during the events.

    From now on, I will boycott Korean products, and I will not support Korean companies or visit Korea until the abuse of cats and dogs has finally ended.

    Yours sincerely, Jean Ouderkirk. Canada

    GINA DE LEONJune 1,17


  33. Susan Fanning
    Susan FanningJune 1,17

    Please stop the torture and severe cruelty of these animals. They don’t deserve this torture. Please put a stop to this immediately. These are loving animals that do not deserve this horrendous mistreatment and to be eaten. It’s just not right to treat God’s creatures this way! Please help them now. Thank you.

  34. John
    JohnJune 1,17

    Dear President Moon Jae-In and South Korean Government,

    I implore you to stop this dreadful crime against innocent animals.

    Please watch these videos: Shocking Cruelty of South Korean Dog Meat Industry, The Dog Meat Professionals: South Korea

    I am extremely upset about the torture and consumption of companion animals in South Korea.
    With the ubiquity of social medias, every day we are seeing shocking and heartbreaking images and videos of innocent dogs being tortured and killed in your country.

    Even though Korea has established an Animal Protection Law for companion animals, dogs are still beaten, hung, electrocuted, and treated brutally by farmers and slaughters. Also, dogs and cats are still being beaten and boiled alive for so-called elixirs, which do not have medical properties except in the minds of ignorant and gullible customers.

    These practices have no place in the modern world. Other Asian countries have banned the eating of dog meat and the cruel industry that goes with it, such as Taiwan and the Philippines. Why does Korea persist in lagging behind these countries and other civilized societies?

    It’s the responsibility of the Korean government to once and for all end the cruel dog meat and cat medicine industries in Korea. It is time to dismiss the childish myths and propaganda surrounding these industries and their vile products. It is time to leave behind backward and unnecessary traditions.

    And it is time for Korea to start taking animal welfare seriously and show that it really does have a compassionate and ethical society. That means it is time for the Korean government to start better educating the public about the importance of spaying and neutering, about not abandoning pets, and about treating animals in a proper manner.

    Until these things are done, Korea’s reputation in the international community will continue to suffer. Its citizens will continue to face shame and embarrassment. And Korea will continue to be regarded as “third world,” despite its modernization and attempts at globalized thinking.

    With the upcoming 2018 Winter Olympic Games being hosted in Pyeongchang, I would ask that you do all in your power to stop this barbarism and cruelty as the world’s attention will be on South Korea both before and during the events.

    From now on, I will boycott Korean products, and I will not support Korean companies or visit Korea until the abuse of cats and dogs has finally ended.

    Yours sincerely,

    • lizzie Isaacs
      lizzie IsaacsJuly 8,17

      I agree with all the comments above. This treatment of animals MUST stop. You, as a man, are judged how you treat animals. The people that carry this out will rot in hell. Is that the legacy you want to leave for your country. Do you have a heart? A soul? These animals do. Do the right thing, and I agree that the USA should boycott any Korean products, and companies. This is disgraceful and heartbreaking. In the USA the majority of animals are treated as best friends and companions. They are part of the family. The people that harm animals are sociopaths and psychopaths.

  35. val wolf
    val wolfJune 1,17

    This is the most horrible cruelty and it must be stopped!

  36. Susan Bortolussi
    Susan BortolussiJune 1,17

    Please stop this horrible killing how awful this is not acceptable .

  37. marina garrido
    marina garridoJune 1,17

    Estimado Gobierno de Corea del Sur,

    Por favor mire éste video: La crueldad impactante de la industria de la carne de perro de Corea del Sur, Los profesionales de la carne de perro: Corea del Sur

    Estoy profundamente afectada por la brutal tortura y consumo de animales de compañía en Corea del Sur. Hoy en día, con la propagación de los medios de comunicación, a diario vemos imágenes y videos crueles y espeluznantes de perros inocentes torturados y masacrados en vuestro país.
    Aunque Corea haya establecido una ley de protección animal para animales de compañía, todavía los perros son ahorcados y apaleados hasta la muerte, electrocutados y masacrados brutalmente por los granjeros y carniceros. De la misma forma, aún gatos y perros son apaleados y hervidos vivos para hacer algunos elixires, que no tienen ninguna propiedad médica, excepto que en la mente de consumidores ignorantes y atrasados.

    Estas prácticas no tienen cabida en el mundo moderno. Otros países asiáticos ya han prohibido el consumo de carne de perro y la cruel industria que precede de ello, tal como Taiwán y Filipinas. Porque Corea persiste en permanecer atrás de estos países y otras sociedades civilizadas?
    Es responsabilidad del gobierno Coreano de poner fin, de una vez por todas, al cruel comercio de carne de perro e industria de medicinas de gato en Corea. Es tiempo de deshacerse de los mitos erróneos y propaganda engañosa que se mueven alrededor de estas industrias y sus viles productos. Es tiempo de dejar atrás tradiciones atrasadas e injustificadas.

    Y es tiempo que Corea del Sur empiece a tomar en serio asuntos de bienestar animal y demonstrar que tiene una sociedad compasiva y ética. Esto significa que es tiempo que el Gobierno Coreano empiece a educar sus ciudadanos sobre la importancia de castrar y esterilizar los animales de compañía, de no abandonarlos y de tratarlos de una forma digna y humana.

    Hasta que se adopten estas medidas, la reputación de Corea seguirá viéndose dañada a nivel internacional. Sus ciudadanos continuarán a estar expuestos a vergüenza y desprecio y los países occidentales seguirán viendo a Corea como ‘tercer mundo’, no obstante su aparente modernización y esfuerzos para aparentar una forma de vida globalizada.

    Con los próximos Juegos Olímpicos Invernales que tendrán lugar en Pyeongchang, le rogaría que hiciera todo lo que está en su poder para detener definitivamente semejante barbarismo y crueldad, ya que la atención mundial será dirigida hacia Corea del Sur, sobre todo antes y durante los eventos.

    A partir de ahora, boicotearé todos los productos coreanos y no apoyaré a las empresas coreanas, ni visitaré Corea hasta que se ponga fin al sufrimiento y abuso inhumano e injustificado de perros y gatos.

  38. Pamela D'Angio
    Pamela D'AngioJune 1,17


  39. Diana Monks
    Diana MonksJune 1,17

    Dear President, South Korea is supposed to be a civilized country. Civilized people do not torture and eat dogs and cats. They are sentient beings and feel pain, emotional and physical. I and my friends will continue to boycott products from your country, in addition to the 2018 Olympics. I beg you to stop this horrific practice in your country, and many other Asia countries. Thank you, Sincerely, Diana Monks, Canada

  40. Kim Bryan
    Kim BryanJune 1,17

    Dear President Moon, Congratulations on your election. Like many before me have posted, I am begging you to stop the horrific cruelty of dogs and cats being tortured and killed for human consumption. This is not right and am praying that you will take a huge step and stop this practice and, like the people of American, treat your cats and dogs like the pets they should be. Thank you!

  41. Jonathan Young
    Jonathan YoungJune 1,17

    Dear President Moon Jae-In and Korean Government Officials:

    As an American citizen, I am appalled over the torture and consumption of companion animals in Korea. I believe this is in the mistaken idea their meat is good for humans. Scientific evidence suggests the meat of carnivores is actually poor for human consumption, due to high levels of ammonia. Every day on social media we are hearing of horrific abuse and seeing shocking images and videos of innocent dogs being tortured and killed in your country. (for example see: )

    Even though Korea has an Animal Protection Law for companion animals, it is meaningless as the Korean government does not enforce it. As a consequence dogs are still beaten, hung, electrocuted, and brutally treated by farmers and slaughterers. In addition, both dogs and cats are still being boiled alive for so-called elixirs having no medical properties except in the minds of gullible

    These practices have no place in the modern world. Yet, all this goes on in the open and the Korean government does nothing to stop it. Why? Other Asian countries such as Japan have banned the eating of dog meat and the cruel industry that promotes it. Why not Korea?

    It is the responsibility of the Korean government to end the abhorrently cruel dog meat and cat medicine industries in Korea and start taking animal welfare seriously. This means educating its citizens about the importance of spaying and neutering, about not abandoning pets, and about treating animals humanely. Until these things are done Korea’s reputation in the international community will deservedly suffer.

    I urge you and the people of Korea to hearken to the wisdom of Mahatma Gandhi who said: “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

    Americans love their companion animals, dogs and cats alike. But it is not only for that reason we feel a special obligation to speak out on this issue. It is also that we admire and respect the Korean people, and feel that ending this nefarious practice will improve Korea’s image. South Korea has achieved astonishing progress, catching up to Japan in technological progress and social freedoms. Now is the time for more liberalizing reforms in South Korea, as have occurred recently in Taiwan. Included in this should be a better standard in the treatment of animals.

    Korea deserves to be in the first rank of modern nations. You can bring it closer by pursuing more democratic reforms.

    Thank you for your time. The favor of your reply is requested.


  42. Angela
    AngelaJune 1,17

    Please make it stop

  43. Games Velu
    Games VeluJune 1,17

    We as a global community of multi races and cultures,have come closer in recent times through social media which is very conducive to represent the entire human race as one United peace loving non violent compassionate kind and responsible citizens. But there are certain acts of violence that hinders this objective through inflicting extreme violence torture pain and suffering on dogs and cats specifically.Of course most eat pigs,cows,goats,chicken and others who feel the same pain.As civilized intelligent humans, we must not continue to torture domesticated loyal animals who serve and help us in so many ways.In the military,police search and rescue,therapy for terminal patients,leading guiding the blind and disabled and guardians of house and pets or family to many.But in Korea and China they are tortured in unthinkable ways only sadists and serial killers can think of.Please outlaw this barbarism in this millenia where humans have much other options to eat and not man’s best friends.As an animal loving kind compassionate President, pleased the most divine decision to outlaw ban the dog and cat meat trade for your soul will be blessed by God almighty and you will create a loving peaceful compassionate Korea where we will be proud to associate with.Thank you

  44. Dawn beaupre
    Dawn beaupreJune 1,17

    Please stop the dogmeat and cat meat trade! This must stop! It is cruel and inhumane!

