
Monthly Archive for: ‘November, 2014’

Canadians speaking out against the South Korean dog meat cruelty

Our message of compassion and against the horrific cruelty of the South Korean dog and cat meat industry is spreading …

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Sent petition letter to the Venerable Jinhwa Sunim of Cultural Corps of Korean Buddhism

We added the Venerable Jinhwa Sunim of Cultural Corps of Korean Buddhism to our petition target. Created a campaign to …

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Call for action: Write to the Venerable Jinhwa!

Buddhism is the second most popular religion in South Korea behind Christianity(including Catholics) whose followers make up half of their …

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Merry Christmas and Peace on Earth to the South Korean Government!

[Update December 28, 2014] 18 Cards mailed to the South Korean Conglomerates [Update December 18, 2014] Card mailed to the …

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Call for action: Yangsan Junam-dong illegal dog farm

This is a translation of the July 4, 2014 posting on Save the dogs, Busan‘s campaign page: Illegal dog farm …

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Questions and concerns from a supporter in the UK

We receive many messages from people all over the world telling us how the South Korean Dog Meat Trade has …

Read More Event at the Memorial Park – Nov. 15, 2014 – Jacksonville, FL

Written and shared by Bob Heisler. We had another give-away event at Memorial Park in Jacksonville, Florida on 11-15-14. …

Read More Event at the MAYDAY PARADE Concert – Nov 13, 2014 – Tallahassee, Florida

Written and shared by Bob Heisler. Four compassionate activists and five supportive and caring band members are trying to stop …

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What do you think about the Busan Buk-gu District Office’s response that the Gupo Dog Meat Market is not illegal?

This is a translation of the October 1, 2014 posting on Busan KAPCA(Korea Alliance for the Prevention of Cruelty to …

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MAYDAY PARADE endorses and supports KOREANDOGS.ORG

This is so awesome! Thank you, Bob, for recruiting MAYDAY PARADE to endorse and support! Yeah!!! And thank you, …

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