
🐶🐕 July 2023 – Monthly update from ARK shelter in Korea

Sharing for Animal Rights Korea (ARK) Shelter.

Dear Supporters

We are back with the July edition of the ARK highlights. July was a brutal month. We had some of the most extended rainfall of the year, and the temperature hit 40C(104F). Thanks to your support, we are all safe and sound! The journey to find a home for the ARK dogs continues no matter what.

Rescue is not complete without a safe home for each one of the dogs. With their big sizes, finding a home for the ARK dogs is challenging. This is true for most dog meat farms (DMF) dogs. They are bred to be big to get more meat and bred to be timid and gentle, so it is easy for the farmers to deal with. Still, we can’t say we have done enough without exhausting all possible options to find them home. So, we are again calling out to you. WE NEED YOUR HELP.

Please adopt one of our dogs. You can find the adoptable dogs here:
Do you know any rescues whom we could partner with for the dogs? Please let us know.

From All at ARK.

“Monthly ARK,” the July 2023 video, is also available on our YouTube channel:

Please keep in touch and stay up to date with us via the following links!
👉 Instagram
👉 Facebook
👉 YouTube
For foster home and adoption inquiries, contact ARK: 📧 [email protected]

📢📢 Donations may be made through Paypal:📢📢
Thank you!
🙏 💗 🐕

Click HERE for the updates from June 2023.

    GRANT SIMONESeptember 3,23

    I live in France. Is it possible to adopt and how ?

    • team teamSeptember 4,23

      Hi Grant Simone,
      For foster home and adoption inquiries, contact ARK: 📧 [email protected]
      Thank you!

    MIRANDA CAYLUSSeptember 18,23

    I have a dog adopted from the Dog Meat Trade in South Korea. She was so nervous, and thin, covered in scars from the cruel treatment she had received. She is now doing amazingly well in every respect, she is gentle, friendly sweet, loving, loyal and affectionate. The bond we have is so special. It is one of the best things that I have ever done in adopting a Dog from the barbaric trade. I hope you get to adopt one and give it a lovely new life, full of love, care and kindness.

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