  45. ina
    inaJune 1,17

    No civilized nation subjects animals to such barbarism, cruelty and torture. Prove your worth: stop this abomination! Act on your humanity instead of this senseless need to kill. Animals are sentient beings, they’re not our possessions, they’re not ours to abuse!

  46. Margrit Stössel
    Margrit StösselJune 1,17

    Please stop this cruelty dogmeat and catmeat.
    They are best friends to humans.

  47. Milda
    MildaJune 1,17

    As a modern and developing country this festival is forms an image of outdated, narrow minded and oldfashioned country, besides that it is against animal rights, cruel and brutal, it must stop! Europe is shocked by this cruel event !

  48. Jose Bracho
    Jose BrachoJune 1,17

    Please stop this cruelty dogmeat and catmeat.
    They are best friends to humans.

    • massimo marchesini
      massimo marchesiniJune 1,17

      There is no limit to the pain and disgust that we every day experience seeing these horrible scenes of torture executed on dogs and cats in your country. It’s now that all this plague ends, if korea want to be considered a great country abroad. For my part and for my family, I no longer buy any product coming from Korea. I sent the letters to the Korean government as suggested. I hope this helps in some ways.

      • Denise Leblanc
        Denise LeblancJune 6,17

        I agree with you Massimo. One way to make South Korea listen is to BOYCOTT all products from there. They understand the won/dollar language.

  49. jo13
    jo13June 1,17

    It’ s a nightmare , I can’t beleive!!! These “human” are inhumain , they haven’t a heart , no they haven’t .

  50. Carla Smalberger
    Carla SmalbergerJune 1,17

    This is absolutely unacceptable and barbaric, as the world’s most leading country, for your country this is sick. We will keep on fighting for these beautiful dogs, they are our best friends not food, we as the world is shocked and so disappointed that this is even allowed, what a disgrace. Be a man and do the right thing be the voice for the voiceless. It’s absolutely mind boggling to know how brutal these people are. Please we are begging you. STOP THIS BRUTALITY AND TORTURE TODAY!

  51. Sandra Z
    Sandra ZJune 1,17

    I saw no option for English on the president’s site.

  52. Plamen Grancharov
    Plamen GrancharovJune 1,17

    Dear Mr. President,

    I kindly ask you to stop the dog and cat meat consumption and trade in the Republic of Korea. Dogs and cats have been pets and best friends to humans for thousands of years, they are not food!

    Thank you!

    Sincerely yours,
    Plamen Grancharov, Bulgaria

  53. frances
    francesJune 1,17

    President Moon, Do you have a dog, a cat, or any kind of pets?
    If you do, you should understand why many of us cannot accept torturing,
    boiling, skinning, cutting off legs, frying live animals while they are screaming
    in pain. Please think about what your developed country is portraying.

  54. Bugnar
    BugnarJune 1,17

    Stop acestei cruzimi dezgustătoare de a omori si minca carne de ciine

  55. Pier Giorgio Nicoletti
    Pier Giorgio NicolettiJune 1,17

    Dear Mr. President Moon Jae-In and South Korean Government,
    I would like adding my voice to the many urging You to do whatever in Your power to stop trade and consumption of dog and cat meat in Your Country.
    This would be not only in favour of those unlucky animals, and of a general principle of humanity suggesting to reduce cruelty in the world: it would also be to advantage of the international image of South Korea, that is seriously spoiled by that trade and consumption – with obvious effects also on Your important and rich international commerce and on tourism.
    Respectfully yours,
    Pier Giorgio Nicoletti (Italy)
    ([email protected])

    PETER WALDERJune 1,17


  57. Maria
    MariaJune 1,17

    I can’t find English interface on the site, but sent an e-mail. I hope they’ll read it. The previous administration never read my complains.

  58. Peter Sweerman
    Peter SweermanJune 1,17

    Dear President Moon Jae-In and Korean Government Officials:
    These disgusting and sadistic attrocities committed to man’s best and loyal friends, dogs ánd cats, is beyond my comprehension. I have to say at least this: This has taken on far too long and it has damaged the respect we should have for Korea and other Asian countries as well. How can we not be suspicious towards our Korean Tourists, for it could be they support or condone or consume the bloody ‘food’ of the dog and catmeat trade. It has taken your nationals towards a dark place as well. Please consider to stop this once and for all so that we can trust and respect you completely and not partly. May God bless your rightfull, truthfull and honorable decisions towards more empathy and compassion to all that lives on Mother Earth.

  59. Juliya
    JuliyaJune 1,17

    Hate Korea and China for this cruel, awful, sick treatment to the animals!!! The nation, which does this, do not deserve to live on the earth!!! Stop it, till mature doesn’t kill u all!!!

  60. Cecilia
    CeciliaJune 1,17

    Mr.Moon Jae-In,President of South Korea, at this message I could just ask your kindness and consideration about all alive animals in the world for the people of South Korea to stop killing any animals for consumption, but even you can considere it,I’m very worrying time about the terrible killings and consumption of Dogs and Cats mostly in the East of this Planet made of pure Nature where all of us, animals (rationals and the innocent and no power, the no voices animals).So,please,I beg you, humbling by me part, for your Government to make a strong and serious law to protect Dogs and Cats for any consumption in your country. The Dogs and the Cats are the most friendly animals in the world humans have, even they can live and sleep inside our homes and they can and have power by their natural instincts to protect people and homes in many ways. I think it’s not late to stop killing them to any consumption in all the Planet,but your Government is strong enough to Stop it in your country and that is the reason I’m writing to you for it to be considered and done, please.The future belongs to the children of the present whether they can have a good environment in a good and kind way to all creatures in the world because all of us are living under and in dependance of the correct, fair and kind way of treatment to all creatures in consideration to all of them to deserve the right of Life by Nature itself. Please!

  61. Joy Hayes
    Joy HayesJune 1,17

    Please please stop this horrendous and barbaric torture and slaughtering of all cats and dogs in the meat trade. They are loving an loyal animals and any form of animal cruelty MUST BE STOPPED

  62. Idarose Huf
    Idarose HufJune 1,17

    Mr Moon Sir….I wish I could speak Korean but I an An American and I would like to tell you how proud I am that I fought for you to become President. Anyone Who Nami Kim trusts, so do I! You are bright new Future and Please Don’t let our Furry Family down Please….They have suffered long Enough. Your Face is Kind and Gentle and it’s a warmth you Give! God bless You.

  63. 柴田恩信
    柴田恩信June 1,17

    Please stop this cruelty dog meat and cat meat they’re best friends to humans

  64. goldie zeidman
    goldie zeidmanJune 1,17

    This is so inhumane not to mention sickening and terrifying to watch. This practice of eating dog and cat meat needs to end and there needs to be animal protection laws for ALL ANIMALS in these countries! There needs to be justice and the government doesn’t do shit all!

  65. Sandra Dean
    Sandra DeanJune 1,17

    Torturing and slaughtering , and eating dogs is totally unacceptable, cruel and barbaric
    Dogs are mans best friend for a reason, they are loving kind and loyal.
    They serve mankind in all sorts of ways. A life line for the disabled, the blind and deaf.
    Serving in the Police force and in the army., and are our most devoted of family members , within our own homes.
    They have defended man , defended children, even sacrificing their lives.
    To abuse these creatures really is a betrayal of their devotion and their love and above all their trust.
    Because they do naturally trust us…they long ago decided to give their loyalty and love to Man.
    So why are we treating them in this way…?… they are intelligent beings and they deserve to be protected.

  66. Jenny
    JennyJune 1,17

    Why are people posting the letters on here? you’re ment to be emailing them to here… [email protected]

  67. Judy Arisman
    Judy ArismanJune 1,17

    First congratulations on your win! I’ve been signing petitions for over 2 years against So Korea animal torture and commerce. I have my hopes up of late because international organizations are joining in on the fight. Is there some way, perhaps government subsidies and education, to make the horrific meat farms close once and for all? You would be a prince among men if you could put that on the top of your agenda! Thank you for your consideration of this terrible matter.

  68. Frances Stent
    Frances StentJune 1,17

    Dear President Moon Jae-In,
    In the world today we are shocked by the horrific atrocities committed by man to man and we join to condemn these acts .Yet horrific acts of torture are committed to dogs and cats every day in your country and our government and officials turn a blind eye to these vile crimes.
    The rest of the civilised world believes that the abhorrent act that these poor companiam animals suffer are crimes that should never happen .
    These act shame your country and it’s people.
    As one human being to another I beg you to put an end to this barbaric dog meat trade.
    Please watch the videos that animal protection groups film in secret so you can judge for your self how savage and cruel this trade is.

  69. William Hughes
    William HughesJune 1,17

    Please stop this cruelty.

  70. Katrin Rosinsnki
    Katrin RosinsnkiJune 1,17

    Please stop this cruelty dogmeat and catmeat.
    They are best friends to humans.

