
The Animals’ Battalion 2019 ‘Boknal’ Demonstrations in New York

The Animals' BattalionWe are very excited that the New York based animal rights group “The Animals’ Battalion” will be organizing demonstrations in front of the Korean Consulate General’s Office for the sixth year in a row for the 3 days of Boknal (dog eating is traditionalized in Korea – Chobok 7/12, Jungbok 7/22, and Malbok 8/9 (Demonstration is on 8/9 Friday because Malbok 8/11 is on Sunday) in 2019) and EVERYONE IS INVITED. YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE A MEMBER OF THE ANIMALS’ BATTALION. IF YOU CARE ABOUT THE KOREAN DOGS, PLEASE JOIN. They held 3 demonstrations in the previous four years at the same location and were covered by ABC network news in New York and also South Korea. The third day of 3 demonstrations in 2016 and 2017, they had a big breakthrough. Not only did Consulate General Ghee-Whan Kim in New York acknowledge them, but he also promised to deliver their message to the Korean government. Click HERE to see the photos from their events in the last 4 years.

We are so grateful to the Animals’ Battalion volunteer activists who participated in previous years and a special thank you goes out to Noelia and Roberto, co-founders/organizers, of the group! You guys Rock! Thank you!
If you are in the New York area, click HERE to follow the Animals’ Battalion for further information about these events.
The dates for this year’s demonstrations are Chobok 7/12/2019 Friday, Jungbok 7/22/2019 Monday and Malbok 8/9/2019 Friday.

Day 1: Friday, July 12, 2019
Click HERE for Facebook Event.

Day 2: Monday, July 22, 2019
Click HERE for Facebook Event.

Day 3: Friday August 9, 2019
Click HERE for Facebook Event.

Where: Consulate General of the Republic of Korea
460 Park Ave, 57th Street, New York, NY 10022

Time: 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
(Consulate Hours: Open • 9:00 am – 12:00 pm, 1:30 – 4:00 pm)

Posters and brochures will be provided but homemade posters, props and other materials are encouraged! We also have petitions to be signed and sent to the Ambassador of South Korea.

Click HERE for all the upcoming events.

Not in New York? You can still join us from the comfort of your home.
Join our Phone Blitz and be the voice for the Korean dogs and cats!
All you need is compassion and a phone. 📞☎️📱🖨
Click HERE to learn more and join.

New York, South Korean Consulate General, ‘Boknal’ Demonstration for the South Korean Dogs and Cats (Day 3) – August 16, 2018 Organized by The Animals' Battalion

New York, South Korean Consulate General, ‘Boknal’ Demonstration for the South Korean Dogs and Cats (Day 3) – August 16, 2018 Organized by The Animals' Battalion
The Animals’ Battalion Demonstration on August 16, 2018 (Day 3) at the Korean Consulate General’s Office in New York. Photo: The Animals’ Battalion.

  1. Carol sedlak
    Carol sedlakJuly 6,19

    Stop this cruelty immediately!!!!!

  2. Fran Shaheen
    Fran ShaheenJuly 6,19

    Please continue to stand for animals that have no voice! Stop this shameful and senseless murder!

  3. Perczak Ewa
    Perczak EwaJuly 7,19

    South Korea for me = torture ! not Samsung ! not KIA or other product !! when I see South Korea’s written name I cannot think about something else ! this horrible trade is a big stain on its international image !! how can they manage this ? they are the first DOG EATEN NATION !!!

  4. Brenda Bonfield
    Brenda BonfieldJuly 8,19

    Do not buy anything from the countries that kill dogs and cats for meat. Very bad inhuman people. South Korea is well known for its animal torture!!

  5. Mary Marcelo
    Mary MarceloJuly 8,19

    Stop dog /cat meat

  6. mirjana zivkovic
    mirjana zivkovicJuly 9,19

    stop ,stop,stop kill animal

  7. lambin sophie
    lambin sophieJuly 12,19

    qu’attendez vous les dirigeants pour arrêter ces horrreus, ces cruautés anvers les chiens et chats, vous avez le pouvoir de dire Stop alors agissez, c’est insoutenable de voir le traitement de ces pauvres chiens et chats, comment pouvez vous laisser faire de telles tortures jusqu’a ce que mort s’en suive… STOP CRUAUTE, MORTE LENTE ET DOULOUREUSE … ARRETEZ CA

  8. lambin sophie
    lambin sophieJuly 12,19

    Comment les dirigeants de ce pays peuvent-ils laisser faire de telles horreurs pareilles cette cruauté envers les chiens et chats dans l’indifférence totale ils sont torturés brulés écorchés vifs ils subissent une mort lente insoutenable c’est une honte pour vous les dirigeants il serait temps d’agir

  9. Amanda kesterton
    Amanda kestertonJuly 12,19

    Please stop this cruelty and we call ourselves human !

  10. rui almeida
    rui almeidaJuly 13,19

    A country like Korean doing this to animals.
    They give us so much love, companion, and people give this trade to them.
    Always VEGAN.
    From Portugal.

  11. Marla Lyons
    Marla LyonsJuly 22,19

    Shame on you. Humankind has dominion over animals. With great power comes great responsibility. Stop this at once!!!

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