
‘Blood dripping’ from slaughtered dogs… Daegu’s Chilsung market’s ‘Dog meat alley’

Translation of Korean News:

Cut up pieces kept at room temperature, food poisoning risk in this hot weather

Afternoon of July 19, North Daegu’s Chilsung market also known as ‘Dog meat alley’. In a scorching heat exceeding 30 ℃, the butchered dog meat are displayed without refrigeration in front of restaurant entrances. Blood was dripping from the dog meat but out of approximately 10 dog meat restaurants in this alley, none were equipped with refrigeration case like the ones butcher shops use.

When a man in his 40s asked “Don’t these meat get spoiled in this heat?”, the restaurant owner answered “There is ice underneath the meat and all the dogs slaughtered today gets sold today so there’s nothing to worry.”

In addition, as each of these restaurants displays pieces of butchered dogs in front of their restaurants as if they are competing with each other, the unique bloody smell of dogs and the unaesthetic view is causing frowns upon people’s faces. It’s enough to annoy other merchants in this market. A merchant who runs a store complained, “Whenever I walk pass the ‘Dog meat ally’, I feel the abomination and don’t know where to lay my eyes.”

As the summertime storage and sanitation management of dog meat restaurant is in shambles threatening our health with food poisoning and more, because of the inadequacy of laws, enforcement is hardly being conducted.

The experts are warning the risks about food poisoning when the dog meat is stored and sold in high temperature in summertime. An official with the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries stated, “Even when the ice is placed underneath, if you store the dog meat in a high temperature, it can spoil easily and can cause food poisoning.

However, the problem is unlike the beef, pork and chicken, dog meat is not classified as livestock so the unsanitary dog meat sales can’t be supervised. Dog is excluded from the livestock designated as edible based on the Livestock sanitation management law’s implementation ordinance. Currently, the Animal protection law states that ‘the slaughter must be done in such a way as to minimize the pain’. However, there is no rules for punishment in the law.

Because of this, regulatory institutions such as local governments, Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the Food and Drug Administration inspection agency can’t even understand the exact status let alone the supervision of dog meat distribution and sales process. An official from the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries stated, “To conduct research of exact status and to regulate the industry, dog must be classified as edible livestock in the Livestock sanitation and management law. However, because of the strong opposition from the animal protection organizations and some citizens, we are not able to implement this plan and as for now, we do not have ways to crack down on this industry.”

Sign the petitions!

  1. Németh Magdolna
    Németh MagdolnaAugust 6,12

    To the Coca Cola Management:
    Please withdraw your sponsorship of PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea!
    Bishop Desmond Tutu said, “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.”
    As sponsors of the Olympics, you have the power to influence the S. Korean government to end the horrific cruelty that is perpetrated against innocent dogs and cats of South Korea.
    Two and a half million South Korean dogs are electrocuted, hanged, or beaten to death each year. They are killed in the cruelest ways imaginable, because many South Koreans believe the insidious myth that the more an animal suffers, the tastier the meat and that the medical properties will be enhanced. Thousands of cats are also slaughtered for soups and so-called “health” tonics. They are thrown into boiling water while still alive.
    The practice of eating dogs is not widely accepted in South Korea. It gained popularity after the South Korean War. The practice continues to thrive with the aid of greedy restaurateurs, meat dealers, and butchers.
    Over the last decade, many in South Korea have embraced the notion of dogs and cats as animal companions. But we must take action to persuade the South Korean government to legalize a ban on dog and cat meat and forever stop this technically illegal, corrupt, and sordid industry.
    It is appalling that dogs and cats should be kept in filthy crates, forced to watch their cage mates being tortured and slaughtered. Eyewitnesses have reported dogs being literally torn apart while still alive, their tormentors saying that the more prolonged the torment of death, the better the taste. This attitude toward any living being is at best unforgivable.
    Certain things are more important than money. Standing up for what is right is one. And when you show the world that you stand up for the justice and compassion, your business will grow that much more and most of all, you will gain the respect from the billions of people around the globe.
    Thank you!

    • Linda Segal
      Linda SegalNovember 12,17

      I’m moving to a new home where I need appliances. I ant in clear conscience purchase your products. Please stop the torture of dogs and cats for food. You can help end the torture.

  2. JAY BEE
    JAY BEEAugust 6,12


    • Gabriele Joerg
      Gabriele JoergAugust 7,12

      Korean butcher you should be torn apart into pieces and cooked alive and all that disgustung evil people who are eating dog meat.

    [email protected]August 7,12

    The whole world should boycott!!!

  4. harky
    harkyAugust 7,12

    So Horrible

    Please withdraw your sponsorship of PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea!

  5. Sherin Philip
    Sherin PhilipAugust 7,12

    Please stop eating and slaughtering the poor dogs. Karma will come get you.

  6. Tamra
    TamraAugust 7,12

    To the Coca Cola Management:
    Please withdraw your sponsorship of PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea!
    Bishop Desmond Tutu said, “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.”
    As sponsors of the Olympics, you have the power to influence the S. Korean government to end the horrific cruelty that is perpetrated against innocent dogs and cats of South Korea.
    ************Two and a half million South Korean dogs are electrocuted, hanged, or beaten to death each year. They are killed in the cruelest ways imaginable, because many South Koreans believe the insidious myth that the more an animal suffers, the tastier the meat and that the medical properties will be enhanced. Thousands of cats are also slaughtered for soups and so-called “health” tonics. They are thrown into boiling water while still alive.**************THIS IS A HORRIBLE TREATMENT OF ANIMALS FOR NO REASON EXCEPT STUPIDITY. IT MUST STOP.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! **

    The practice of eating dogs is not widely accepted in South Korea. It gained popularity after the South Korean War. The practice continues to thrive with the aid of greedy restaurateurs, meat dealers, and butchers.
    Over the last decade, many in South Korea have embraced the notion of dogs and cats as animal companions. But we must take action to persuade the South Korean government to legalize a ban on dog and cat meat and forever stop this technically illegal, corrupt, and sordid industry.

    ************It is appalling that dogs and cats should be kept in filthy crates, forced to watch their cage mates being tortured and slaughtered. Eyewitnesses have reported dogs being literally torn apart while still alive, their tormentors saying that the more prolonged the torment of death, the better the taste. This attitude TOWARD ANY LIVING BEING is SICK, Horrifying, BEYOND IMAGINATION. ***********

    Certain things are more important than money. Standing up for what is right is one. And when you show the world that you stand up for the justice and compassion, your business will grow that much more and most of all, you will gain the respect from the billions of people around the globe.
    Thank you!

  7. Hilke van Hove
    Hilke van HoveAugust 7,12

    One day this will be history, you are writing yours with the blood of innocent creatures.

  8. Michael Senior
    Michael SeniorAugust 7,12

    This needs to stop now,it is 2012,we have evolved from from being cavemen!!!!

  9. Bea
    BeaNovember 9,13

    Am definitly against this proceeder!pls b a human and save ur best friends-animals!

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