  71. Barbara Peterlin
    Barbara PeterlinJune 1,17

    Please end to kill and make the dog and cat meat at the festivals in China. This is a very cruel country. My cats and dogs are my children and love them very much!

    • Barbara Peterlin
      Barbara PeterlinJune 1,17

      Also please stop killing the dogs and cats in Korea’s. I love all animals sooo much! It hurts my feelings toward to them.

  72. Suzanne Twigg
    Suzanne TwiggJune 1,17

    Dear President Moon Jae-In and South Korean Government,

    Please watch these videos: Shocking Cruelty of South Korean Dog Meat Industry, The Dog Meat Professionals: South Korea

    I am extremely upset about the torture and consumption of companion animals in South Korea.
    With the ubiquity of social medias, every day we are seeing shocking and heartbreaking images and videos of innocent dogs being tortured and killed in your country.

    Even though Korea has established an Animal Protection Law for companion animals, dogs are still beaten, hung, electrocuted, and treated brutally by farmers and slaughters. Also, dogs and cats are still being beaten and boiled alive for so-called elixirs, which do not have medical properties except in the minds of ignorant and gullible customers.

    These practices have no place in the modern world. Other Asian countries have banned the eating of dog meat and the cruel industry that goes with it, such as Taiwan and the Philippines. Why does Korea persist in lagging behind these countries and other civilized societies?

    It’s the responsibility of the Korean government to once and for all end the cruel dog meat and cat medicine industries in Korea. It is time to dismiss the childish myths and propaganda surrounding these industries and their vile products. It is time to leave behind backward and unnecessary traditions.

    And it is time for Korea to start taking animal welfare seriously and show that it really does have a compassionate and ethical society. That means it is time for the Korean government to start better educating the public about the importance of spaying and neutering, about not abandoning pets, and about treating animals in a proper manner.

    Until these things are done, Korea’s reputation in the international community will continue to suffer. Its citizens will continue to face shame and embarrassment. And Korea will continue to be regarded as “third world,” despite its modernization and attempts at globalized thinking.

    With the upcoming 2018 Winter Olympic Games being hosted in Pyeongchang, I would ask that you do all in your power to stop this barbarism and cruelty as the world’s attention will be on South Korea both before and during the events.

    From now on, I will boycott Korean products, and I will not support Korean companies or visit Korea until the abuse of cats and dogs has finally ended.

    Yours sincerely,
    Suzanne Twigg

  73. marion price
    marion priceJune 1,17

    Shocking cruelty….evil and sadistic. I will buy nothing from Korea untill you stop torturing animals….i spread the word about the horrendous abuse of animals in Korea and i spend my time raising awareness of this issue and encouraging many people in Britain to also boycott Korea!!! Stop, stop, STOP!!!

  74. Kathy Tenda
    Kathy TendaJune 2,17

    Please show the world your humanity and stop the dog and cat meat trade.

  75. nancy
    nancyJune 2,17

    This is wrong in every sense. Dogs, cats, and all domestic animals are not for human consumption. They are our friends, companions and have feelings just like people do. The terror they experience is beyond cruelty. Stop this business now. The world is watching Korea!

  76. Despina M. Andrelus
    Despina M. AndrelusJune 2,17

    Torture is the ultimate betrayal towards any living soul and absolutely heartbreaking all the way around. You simply can not do such a horrific thing without it killing the best in you. Period.

    I need to ask…You do understand that animals feel, don’t you? Yes, they do. They feel deeply. They hurt and feel pain just as you do. Intensely and soul crushingly. Do you not hear their whimpers, cries, pleas and screams?? Do you not see them cower and shiver in extreme frantic fear??? You would have to be deaf and blind not to…or your heart would have to be so extremely hardened that you no longer notice pain and terror when it stares at you right in the face. With acknowledging that animals do feel deeply, think on how you would feel if the torturous dog/cat meat horror process inflicted on these animals were actually inflicted on you…

    Now, having said that, there will be those who scoff about not eating their meat, so we need to distinguish between the actual eating of these animals and the actual torturing of them. The cruel, cold, bloody, horrific torture… and the insane enjoyment so many abusers have of doing the actual torture. This isn’t a quick process we are talking about… This “treatment” takes an incredibly slow, methodical, excruciatingly painful time. No rhyme or reason to that. No empathy towards anyone who does that, whether it be to dog, cat, horse, deer, rabbit, cow, pig, bird, whale, seal, what-have-you. Torture is inexcusable. Period. Nobody, and I mean nobody, needs to torture an animal – even if they feel the need to eat it. That, in and of itself, shows the person’s true character – or lack of. **TORTURE IS NOT CULTURE!!**

    If only you realized how many beloved, selfless heroes they have tragically tortured and boiled alive for their own evil, insane, horrific, selfish, greedy purposes… and all along the very thing that they truly desire and yearn for is in the very keeping of these precious animals alive, loved and well cared for!!!

  77. Sherry Hudson
    Sherry HudsonJune 2,17

    No civilized society does this or approves of this! Barbaric savagery!

  78. sharon jones
    sharon jonesJune 2,17

    dear sir please see it in your heart and soul to put an end to this so barbaric torture of dogs cats etc……………I am praying for peace on this earth to come to all ………….so much suffering now its so heartbreaking …………please sir I ask you beg you please ………thankyou … will be a good respected man in this world of horror …please help stop this cruelty to the innocent dogs and cats ……..

  79. Dr. Mona Sophie Kling
    Dr. Mona Sophie KlingJune 2,17

    Dear Mr. President,

    I urge you to put a stop to the atrocities committed in the dog and cat meat trade. It is pure torture to these sentient beings. I always valued Korean culture – this is appalling and heart breaking. Respectfully yours,

  80. Carole-diane Barre
    Carole-diane BarreJune 2,17

    Monsieur le président,
    Je crois savoir que vous êtes un homme moderne qui souhaite voir l’évolution de son pays et que vous êtes aussi un homme bon sensible à la cause animale et de la cause des chiens martyrisés pour leur chair, GANDHI affirmait ” on juge pas l’évolution d’une société à la façon dont elle traite les animaux ”, alors stop à la barbarie et place à l’humanité, Merci monsieur le président, la ” balle est dans votre camp ???

  81. Betty Kang
    Betty KangJune 2,17

    Please stop this unnecessary and profoundly shocking barbarity toward dogs. They are innocent, they are intelligent, they are loved. This violent, brutal slaughter is horribly, horribly shocking and depressing to witness. It makes me profoundly sad to know that this is happening even as I write this. Please, please, please stop killing these innocents.

  82. Xavier
    XavierJune 2,17

    “The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” – Mahatma Gandhi


    Dear Mr. President Moon Jae-In and South Korean Government, please ABOLISH the cat and dog meat trade forever as soon as possible. It brings so much pain, so much brutality and also such great shame on your country and your culture around the world. There is no way of hiding the extreme, horrific, sadistic torture that goes with it any more. The videos and images we see online are truly disturbing to watch. Violence breads violence – it is very well known that animal torturers end up becoming serial killers. Please educate people to love and respect animals. THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A PET DOG AND A SOI DOG. Given the chance they both florish in a loving family. Please listen to your heart and don’t be afraid of change.

  84. Janeth Daniels
    Janeth DanielsJune 2,17

    Please stop animal cruelty in your country. Dogs and cats are animals to be respected and especially to be loved.


    Dear President Moon Jae-In and Korean Government Official, please take the dogs and the cats OFF the live stock list and ABOLISH the horrific, vile dog and cat meat trade in your country. The extreme torture and violence that goes with it is absolutely despicable – the rest of world is seeing online shocking evidence on what some of your people is allowed to do to these poor animals. There is no way to hide this evil, perverted practice any more. With no doubt the cat and dog meat trade brings huge shame on your country, your people and your tradition. Thinking that the meat of tortured dogs have supreme powers? Really? Is your people so uneducated? Would I want to visit a place where such extreme violence is apparently normal? No. It’s common knowledge that animal torturers do eventually become serial killers…. violence breads violence. I still cannot believe how foreigners need to explain you WHY it would be a good idea for South Asian countries to abolish the cat and dog meat trade. Cannot you see this for yourselves? Also, there is NO DIFFERENCE between pet dogs and soi dogs – they are ALL dogs, man’s best friend. They are NOT FOOD – that’s not the way to reward them for being so loyal to us!

    PATRIZIAJune 2,17

    A civilian country does not torture horribly indefensible living beings. This macabre custom made by psychopaths without control must be blocked now! Do not you realize that the whole world is watching this mess with disgust?

  87. Maria Chica
    Maria ChicaJune 2,17

    Consider this Honorable President.
    If you are interested in energy. Then imagine the fear essence being transmitted from animal to human. Fear changes the chemicals within the flesh, (including ours). That fear essence is being ingested by the humans who eat them. consider the karmic effects. Universal law of justice

  88. sonnta simon
    sonnta simonJune 2,17

    This horrible practice needs to end. Let this be the year that it does.
    Many Thanks

  89. Patricia McNaughton
    Patricia McNaughtonJune 2,17

    “The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” Mahatma Gandhi

  90. esperanza pinto martinez
    esperanza pinto martinezJune 2,17


  91. brian meegan
    brian meeganJune 2,17

    Please stop all dog meat trade in South Korea.

  92. Marilupe Maldonado
    Marilupe MaldonadoJune 2,17

    Dejen de hacer esa estupidez!!! Solo un hombre estúpido mata a los animales de esa manera!!! Por el amor a la vida ALTO YA!!!!!!!

