
Supportive Bellingham Mayor responds to call to action against the dog meat trade.

Bellingham Mayor Kelli Linville

Bellingham Mayor Kelli Linville

Our thanks go out to Mayor Kelli Linville, of the City of Bellingham (Sister City with Cheongju, in South Korea) who responded to our campaign appeal to contact their Korean counterparts about the dog meat cruelty in that city.

Mayor Kelli wrote that she values the sister city relationship and is “a firm supporter of the humane treatment of animals”. Her email (shown below) goes on to state that she “will continue to build a peaceful relationship with Cheongju, with continued expression of my desire for humane treatment of people and animals alike.”

We are grateful to Mayor Kelli and her colleagues for replying to us, and for her support in the fight against animal cruelty.

We are also thankful to all in support of our work, who have taken action to speak out against the cruelty to dogs and cats in Cheongju.

Click HERE to see our campaign.

Response from Bellingham WA 021717

Call for Action

Please send an email thanking the Mayor for responding to our concern. You can use our suggested message below or your own words.

Email addresses:
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];

Suggested Letter

Dear Mayor Linville,

We would like to thank you and the City of Bellingham for responding to our concerns raised through the recent petition on about the mistreatment, torture and consumption of companion animals in Bellingham’s Sister City, Cheongju.

Both domestic and international pressure on this issue is required if we are going to incite some real change in South Korea, so I kindly urge that you reach out to Cheongju until affirmative action has been taken by their authorities to end the horrific and illegal practice of the dog and cat meat trade for good. Thank you again for your efforts here.

[Your Name & City/Country]

  1. Perczak Ewa
    Perczak EwaFebruary 21,17

    I was always very surprised by the intelligence of the animals and the bestiality of the people

  2. Cat Karnis
    Cat KarnisFebruary 22,17

    Thank you Mayor Linville and God Bless You for helping to stop the animal cruelty. Together we all can save lives and make a difference.

  3. Hannah Becker
    Hannah BeckerFebruary 22,17

    O! THINK YOU, Mayor Linville! No Words…;)

  4. Diana Monks
    Diana MonksFebruary 22,17

    Thank you for doing the right thing. Dogs are family not meat.

  5. Bernadette Crespin
    Bernadette CrespinFebruary 22,17

    Juste un immense merci! Merci, merci!

  6. Donna
    DonnaFebruary 23,17

    This is such a crime to allow this to happen to these beautiful animals that give so much to society in any way that they can and ask for so little back except to know that they make us happy. Hie can people bring all these dogs to a sight where there time is up only to receive the tortue that no one could imagine after being tortured and since they were burn or stolen. The fact that people take pictures and watch in horror yet do nothing is unbelievable . I understand that the police look away st a crime that is illegal as these dogs and cats are not livestock by any means. This is not cave man days, these are domesticated animals that people all around the world spend a lot of money to take care of them when the pet dies the owners grieve as they lost a family member. Whst is wrong with these countries that allow demented cruel people yo do this insane act snd the government dies nothing to stop it. Dogs that have been abused to their death snd the carcass is hung outside of the markets fur people to see just how insane they are snd what they do to what you consider family. Besides being cruel and beyond barbaric this is for sure playing with fire as there is no regulation on this food that they serve to the public they may be from a rabid dog or sick dog or cat. Thankfully we gave some people that are getting involved that are trying to make a life saving change fur these wonderful creatures that we all love

  7. Muradiye Öztaşkın
    Muradiye ÖztaşkınFebruary 23,17

    Thank you for caring.

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