
British Olympic Association responds regarding PyeongChang 2018

Team GBWe received the response below from the British Olympic Association(BOA) on March 27, 2018 regarding our campaign asking BOA take a stand in Pyeongchang 2018 against the dog and cat meat trade. We appreciate BOA for responding to our petition and we are urging the BOA to take action to help save the Korean dogs and speak out against the cruelty. Our volunteer Sarah Collinge, an attorney based in London, drafted the below response letter and personally delivered it to the British Olympic Association’s office on April 3, 2017. Thank you, Sarah. And thank you to all the supporters who have written, emailed and called the BOA. Keep up the great work and let’s not let this golden opportunity to speak out for the poor Korean dogs and cats pass us by forever.

Click HERE for our campaign.

Response from BOA 032717

To: British Olympic Association

Dear Sir or Madam,

Thank you for your timely response to my email. I do understand that your organisation is not responsible for the organisation of the Games and we have been in parallel reaching out to both the IOC and local Organising Committee on this issue. However, I do feel that the British Olympic Association has an incredibly strong voice to add and is well placed and well respected to raise this issue at the appropriate time and I am glad you recognise the same.

Along with the sheer wealth of public opinion against the Korean Dog Meat Trade, both in the UK and around the world, urging for change in South Korea, you may well note that this issue has been discussed and debated at great length in the UK Parliament. That debate, led by Oliver Dowden MP, came to a consensus that urgent action needs to be taken to support and educate the Korean Authorities to bring about real change to bring an end to the cruel practice of the Korean Dog Meat Trade.

Ultimately, change can only come from within South Korea itself, through encouragement, cooperation, education best practice exchange and by leading by example. An organisation such as the British Olympic Association, with its international standing and reputation can clearly play a key role in this way. It can add its voice to the many organisations already taking a stand against this issue, it can help to educate and encourage the Korean Authorities on this issue and it can ultimately be instrumental for changing the lives of the many dogs trapped in this awful, cruel and barbaric cycle of the Dog Meat Trade.

I am delighted that you have offered to convey the concerns of not just my organisation, but of the British people and many Members of Parliament on this issue at the appropriate interval and I would like to do what I can to support your organisation in doing so. Do you have spokesperson or other individual that I could reach out to to offer my support and to answer any queries on this important issue? Perhaps we could also put you in touch with some of the Members of Parliament who were instrumental during the debate?

Please do let me know what we can do to support the British Olympic Association on this important issue.

With kind regards,

P.S. You can find out more about the historic debate at Parliament here:

Video: The Dog Meat Professionals: South Korea. The Korea Observer.

  1. christine warman
    christine warmanApril 5,17

    They are sick people at the end of the day,and no one to get this cruel torture stopped,they all seem to be frightened of upsetting the killers who take great delight in killing these animals in the most horrific ways they can think of,and a great many of these dogs are people’s pets they have stolen,and still they are not stopped.

  2. lina sorrentino
    lina sorrentinoApril 5,17

    Stop torturing those loving beautiful dogs you bloodsucking demons.

  3. Audrey Muir
    Audrey MuirApril 7,17

    Thank you To Giny for her hard work, every single action concerning this barbaric evil to dogs and cats is a step in the right direction.

  4. Catherine Staffy
    Catherine StaffyApril 9,17

    Bravo to the British team rep for their quick response. At least they took note. A big thank you to all who were involved.

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