  93. Margaret Melnick
    Margaret MelnickJune 2,17


    Dear President Moon Jae-In and South Korean Government,

    Please watch these videos: Shocking Cruelty of South Korean Dog Meat Industry, The Dog Meat Professionals: South Korea

    I am extremely upset about the torture and consumption of companion animals in South Korea.
    With the ubiquity of social medias, every day we are seeing shocking and heartbreaking images and videos of innocent dogs being tortured and killed in your country.

    Even though Korea has established an Animal Protection Law for companion animals, dogs are still beaten, hung, electrocuted, and treated brutally by farmers and slaughters. Also, dogs and cats are still being beaten and boiled alive for so-called elixirs, which do not have medical properties except in the minds of ignorant and gullible customers.

    These practices have no place in the modern world. Other Asian countries have banned the eating of dog meat and the cruel industry that goes with it, such as Taiwan and the Philippines. Why does Korea persist in lagging behind these countries and other civilized societies?

    It’s the responsibility of the Korean government to once and for all end the cruel dog meat and cat medicine industries in Korea. It is time to dismiss the childish myths and propaganda surrounding these industries and their vile products. It is time to leave behind backward and unnecessary traditions.

    And it is time for Korea to start taking animal welfare seriously and show that it really does have a compassionate and ethical society. That means it is time for the Korean government to start better educating the public about the importance of spaying and neutering, about not abandoning pets, and about treating animals in a proper manner.

    Until these things are done, Korea’s reputation in the international community will continue to suffer. Its citizens will continue to face shame and embarrassment. And Korea will continue to be regarded as “third world,” despite its modernization and attempts at globalized thinking.

    With the upcoming 2018 Winter Olympic Games being hosted in Pyeongchang, I would ask that you do all in your power to stop this barbarism and cruelty as the world’s attention will be on South Korea both before and during the events.

    From now on, I will boycott Korean products, and I will not support Korean companies or visit Korea until the abuse of cats and dogs has finally ended.

    Yours sincerely,

  94. isabelle golion
    isabelle golionJune 3,17

    Dear President of South Korea, Our world is full of violence , each country needs to stop unbearable practicies , and dog meat trade is one of them! We humans have to spread a URGE message of compassion ” to make the world going better “

  95. Mariana Noronha
    Mariana NoronhaJune 3,17

    This is for the times of cave men. I think SK is a nation in evolution, but when I knew about this, even the condition where they murder the dogs is all full of dirty. How can others eat anything from those places full of bacteria, virus,
    not to mention the cruelty. Dogs have understanding and feel and think. Why don’t you go for human meat? The criminals could give a good different taste. It seems human meat is very good. I bet it is.

  96. Mary LaMagna-Arnold
    Mary LaMagna-ArnoldJune 3,17

    Please stop all Dog and Cat meat trade in South Korea for good.


  97. Dana Atnip
    Dana AtnipJune 3,17

    It is extremely disappointing to see that in this day and age that this kind of treatment and torture of animals is still taking place. I urge you to please stop the dog and cat meat trade! More and more people around the world are supporting the humane and ethical treatment of animals, including animals that are slated for food. It is time for Korea to join other countries and nations that have adopted humane treatment of animals and to end the use of companion animals for slaughter. The Korean government has the power to pass laws prohibiting the abuse of animals and to educate the public. You can choose to be a leader and to get the support of other countries as well as the support of your own citizens. It’s time to put the past behind you and move forward into a new era: stop the torture and slaughter of companion animals and adopt humane treatment of animals being raised for food. Until that time I unfortunately cannot support any products made in Korea nor watch the Olympics. I look forward to the positive changes that Korea’s leadership can make (and hopefully very soon!) Thank you for your time.

  98. Barbara Alves
    Barbara AlvesJune 3,17

    Dear President Moon Jae-In and South Korean Government,
    animals also feel fear – despair and pain – they cry for pain . Please, stop the pain and the crying from dogs and cats. Please, stop the acts of tortures. Please, stop it now.
    In Germany also the slaughtering of our animals is horrible and I boycott meat.
    Dear President Moon Jae-In – please help the animals. Together against cruelty to animals – a light goes around the world.
    Yours sincerely
    Barbara Alves

  99. claudia minerva
    claudia minervaJune 3,17

    we have been writing from years, complaining from years, begging from years. Cruelty and sadism are not humane. Ignorance and perversion seem to reign in most of your inhabitants. And governments that allow cruelty to the defenseless, or to any, are insane and teach no leaglity: because they don’t pursue it and do not know what it means. I stand with the difenseless, and the defenders. I am vegan. Our countries think they are beyond any critic, and it’s not like that. But what you do to cats and dogs is more than barbarian

  100. Lindsie Cuomo
    Lindsie CuomoJune 4,17

    I will not visit nor support any fellow Americans from traveling to China until the violence has stopped!!!

  101. Marco Salvetti
    Marco SalvettiJune 4,17

    Please, end the korean holocaust!

  102. Troy C
    Troy CJune 4,17

    Polite letter sent asking for the President to end the dog/cat meat trade.

  103. Paula Collewijn
    Paula CollewijnJune 4,17

    Dear President Moon Jae,

    Please stop the hurting of animals, stop the dog and cat meat trade. Stop this with whole your heart.

    Animals have souls too. They want to live. Animals are Precious.

    Paula Collewijn
    The Netherlands

  104. Shirley
    ShirleyJune 4,17

    All of my waking thought come around to what is happening to dogs and cats in your country.
    I am completely on edge, as to what is continuing.

  105. Kenny Santiago
    Kenny SantiagoJune 4,17

    To my fellow human beings,

    I don’t know what religion or faith everyone may be following, but if you able to stop this, then for the love of God stop this. If you can do something about it, please make it happen. Dogs are our companion and most civilized people in your country as well the rest of the world would agree. Your country is educated, rich and modern. This is how the world see South Korea. If more people in other countries know about this, your country reputation would be tarnish and less respected. This isn’t a cultural thing. Starvation was the reason and understandable for survival. Most Korean don’t eat dog meat, but the small group that do can change. Raising dog for meat has no justification. People has become callous toward animals when they slaughter animal for food. The people who eat dogs justify it by saying that it taste good and they don’t look dogs as pet or as companion. There are plenty of foods and other meats to eat. We human beings can consume and make food out of many things and as humans we have a choice. Humanity, which does not require to you to believe in higher being or in your faith, but do requires love, compassion, understanding, kindness, benevolence, mercy, and what is right from wrong. Please do choose to do the right thing and end this sad chapter in Korea. For the folks who continue to say it’s their livelihood, money loss, and they just don’t care. Please stop with the excuses! If you can adapt to eating dog, you can adapt or change from raising and eating them.

    Love and Peace,

  106. maria turner
    maria turnerJune 5,17

    Dear President Moon, this is not a tradition i’ts a money making business of horrific cruel treatment of cats and dogs , look within your heart and soul and stop this madness,, you have the power,, God is watching he sees the truth but waits,

  107. Mimi Benadiba
    Mimi BenadibaJune 5,17

    Dear President Moon Jae-In and Korean Government Official, please take the dogs and the cats OFF the live stock list and ABOLISH the horrific, vile dog and cat meat trade in your country. The extreme torture and violence that goes with it is absolutely despicable – the rest of world is seeing online shocking evidence on what some of your people is allowed to do to these poor animals. There is no way to hide this evil, perverted practice any more. With no doubt the cat and dog meat trade brings huge shame on your country, your people and your tradition. Thinking that the meat of tortured dogs have supreme powers? Really? Is your people so uneducated? Would I want to visit a place where such extreme violence is apparently normal? No. It’s common knowledge that animal torturers do eventually become serial killers…. violence breads violence. I still cannot believe how foreigners need to explain you WHY it would be a good idea for South Asian countries to abolish the cat and dog meat trade. Cannot you see this for yourselves? Also, there is NO DIFFERENCE between pet dogs and soi dogs – they are ALL dogs, man’s best friend. They are NOT FOOD – that’s not the way to reward them for being so loyal to us! Would you yourself be ok with some one steeling your beloved dog to be tortured and murdered for consumption? no I think not. So please I urge you to end this horrific torture on man’s best friends that being cats and dogs Thank you

  108. A. Smee
    A. SmeeJune 5,17

    Please stop this horrendous torture of these innocent babies. There is no need for it. If these people must eat dogs and cats ( I can see no reason for it)
    Cant these people do it humanely. We in the western world also eat animals, but I would like to think that they are slaughtered humanely. The people in Korea who farm these animals seem to enjoy inflicting pain, perhaps we could do the same to them and see what they suffer, but they are not human they are a sub species. Please stop it is not doing your health any good, you are feeding them slops which poison their insides and you want to eat that. You all disgust me.

  109. angela q humphries
    angela q humphriesJune 5,17

    Please stop this horrific cruelty! No living creature should be treated that way.
    Thank you.

  110. Nancy Lowe
    Nancy LoweJune 5,17

    I understand you are a very compassionate leader who wishes to make things right in your country. Please stop the dog and cat meat trade and consumption. Dogs and cats are an integral part of our communities. They show us love, joy, happiness, sadness, lonliness, and most of all, empathy. Empathy is something the human race needs to get a grasp on. We can learn from our animal people who are just trying to share a space on this earth and survive. Animal people are no different from human beings, except in form and voice. They are no different from any other person we call foreigner. Because we cannot understand their language and they do not fit into the norm of our understanding of a person, doesn’t make them any less of a being. It is our ignorance of not understanding that puts these poor beings at a disadvantage. Just because we can use force against beings who cannot fight back, makes us barbarians. We have evolved way past this point, or at least some of us have. We can all get their. Please use your wisdom and education to stop the torture of other beings we see as inferior. Noone should endure torture on any level. Thank you.

