
300 on the road from Hell: Nami Kim transports rescued puppies to a new life of Hope.


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Right now, we urgently need your help. Nami Kim’s team cannot do it alone, but your support will give these 300 beautiful dogs a second chance to live the life they have never known. This is YOUR chance to have a lasting impact for the innocent victims of this horrifically inhumane trade. No amount is too small to help. Donations will be used to save as many dogs as possible, in addition to funding education materials to change the hearts and minds of Korean dog eaters. Please DONATE what you can and share this page. Thank you.

*This fundraising is organized by Soi Dog for Nami Kim Team and your donation is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law in the United States.

This is update about the rescue of 300 puppies from the dog farm in Bucheon.

From dawn to dusk, Nami Kim and her crew made several very long trips to take 130 puppies from the dog farm to their new home – Koreandogs Sanctuary. Those that were sick or pregnant were rescued two weeks ago. 150 dogs in total are added to the family. There are still more dogs to be moved.

Nami hired the butcher to transport the dogs using his truck so as to help him out now that he has lost his livelihood. There was an unexpected ‘reaction’ from the butcher who seemed genuinely remorseful by his dog-farming activities. This was the first time that Nami had not encountered violence from the farmer; and he expressed his gladness that the dogs would now be ‘in good hands’.

Click HERE to see the previous report.

Get the latest updates from the Nami Kim Team’s Facebook page: Nami Kim team

Sharing from Nami Kim and her team’s Facebook page on June 6-8, 2016.

► Click HERE for the Nami’s Facebook post!

► Click HERE for the Nami’s Facebook post!

► Click HERE for the Nami’s Facebook post!

► Click HERE for the Nami’s Facebook post!

► Click HERE for the Nami’s Facebook post!

► Click HERE for the Nami’s Facebook post!

► Click HERE for the Nami’s Facebook post!

  1. faith
    faithJune 24,16

    so wonderful!! and i cant believe u hired that guy again, can u trust him? keep an eye on him, have a bodyguard please!!

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