
“Jaebol”, Korean companies, have the power to speak out for change: call Hyundai/Kia Auto dealers near you and ask them to do just that.

South Korea has now become a prosperous country and sales of products like Hyundai/Kia are ever increasing in countries across the world. These companies are called “Jaebol” in Korean which means conglomerates and they hold considerable power, money and influence. If they want to help end the dog meat trade in Korea they are in a position to do so: when the leaders of these companies speak, their President and the Government listen. However, so far we have seen no effort from these companies to end this cruelty in their country. These companies are representatives of their country and should be actively helping to rid South Korea of the evil, inhumane and damaging (to Korean society) dog and cat-meat trades. Buying products, or using services that support the Korean economy, will be tantamount to condoning these aberrant trades – so we won’t: tell Hyundai/Kia that we will boycott their products until the dog and cat-meat trades are permanently ended in South Korea.

Look up Hyundai/Kia dealers near you and tell the sales managers in charge that you will boycott their product.

Sample Talking Point

I am calling to make you aware of how shocked I am by the dog and cat-meat trades in South Korea, and the horrendous treatment of these animals destined for consumption. South Korea has a thriving economy and there can be no justification for the Korean authorities to turn a blind eye to these illegal, profit-driven and barbaric trades.

Your company sells Korean products and, as such, is seen by me as a representative of that country. And, I believe that representatives and citizens of prosperous countries, such as South Korea, have a moral duty to involve themselves in the stand against this nation-wide wrong of the dog and cat-meat trades, not only on humane grounds, but for the benefit of the citizens – in particular the children, who live amongst and witness these atrocities.

In my view, buying your products and supporting the Korean economy is effectively condoning the dog and cat-meat trades, which is why I, and many people I know, will be boycotting products, such as yours, until dog and cat-meat consumption and farming has been ended for good in South Korea.

The brutality involved in both of these meat trades is now becoming common knowledge across the world, as is the lack of action to stop it, or concern by the South Korean authorities, companies, and so many Korean citizens.

Will your company take action and speak out against the dog and cat-meat trades in South Korea? Will you speak to your Head Office in Seoul, pass on my message, and ask them to lobby the South Korean government, requesting that they enact an enforceable animal protection law that abolishes these trades once and for all?

Thank you.

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  1. Claudia Alvarez
    Claudia AlvarezNovember 3,16

    Es demasiado triste ver el sufrimiento de los pobres animales, la crueldad humana debe parar ya

  2. paola salvadori
    paola salvadoriNovember 3,16

    stop this cruelty and join the civilised world

  3. Maria Stochmanska
    Maria StochmanskaNovember 4,16

    Enough is enough. Stop this horrendous cruelty and join the civilized world .

  4. Jade
    JadeNovember 4,16

    I will not be buying any of your products and I am blasting this on facebook to my hundreds of friends if you do not STOP supporting the cruelty in South Korea!

  5. Jazz
    JazzNovember 4,16

    Stop supporting sadistic animal abuse. Dogs must be respected. Animal abuse will no be tolerated. I will be calling for a ban of all your products. Why should be pay money to dog abuser supports who do not know how to live in harmony on this planet? Dogs lives are short, they should not be subjected to hell on earth because low life psychopathic scum only care about money. Those who brutalize animals and hang them should all be executed. I have zero tolerance with animal abusing scum. We want this practice to stop. We will hit you where it will hurt most in your pockets.

  6. masson
    massonNovember 4,16

    me too : will not be buying any of your products and I am blasting this on facebook to my hundreds of friends if you do not STOP supporting the cruelty in South Korea!

  7. Inês Viana
    Inês VianaNovember 4,16

    I will not buying any more of your products until you do something for this poor animals. Its heartful seeing this and knowing that you have the power to do something, and simply ignore it! Please do something!!!

  8. eve maquin
    eve maquinNovember 4,16


  9. Cira
    CiraNovember 5,16

    So evil, each one of those farms should be burned ?