  111. Helena Saunders
    Helena SaundersJune 6,17

    Please please help stop this evil towards our pets,no dog or cat deserve this,we love our animals so muc,I dream about them screaming from boiling hot pots,It breaks my heart,I love them so much.Please I beg you,yes I will beg to see it end.

  112. Frederick Saunders
    Frederick SaundersJune 6,17

    Please,please will you end this evil trade to our fur babies,we love dogs and cats.When I see what happens to them it makes me feel sick,We people spend lots of money with China and other Asian counties,we are only asking for our fur babies to Stop being touchured,anybody with a heart will feel the same.Please sir make it Stop.????????????

  113. Ian Smith
    Ian SmithJune 6,17

    There is no place for this evil barbarity in todays world, please stop this now.

  114. Carole Fraser
    Carole FraserJune 7,17

    Disgusting evil vile Demonic acts of Barbaric Cruelty that should not exist in this World the cruelty in your country is abhorrent no animal deserves this its inhuman please STOP leave the animals to live a life of peace and Tranquility.

  115. Margarita Kalancha
    Margarita KalanchaJune 9,17

    Stop this! It’s terribly and Cruelly!

  116. Melissa delporte
    Melissa delporteJune 9,17

    This is a disgusting and inhuman act of torture. Please STOP the dog/cat meat trade.

  117. kathleen hanold
    kathleen hanoldJune 11,17

    The world is watching and asking you to become a hero in taking the lead to save your precious animals.

  118. Angela Oakley
    Angela OakleyJune 12,17

    President Moon – please Sir make this horrific cruelty stop towards dogs and cats in your country… It’s the most horrific sight and sound of animals screaming in pain begging for mercy… It shouldn’t be happening.. I am begging you to enforce the law in your country… Dogs and cats are companion animals.. They want to be loved not tortured…

  119. Stacey
    StaceyJune 13,17

    Please stop the torture of dogs and cats. End the BokNal Festival of dog torture.It is shameful and unnecessary cruelty.

  120. Laurie Hoopingarner
    Laurie HoopingarnerJune 13,17

    Dear President Moon

    I am asking you please sir to stop the horrific dog and cat meat trade in your country. I implore you to do whatever you can within your means to abolish this practice. Animals are so loving and compassionate. I am begging you to help them along with support of all those around the world . We can work together to end this torture and live in a humane and kind environment with all animals. Thank you so much! It is so appreciated!!

  121. Janine
    JanineJune 14,17

    Emailed and shared. I think you wanted emails and not comments right?

  122. Ann van dessel
    Ann van desselJune 14,17

    Please have respect for living beings. How is it possible to respect yourself if you are able to live in such a cruel way…

  123. debi
    debiJune 14,17

    how can ppl let this go on?????? look how they suffer and, the way they treat them!!!!!!! just a horror! its plz got to stop!!!!!!

  124. Jo Ardell
    Jo ArdellJune 14,17

    The Poor Dogs and Cats are being tortured in horrible ways! Their pain and agony is the worst that is and no poor animal deserves this. They are helpless, voiceless, defenseless, and I am Begging for Mercy, For Them. Please don’t let them hurt the poor little ones, anymore. I Love the animals and I can’t take this. Will you please help them? (and, for what ever it is worth to you, i do not eat any animals, of any kind) –

  125. miriam
    miriamJune 14,17

    Stop. Crueldad animal.

  126. lisa
    lisaJune 15,17

    We reach out to you as fellow dog owners, people with compassion for our companion animals and passion for their well-being and care, not just in your country, but across the world. We write to you in this petition to bring to your attention the horrific reality for dogs in South Korea, condemned into a life in the meat trade.

    In the row upon row of dank, dark and soiled cages you will find pedigree and mongrel dogs alike, even the most revered of all South Korean dogs, the pedigree noble and ancient Korean Jindo, silent and awaiting their grim fate to be served up as soup or a side dish on a local’s plate, just another meal like any other that day.

    These dogs are kept in the most inhumane conditions you can imagine, never shown any kindness or dignity, factory farmed and butchered in the most medieval way (hanging, electrocution, beating … the list is endless and the butchers inventive) – this is not even how we would treat our domestic livestock – yet it’s happening every day right now! These dogs are kept in squalor, in their own filth, often fed powerful antibiotics because disease is so rife, even in some cases, fed the bodies of their dead cage companions, all to feed human demand for dog meat.

    There is no ‘cultural’ reason behind this cruelty and no scientific basis for the torturing of these poor animals to “make the meat taste better”.

    In Korea there is a mistaken belief that there are two types of dog “meat dogs” and “pet dogs” – one free to live life as a companion animal and part of the family like any other, the other condemned to a miserable existence, lying in steel rimmed cages awaiting the day they are removed from the only environment they have ever known with a wire grabber, to be tortured and killed in front of the other dogs, so another customer can have just another dish. What kind of backward thinking is this?!

    Domesticated dogs are our companions when we are lonely, our partners in work and in play and our protectors. There is no difference between the dog lying in that cage and our own dogs awaiting us loyally at home. These dogs like our own can learn to trust humans again, learn new tricks and behaviors and can with rehabilitation, wag their tails again just like any other.

    Will you stand silently by while this goes on every day in Korea? Will you add your voice to the hundreds of others condemning the actions of the dog meat trade in Korea and those that support it? Will you take a stand like so many other organizations and ask your members to give a voice to the voiceless?

    Korea like so many other countries has a thriving show scene and places particular reverence on the influence of organizations in the showing community, so we urge you to ask your members to take action on behalf of these amazing animals and remind Korea that there is no such thing as a “meat dog”, only a dog, capable of being a loyal, faithful and lifelong living companion just like any other, just like our own.

  127. Tina van Lammeren
    Tina van LammerenJune 15,17

    Please mr President of South Korea,

    In July normally there will be a dog and catmeatfestival in your country in Bok Nal. Will you please stop this from happening? The things they do to dogs and cats are horrific. Please help the animals. They do not deserve to be treated like this. Kind regards,
    Tina van Lammeren

  128. Annika
    AnnikaJune 15,17

    It´s proven animals got senses, like us they can stay away from danger, when they feel ache. Don´t hurt them, please.

    CRISTINA OLIVAJune 16,17

    Dear President Moon Jae-In and South Korean Government,

    Please watch these videos: Shocking Cruelty of South Korean Dog Meat Industry, The Dog Meat Professionals: South Korea

    I am extremely upset about the torture and consumption of companion animals in South Korea.
    With the ubiquity of social medias, every day we are seeing shocking and heartbreaking images and videos of innocent dogs being tortured and killed in your country.

    Even though Korea has established an Animal Protection Law for companion animals, dogs are still beaten, hung, electrocuted, and treated brutally by farmers and slaughters. Also, dogs and cats are still being beaten and boiled alive for so-called elixirs, which do not have medical properties except in the minds of ignorant and gullible customers.

    These practices have no place in the modern world. Other Asian countries have banned the eating of dog meat and the cruel industry that goes with it, such as Taiwan and the Philippines. Why does Korea persist in lagging behind these countries and other civilized societies?

    It’s the responsibility of the Korean government to once and for all end the cruel dog meat and cat medicine industries in Korea. It is time to dismiss the childish myths and propaganda surrounding these industries and their vile products. It is time to leave behind backward and unnecessary traditions.

    And it is time for Korea to start taking animal welfare seriously and show that it really does have a compassionate and ethical society. That means it is time for the Korean government to start better educating the public about the importance of spaying and neutering, about not abandoning pets, and about treating animals in a proper manner.

    Until these things are done, Korea’s reputation in the international community will continue to suffer. Its citizens will continue to face shame and embarrassment. And Korea will continue to be regarded as “third world,” despite its modernization and attempts at globalized thinking.

    With the upcoming 2018 Winter Olympic Games being hosted in Pyeongchang, I would ask that you do all in your power to stop this barbarism and cruelty as the world’s attention will be on South Korea both before and during the events.

    From now on, I will boycott Korean products, and I will not support Korean companies or visit Korea until the abuse of cats and dogs has finally ended.

    Yours sincerely,

  130. Lee Ket hua
    Lee Ket huaJune 16,17

    Please Mr president,stop all the dogs eating in Korea..Banned all the dogs meat trade in Korea.Dogs are pets and a loyal friends to all humans and it is cruel that korean eat them.With Olympics coming to Korea,,we will boycott it till you stop and banned the dogs meat trade in your country. please stop and banned the dogs meat trade Thank you Mr President for the time.

  131. Cornelia Herschel
    Cornelia HerschelJune 19,17

    PLEASE!!! This outrageous, inconceivable, horrendous, gruesome cruelty MUST!!! stop!

  132. Alise
    AliseJune 19,17

    PLEASE PLEASE STOP THIS…. it’s inhumane and terribly cruel. No animal deserves this! EVER!

  133. Wendy Tinkler
    Wendy TinklerJune 19,17

    Please stop this practice of eating dogs and cats. They are wonderful companion animals.

  134. Mrs E Harlow
    Mrs E HarlowJune 19,17

    Dear President Moon Jae-In,

    I am extremely upset and very angry at the continuation of the torture and consumption of companion animals in South Korea even though Korea has established an Animal Protection Law for companion animals. Have seen shocking and heartbreaking images and videos of innocent dogs being tortured and killed in such inhumane ways that I never thought possible.
    It is barbaric and has no place in the modern world. As science progresses it has been proven that properties affiliated to these industries are a complete myth. You gain more health benefits from from crop growing industries.
    Please find it in your heart to start taking animal welfare seriously and to show you have a compassionate and ethical society. Now would be a good time to start educational the public about the importance of spaying and neutering, and not about abandoning pets, which in itself a cruel act, as it means they can be left to a slow lingering death through starvation and diseases.
    Despite that your country is showing modernisation and attempts at globalised thinking this reputation could be irreparably damaged and possibly regarded as “third world”.

    I am a dog owner and can attest that he is the most wonderful, loyal and intelligent pet. Dogs can show more loyalty to their human companions and will guard them without fear for their own safety. That to me shows more loyalty to a human than humans show to their own kind. To partially quote from Matmaha Ghandi, a nation is judged on how it treats it’s animals.
    So until Korea implements the total ban on these barbaric practices, I will not support Korean companies or visit Korea.
    Yours sincerely,
    Eileen Harlow

  135. ELVIRA
    ELVIRAJune 19,17

    THIS CRUELITY HAS TO STOPPPPP!!! THE WHOLE IS WATCHING YOU, I AM WATCHING FROM EUROPE THE NETHERLANDS It’s horrible, it’s barbaric, stop these horrible practices.

  136. Cel
    CelJune 20,17

    Savez vous que meme les chiens et les chats ont le pouvoir de vous bénir ????????????????ou De vous maudire ????????????c’est long mais vous allez finir par le constater quand vous serez atteint de toutes ces maladies????????????sincèrement

  137. Torill Almerud
    Torill AlmerudJune 20,17

    Stop This horrible abuse and killing right now.

  138. Sandra Godsey
    Sandra GodseyJune 21,17

    Ayuden a acabar con esta tortura de seres indefensos en manos de psicopatas llenos de sed de sangre y dolor! No al maltrato de seres llenos de amor! Basta del abuso, porque los animales tienen voz y no están solos. Gracias a la internet por descubrir este horror que existe en países como el suyo, en donde las leyes permiten estas barbaries de seres despiadados e ignorantes!!!

  139. SILVIA
    SILVIAJune 21,17


  140. Werner
    WernerJune 21,17

    Why must we petition to “try” and convince President Moon…? Does he not have eyes? Does he not have ears….can he NOT see the CRUELTY HIMSELF?!! Why does he need to be convinced through a petition when clearly this is disgusting barbaric cruelty…performed by low life human scum. He should now this himself without anyone needing to petition him!

  141. Susan Dalt
    Susan DaltJune 22,17

    Since was a little girl, animals were my escape and only form of consistent love. My life has been filled with heartbreak yet the love of these innonocent lives has in realty saved mine so many times I’ve lost count. So how do I look at these sad eyes and not try to save theirs?. Pleas e see these dogs as not just animals but see them as some people’s life line. At the very least if we can’t tug at your heart for mercy, please be merciful enough to stop the cruelty and euthanize them humanely. Sincerely, Susan Dalt

  142. poojapatole
    poojapatoleJune 22,17


  143. Wilmayra
    WilmayraJune 22,17

    Ruego a Dios que interceda en usted Sr presidente de Corea del Sur, Moon Jae-in, para que tome la gloriosa decisión de eliminar la matanza y tortura de perros y gatos a través de una potente Ley que ponga fin a esta película de terror de la vida real donde las víctimas hablan sólo con sus miradas aterrorizadas y sus cuerpos se revuelcan de dolor. No son objetos son seres sintiente que le regalan un sin fin de alegrías y ayuda a los seres humanos. Por favor, le invitamos a dar un imponente paso de humanidad como la creación de leyes para poner fin al comercio de perros y gatos. El mundo espera su desición quienes no dudamos en que será positiva en pro del bienestar animal. Saludos calurosos desde la República Bolivariana de Venezuela.

  144. Linda Feldt
    Linda FeldtJune 24,17

    Please stop this inhumane act towards animals! It is wrong in everyone’s eyes! It is wrong in the eyes of God. Please stop this!

  145. Olga Limanova
    Olga LimanovaJune 25,17

    Please, stop this cruelty! Dogs and cats must be treated like children and members of the family and not food!

  146. Barbara Peterlin
    Barbara PeterlinJune 25,17

    I could not sleep this whole month because dogs (and cats) slaughtered for the dog meat at Yulin festivals and Korea’s events in the summers. I really hate to see more millions of the dogs and cats died. The countries are very cruel to kill dogs and cats. PLEASE STOP TO PREPARE THE DOGS MEAT AND SHUT THE SOCIAL LIFE DOWN IN ASIA!!!

  147. Denise Leblanc
    Denise LeblancJune 25,17

    Mr. President of South Korea,
    Bucheon Mayor Kim Man-Soo :

    Bucheon Mayor Kim Man-Soo “SUGGESTS” that his city BUCHEON, Gyeonggi Province, SOUTH KOREA, becomes dog meat free.

    May I suggest that you AND Bucheon Mayor Kim Man-Soo MAKE BUCHEON, SOUTH KOREA, dog meat free. Thank you.

  148. Nicole Gagnon
    Nicole GagnonJune 25,17

    Mr. President of SOUTH KOREA:

    Please change the reputation of your country from DOG AND CAT EATING NATION to something that invites people to go visit your country. PLEASE WATCH THE VIDEOS BELOW.

    You have to be aware that “Beginning in August of last year, an investigation into the general practices of 20 dog meat farms revealed horrifying conditions. Dogs were kept in tiny steel cages so small that the animals could not even stretch out properly.”

    Please click to read the article to learn more about the survey results.

    Click to watch on on SBS TV News:

  149. Terri
    TerriJune 25,17

    Mr. President of South Korea, why would you kill innocent animals. they don’t deserve to be killed or abused or tortured . what is wrong with you people. God didn’t put them down here to be killed, he put them down here to be loved. they give love ., Don’t you believe in love. I feel very sorry for you when judgement day comes.

  150. Leigh johns
    Leigh johnsJune 25,17

    The cruelty to animals specifically cats and dogs in Korea is outrageous it is horrific. I and everybody I know have made a pledge not to buy any product that is produced in Korea for that very reason. Your government needs to introduce the death penalty to everyone involved in this hell on earth. Anybody who can be cruel to animals in the way some people in your country are is a psychopath and should not be allowed to exist on this planet. The entire world is appalled and disgusted by what is happening in your country to cats and dogs. Please stop it and introduce strong penalties to everyone involved.

  151. j.a. Brown
    j.a. BrownJune 25,17

    Please put an end to the horrible torture and consumption of companion animals in your country. This practice is totally unacceptable by most of the world yet S. Korea continues to allow it to happen. The world is watching. Please end this practice now.

  152. MS
    MSJune 25,17

    Let’s be rational, compassionate, moral & merciful — we do NOT live in the Dark Ages — you are a progressive & modern country with a richness & beauty — SHUT DOWN PERMANENTLY this unnecessary, irrational, hateful, heinous, horrific, sadistic, cowardly, immoral, cruel & unconscionable dog/cat meat racket — the suffering & insane treatment inflicted on these vulnerable & innocent animals is beyond the pale — the world is watching — SHUT DOWN THESE HORROR DOG/CAT MEAT FARMS ONCE AND FOR ALL!

  153. Janice Giampaoli
    Janice GiampaoliJune 25,17

    Do as much petitioning and emailing to President Moon as you can, and share with friends. Also, you can copy the letter and paste on South Korea FB website. Do everything you can to help end this atrocity to precious, innocent animals. It’s nothing short of barbaric and satanic!!! I can barely watch the video’s without it ripping my heart out. It’s God Awful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  154. Kevin Petty
    Kevin PettyJune 26,17

    I am vegan, so I am against the killing of any animal. I realize most people do not feel this way. So, if animals have to be sacrificed to fulfill human desires, then they should not be intelligent animals who can remember the past and understand the present like dogs do. Thank you, Mayor Kim Man-Soo.

    ROSE FORLBYJune 26,17


  156. Vicki Larsen
    Vicki LarsenJune 26,17

    The horrendous suffering and cruelty these animals are put through even before they are either brutally bludgeoned to death or boiled alive is simply unacceptable. It is simply unacceptable! It is far past time that the human race step up and learn to all treat animals with the respect and compassion they deserve. What a disgrace to the whole of the South Korean people that the practices used in the dog and cat meat trade are allowed to continue unabated. What an utter disgrace.

  157. Angélique LE GALLIC / France
    Angélique LE GALLIC / FranceJune 26,17

    Monsieur le Président de la Corée du Sud,

    Cher gouvernement Sud Coréen,

    J’ai l’honneur de vous contacter suite aux diffusions constantes d’images choquantes concernant l’abattage de chiens et de chats, de leur calvaire innommable, visionnées partout sur les différents réseaux sociaux.

    Ne pouvant pas détourner mon regard de cette cruauté, je tiens à vous exprimer de ma profonde déception. Je suis affligée de me rendre compte qu’un pays aussi beau que la Corée du Sud permette une pratique aussi horrible.

    Je rêve de visiter votre beau pays, mais, malgré tout, après avoir visualisée de telles images, il me serait impossible de profiter pleinement de mon séjour, sachant qu’une souffrance animale extrême se produise à côté des sentiers touristiques les plus fréquentés.

    C’est intolérable que dans notre monde au 21ème siècle, on tolère la maltraitance physique et morale sur des êtres vivants doués de sensibilité, d’intelligence propre, d’émotions et de sentiments. Il est inexcusable que des êtres humains sans compassion aucune et par perversité, maltraite cruellement ces animaux jusqu’à la mort, dans votre pays comme dans les autres pays d’asie.

    Même si la Corée a établi une loi sur la protection animale pour les animaux de compagnie, les chiens sont toujours battus, pendus, électrocutés, et traités brutalement par les agriculteurs. En outre, les chiens et les chats sont toujours battus et bouillis vivant pour produire des soi-disants élixirs, qui ne disposent d’aucune propriété médicale, sauf dans l’esprit des clients ignorants et crédules.

    Ces pratiques n’ont pas leur place dans le monde moderne. D’autres pays asiatiques ont déjà interdit la consommation de la viande de chien et de l’industrie cruelle qui va avec, comme Taïwan et les Philippines. Pourquoi la Corée persiste-elle à être à la traîne derrière ces pays et d’autres sociétés civilisées?

    Et il est temps pour la Corée de commencer à prendre sérieusement en compte le bien-être des animaux et de montrer que c’est un pays qui possède une société compatissante et éthique.

    Cela signifie qu’il est temps pour le gouvernement coréen de commencer à mieux éduquer le public sur l’importance de la stérilisation, de ne pas abandonner les animaux de compagnie, et sur le traitement des animaux d’une manière appropriée.

    Tant que ces choses ne sont faites pas, la réputation de la Corée dans la communauté internationale continuera de souffrir. Ses citoyens continueront à faire face à la honte et l’embarras. Et la Corée continuera d’être considérée comme «tiers-monde», en dépit de sa modernisation et de tentatives de pensée mondialisée.

    Avec les prochains Jeux olympiques d’hiver de 2018 qui se tiendront à Pyeongchang, je vous demanderais de faire tout ce qui est en votre pouvoir pour mettre fin à cette barbarie et cette cruauté, étant donné que l’attention du monde sera portée sur la Corée du Sud, à la fois avant et pendant les événements.

    Notre mission en tant qu’être humain est de protéger cette terre si fragile, défendre la faune et la flore de toute nuisance extérieure dont l’homme lui-même. St François d’Assise, un moine italien du 13ème siècle, ami et défenseur des animaux, disait : “Ne pas blesser nos humbles frères les animaux est notre premier devoir envers eux, mais cela ne suffit pas. Nous avons une mission plus grande : les aider chaque fois qu’ils en ont besoin”.

    Nous sommes des êtres de compassion, aussi, en tant que tel, je sollicite votre bienveillance, votre compréhension afin qu’un changement s’opère autour de l’importance de la protection et le bien-être des animaux.

    Je vous supplie, je vous supplie de tout mon coeur de stopper définitivement le commerce de viande de chiens et de chats et de BANNIR le festival à Boknal qui aura lieu chaque année à la mi juillet !!!

    Vous remerciant vivement d’aider, de poursuivre et de prendre part à ce changement de mentalité, je vous prie de croire, Monsieur le Président, Messieurs et Mesdames du Gouvernement, en mes respectueuses salutations.

  158. Rita Soteropoulos
    Rita SoteropoulosJune 27,17


  159. kari
    kariJune 27,17

    this is no different to Adolf Hitler’s mind. just think in a world of karmic forces what your next life is going to be like for you….but clearly people like this don’t have enough of a conscience to even care what could happen to themselves. so unevolved and barbaric. shame on you. I wish you EVERYTHING you deserve.

  160. Barbara Mason
    Barbara MasonJune 27,17

    These animals are not food that’s not what God made them for he made them for loving this Meat Farms must stop now

  161. Denise Gindhart
    Denise GindhartJune 27,17

    This is the most horrific, barbaric, savage action taken against dogs and cats that I have ever seen. It should stop immediately. It id deplorable that these animals are treated in such a matter and consumed. It is deplorable that any country would be so barbaric to these magnificent animals.

  162. Richard Hamedl
    Richard HamedlJune 27,17

    Will you help the animals who have no voice ? They are man’s BEST friend. Dog spelled backwards is : GOD !

  163. Sonya
    SonyaJune 30,17

    Please Sir, stop this insane cruelty to mans best friend. Dogs being tortured, beaten, boiled alive, I can’t hardly believe this is going on in South Korea. I will continue to boycott all Korean products until this ends!!!!! Animal lovers everywhere are praying that you will END this cruelty!!!! Please.

  164. Sagar Singh
    Sagar SinghJuly 2,17

    Dear President Moon Jae-In,

    First may i say that i know you are going to get so very many emails and letters from people from all over the world and i hope you do get to read everyone’s views as it is so important that you and your country understand how strong we feel about the barbaric torture to dogs, cats and any other living animals.

    I am a 48 year old man, have always had many different pets, including dogs, cats, birds and rabbits. Growing up as a child me and my brother would feed the stray dogs and cats and we loved each and everyone of them as though they were my child because that’s how i and millions of people see them as pets and not food.
    I live in the UK and here animals do get abused by a very small portion of people but i’d say around 95% of the population are animal lovers and would never abuse or torture animals.
    The level of torture i have seen in your country and in China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Bali, Thailand, Cambodia, Phillipines, Laos and Myanmar, i never knew existed until only 2 months ago. The videos and images i have seen of the torture of dogs and cats haunt me every single day and will stay will me for the rest of my life. I can’t get what’s going on to these beautiful innocent animals out of my head and am constantly worrying about all the other dogs and cats that will encounter the same fate.
    It makes me extremely sad and very angry. These dogs, cats and any other animal should never be tortured and instead should be taken care of and only shown love and happiness like the way we treat our children because that’s what they are…THEY ARE OUR CHILDREN.
    I never knew people in the world could be so evil, cruel and heartless and with no compassion for fellow creatures.
    Iv’e seen dogs thrown into cast iron woks that are only half full with scorching hot water so that the dog suffers in agony for hours and then taken out of the wok and then skinned and this all goes on whilst the dog is still alive and can’t even describe how much pain it must be in. Iv’e seen dogs being burnt alive, limbs cut of while they are alive, being clubbed with metal bars in the head whilst they are alive, seen dogs hanged and being skinned alive, i can go on and on and really will never understand these sick, sick people who are just cowards. Its also very sad and sickening to see all the onlookers laughing and enjoying the torture of these innocent animals.
    I have always respected South Korea and even trained in your martial arts – Tae Kwon Do but unless this barbaric torture of these dogs and cats stops, i so many others will lose all respect for your country and its people.
    Please as President of your country, show others around the world that you do have compassion and put an end to the torture now! Please, please i beg you to stop this and let the animals live there lives in peace and happiness because that’s all we want for them and more importantly that’s all they want.

    Thank you for listening and i pray you do the humane thing.

    • Monika, Germany
      Monika, GermanyJuly 6,17

      Thank you Sagar Singh for your very sincere letter. I hope so much that the President reacts positively to the letters and ends the cruel tradition in his country.

      • Sagar Singh
        Sagar SinghJuly 13,17

        Thank you Monika and i just hope like all of us that this can finally end.

  165. Sophie
    SophieJuly 3,17

    As a Canadian animal lover, I urge President Moon to put an end to this canine genocide and barbarism. No living creature deserves to be treated this way and there is positively no JUSTIFICATION for this industry to exist. All leaders of countries where such an evil and inhumane trade is carried out must take a strong stand and end this once and for all. Thank you.

  166. Gabriella
    GabriellaJuly 5,17

    I am an animal activist and pet mother. I am appalled at the torture and barbaric treatment of cats and dogs in Korea. I do not buy any products made in any Asian country due to this. Please stop the dog meat trade and create stiff punishment for those who break these laws.

  167. Angélique LE GALLIC / France
    Angélique LE GALLIC / FranceJuly 7,17

    Monsieur le Président de la Corée du Sud,
    Cher gouvernement Sud Coréen,
    J’ai l’honneur de vous contacter suite aux diffusions constantes d’images choquantes concernant l’abattage de chiens et de chats, de leur calvaire innommable, visionnées partout sur les différents réseaux sociaux.
    Ne pouvant pas détourner mon regard de cette cruauté, je tiens à vous exprimer de ma profonde déception. Je suis affligée de me rendre compte qu’un pays aussi beau que la Corée du Sud permette une pratique aussi horrible.
    Je rêve de visiter votre beau pays, mais, malgré tout, après avoir visualisée de telles images, il me serait impossible de profiter pleinement de mon séjour, sachant qu’une souffrance animale extrême se produise à côté des sentiers touristiques les plus fréquentés.
    C’est intolérable que dans notre monde au 21ème siècle, on tolère la maltraitance physique et morale sur des êtres vivants doués de sensibilité, d’intelligence propre, d’émotions et de sentiments. Il est inexcusable que des êtres humains sans compassion aucune et par perversité, maltraite cruellement ces animaux jusqu’à la mort, dans votre pays comme dans les autres pays d’asie.
    Même si la Corée a établi une loi sur la protection animale pour les animaux de compagnie, les chiens sont toujours battus, pendus, électrocutés, et traités brutalement par les agriculteurs. En outre, les chiens et les chats sont toujours battus et bouillis vivant pour produire des soi-disants élixirs, qui ne disposent d’aucune propriété médicale, sauf dans l’esprit des clients ignorants et crédules.
    Ces pratiques n’ont pas leur place dans le monde moderne. D’autres pays asiatiques ont déjà interdit la consommation de la viande de chien et de l’industrie cruelle qui va avec, comme Taïwan et les Philippines. Pourquoi la Corée persiste-elle à être à la traîne derrière ces pays et d’autres sociétés civilisées?
    Et il est temps pour la Corée de commencer à prendre sérieusement en compte le bien-être des animaux et de montrer que c’est un pays qui possède une société compatissante et éthique.
    Cela signifie qu’il est temps pour le gouvernement coréen de commencer à mieux éduquer le public sur l’importance de la stérilisation, de ne pas abandonner les animaux de compagnie, et sur le traitement des animaux d’une manière appropriée.
    Tant que ces choses ne sont faites pas, la réputation de la Corée dans la communauté internationale continuera de souffrir. Ses citoyens continueront à faire face à la honte et l’embarras. Et la Corée continuera d’être considérée comme «tiers-monde», en dépit de sa modernisation et de tentatives de pensée mondialisée.
    Avec les prochains Jeux olympiques d’hiver de 2018 qui se tiendront à Pyeongchang, je vous demanderais de faire tout ce qui est en votre pouvoir pour mettre fin à cette barbarie et cette cruauté, étant donné que l’attention du monde sera portée sur la Corée du Sud, à la fois avant et pendant les événements.
    Nous sommes des êtres de compassion, aussi, en tant que tel, je sollicite votre bienveillance, votre compréhension afin qu’un changement s’opère autour de l’importance de la protection et le bien-être des animaux.
    Je vous supplie, je vous supplie de tout mon coeur de stopper définitivement le commerce de viande de chiens et de chats et de BANNIR le festival à Boknal qui aura lieu chaque année à la mi juillet !!!
    Vous remerciant vivement d’aider, de poursuivre et de prendre part à ce changement de mentalité, je vous prie de croire, Monsieur le Président, Messieurs et Mesdames du Gouvernement, en mes respectueuses salutations.

  168. Barbara Peterlin
    Barbara PeterlinJuly 7,17

    President Moon, please decide to end the dog and cat meat because I look at the pictures of the dogs and cats in the cages before they are killed for the meat. It made me crying when I see the pictures too. Not fair to the dogs and cats lives because they are human and humane too. Please stop everything against the meat of the dogs and cats. Kindly thank you if you decide to end this situations!

  169. kathie Brinks
    kathie BrinksJuly 8,17

    President Moon, Please stop the cruel and abusive treatment of the Dogs and Cats . This is just gross. We are the caretakers of the animals it says in the Bible and what you are allowing is just not right. They have a right to live just as we do. Did you know there are more People on this planet then there are of all Animals of every Species . yes more Humans . we need the animals alive. Please stop the Stupid slaughter of the Dogs and Cats

  170. Krysta Thiem
    Krysta ThiemJuly 8,17

    I will never rest until there is a promise that this monstrous act against innocent animals (dogs) ends forever, I will promise you due to your Country’s actions it will suffer constant scrutiny, and will always be frowned upon by most of the world, and your tourism industry will fail as it is an unconchnable, and monstrously cruel act your Country commits year after year, no human being with a conscience or a soul would commit such a heinous act of cruelty, STOP YOUR SLAUGHTER OF INNOCENT DOGS FOR GOOD IMMEDIATELY!

  171. Mrs Valerie Mason
    Mrs Valerie MasonJuly 8,17

    President Moon-Jae-In please stop this cruel heartless practice,if you have a family Sir most children would love a puppy to be apart of your own family ,they give so much joy unconditional love, Not to be brutally killed ,beaten boiled alive for food.Your country is so beautiful,dont allow this to be the legacy,please say no more l can still here the screams even now please help Yours Sincerly Valerie United Kingdom

  172. Keith Jenkins
    Keith JenkinsJuly 8,17

    Sir, is Korea a civilised country? At the moment the rest of the world consider them backward, barbaric, ignorant and cruel. Unfortunately this description also applies to other Asian countries. Why not become a leading light on the Asian continent, increasing Korea’s respect from the rest of the world that would not doubt benefit your economy in many ways?

  173. Donna Vivado
    Donna VivadoJuly 8,17

    Sent to email address: [email protected]

    Dear President Moon Jae-In and South Korean Government:

    DO NOT
    let the true Soul of South Korea continue to be obscured by the dark, disturbing horrors of the dog meat trade.

    DO NOT
    let the images of dogs being hanged, skinned, burned alive, crammed into wire cages one atop the other, living in filth and feces on farms — be the emblematic representation of South Korean culture recorded for all time on social media.

    DO NOT
    let the animal welfare laws in South Korea be diminished in their force and effect because hapless judges choose to ignore them.

    DO NOT
    let the potential of these dogs be violently extinguished. They can be trained for jobs to assist the blind or emotionally traumatized. They can detect bombs, drugs, cancer and oncoming seizures. They can serve as K-9 officers of police and military forces. They can perform as athletic competitors on agility courses. And they will always be treasured companions. But none of them, not a single one, whatever the size, breed, background, capability-  should be brutally assaulted, then inhumanely executed in front of other animals awaiting the same fate, with the final insult being chopped up and plated for someone’s lunch.

    let your administration be the one whose legacy will include total elimination of every aspect of the dog meat trade, ongoing strict enforcement of the laws, rehoming of remaining animals, and implementation of comprehensive spay/neuter and educational programs.

    Additionally, please ensure that South Korea has measures in place and appropriate supplies to address disease outbreaks on farms, and make it illegal to bury animals alive- whether in mass graves or paper bags. (

    I am appalled and speak against the abuse, torture, neglect and suffering endured by animals of any species, holding any status, at the hands of humans, no matter the country. For me, this issue transcends borders, boundaries, religious beliefs, and traditions.

    Thank you for the opportunity to share my thoughts.

    DALE MCLEODJuly 8,17


    • Donna Vivado
      Donna VivadoJuly 8,17

      Dale, I don’t know if your comment was directed to me, but my post from earlier today is a copy of what was sent to the address noted in the first line- and that information was taken from the website to which we were directed by Koreandogs.

  175. Antonella Del Bono
    Antonella Del BonoJuly 8,17

    This is inhumane!!! Extreme cruelty to the core! A huge reflection on the country. This needs to STOP!! This needs to be outlawed!!!!

  176. Lauren Strauss
    Lauren StraussJuly 10,17

    This is evil and should be outlawed.

  177. Sofia Jensen
    Sofia JensenJuly 11,17

    Please stop this now, please, please, please

  178. Barbara Alves
    Barbara AlvesJuly 11,17

    Please – stop the pain and the crying from dogs and cats.
    Please – stop the acts of tortures.
    Please – stop it now!

  179. Moira Frew
    Moira FrewJuly 11,17

    Please, please for pity’s sake stop this dreadful act of cruelty now.

  180. A Knox-Roberts
    A Knox-RobertsJuly 11,17

    I have emailed President Moon and shared

    • A Knox-Roberts
      A Knox-RobertsJuly 11,17

      and signed all the petitions so far. Will continue to email and will try to call

  181. Lena M
    Lena MJuly 11,17

    God, stop this horror !!!!!

  182. Alex Torres
    Alex TorresJuly 11,17

    I tried emailing to [email protected] but I received a failed email response. It doesn’t look like that email address is working. Has anyone else had the same trouble getting your email thru?

  183. Patricia Rose
    Patricia RoseJuly 12,17

    Please hear our pleas to stop this cruelty, torture and myths from barberic times. The younger generation lives animals. Be the first to stand against this. No more back yard or illegal trapping, across borders. To make a dollar.

  184. José Manuel Silva
    José Manuel SilvaJuly 12,17

    You have to stop this cruelty! We all people of planet Earth need do take action to finish this. We citizens ask you Mr. president, to Banned all the dogs meat trade in Korea. Sincerely hope you´ll do it.

  185. Lisa A G
    Lisa A GJuly 12,17

    PLEASE << Hear Our Prayers & Stop This << This Is So Horrifying & So So Sad << Why Treat These Beautiful Angels This Way?? The Torture & Horrific Ways These Babies Are Being Treated Is Just So INHUMANE << This Is So Horrible << This Is Insane Please STOP The Cruelty << Do You People Not Have A Heart << Does It Not Bother You To Hear Their Cries & Hurting In Pain & Agony,Telling You To PLEASE Stop ??? And ASKING YOU WHY DO YOU WANT TO HURT ME << WHAT HAVE I DONE TO YOU ??? Seeing These Horrible Images Really Breaks My HEART IN HALF & I BREAK DOWN & CRY & I PRAY FOR THIS TO STOP ?? People Will STOP BUYING & VISITING YOUR COUNTRY << This Must STOP NOW PLEASE <<<<< No Body Will Have Anythig To This With MORBID Practice It Is Disgraceful << Shame On All Of You That Do This << Very Heartless << I & I Know Others Are Speaking This Same Way Will Boycott Your Country << No Money From & No Tourism<No Buying From You << Lets See How You Do Without Us << Stop This Now,,Thank-you For Hearing Me,,

  186. Rachel Hart
    Rachel HartJuly 12,17

    Please no more of cruel and heartless practice. Just witness the horror and you’ll be forever changed. Please, i implore you to make it stop. Thank you for listening.

  187. MS
    MSSeptember 23,18

    You have a wide array of food on your menu — Absurd, cruel, unconscionable, immoral, sadistic, needless, depravedly indifferent to torture & suffering & death — especially since an abundance of food can be found — SHAME on all of you irrational, ruthless & merciless, dog & cat meat participants — Not only is it insane, hateful, immoral to inflict such torture & death on dogs and cats, it can also be deadly to consume such meat, assuming you even KNOW you’re ingesting it — the dog & cat meat trade is a lose-lose-lose proposition on all counts — SHUT DOWN ALL DOG & CAT MEAT FARMS PERMANENTLY and all entities associates with such farms.

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