  10. madeleine hofman
    madeleine hofmanNovember 6,16

    stop a toutes ces cruautés

  11. Carole
    CaroleNovember 6,16

    This animal abuse must be stopped right now, I have zero tolerance for all abusers , these people are evil and we will not subsidise evil by buying products from their country , there is no justification in this world for this heinous act of violence these poor innocent dogs and cats are subjected to , these people are worse than terrorists and we all know how the world feels about them. All evil should be eradicated from our planet. The South Korean Governent must be corrupt and getting their pockets filled from the spilled blood of these innocent victims , yes these dogs and cats are victims of evil and corruption. We disrespect your country, your Governent your people and we will boycott you and your products. You are all a race of vile people who need to go extinct.

  12. Adaire bekker
    Adaire bekkerNovember 8,16

    So sickening. This is suck cruelty and a stop must be put to people who do this

  13. Pamela Frizzell
    Pamela FrizzellDecember 19,16

    Please stop this horrific practice… This is not necessary to do anymore… These animals have feelings and the torture you inflict on them is disgusting !!
    Please show us that you are not barbarians in this world… End this now!!!!!!

  14. Susan Fanning
    Susan FanningDecember 19,16

    Stop supporting the dog meat trade in South Korea. I will not buy any products from you nor will my friends or family at any time until you stop supporting this horrific madness!!

  15. Jennifer Clements
    Jennifer ClementsDecember 19,16

    Please stop the pain, suffering, torture and killing of these poor innocent animals!

  16. irina sadovskaya
    irina sadovskayaDecember 19,16

    Crazy people!!!!!!! Stop it!!!!

  17. Kacy Phan
    Kacy PhanDecember 20,16

    Please please please, I’m begging to stop this! ???

  18. John
    JohnDecember 21,16

    Dit moet stoppen verschikkelijk!!!

  19. Shirley D Quilalang
    Shirley D QuilalangDecember 21,16

    Please stop the horror! ?

    SYLVIA ZADE-ROUTIERDecember 21,16

    STOP this shameful crime against dogs.

    SYLVIA ZADE-ROUTIERDecember 21,16

    Will you please stop this cruelty to dogs and cats.

    SYLVIA ZADE-ROUTIERDecember 21,16

    There is no moderation to comment such cruelty.

  23. Meggin
    MegginJanuary 8,17

    I second that! I will never purchase Korean cars, or televisions or phones or anything else as long as long as dog and cat meat trade exists in Korea!!!

    • Meggin
      MegginJanuary 8,17

      I will ask all my friends to do the same!

  24. Maria
    MariaJanuary 9,17

    My father always bought Hyundais, and I was sure this will be my first car when I’ll get my licence. Now it won’t. And I’ll speak to my father and tell him why. I think he won’t buy any Huyndai any more too.

  25. ely mens
    ely mensJanuary 19,17

    Please, stop this awful behaviour against these very poor, abandoned and neglected animals. It is heartbreaking to see their suffering and it makes me cry!!!
    We need to feel compassion and to teach our children that animals need to be treated with love and respect because they belong; exactly like we do; to the circle of life!
    And that is what we try to teach our children and grandchildren; they are the inhabitants of the next 100 years from our lovely planet; a planet with a high civilization; together with all these beautiful animals without cruelty.

  26. Laila rofi
    Laila rofiFebruary 28,17

    È orribile ! Si prega di fermare questo massacro.

  27. Dawn Hall
    Dawn HallNovember 12,19

    Stop. STOP. It’s evil.

  28. Andrea
    AndreaNovember 12,19

    Where are your hearts? Sick of seeing this appalling cruelty to animals from the sane places in the world – over and over again. It’s sickens most normal humans to the core. The abuse , torture and cruelty these poor deprived souls suffer is surely a scourge you will be paid back for.

  29. Michele LaPorte
    Michele LaPorteNovember 14,19

    I intentionally did NOT buy a Hyundai or Kia when my previous car was totaled because I can’t support any company or country enabling this atrocity! Make this horror end right now! The world hates the agony and murder taking place at your hands! We hate those allowing it to continue! Put a stop to this crime NOW!

  30. Pauline Collins
    Pauline CollinsNovember 14,19

    Hyundai / Kia, and other South Korean companies, you need to use your influence to encourage your Government to put an end to the barbaric Cat and Dog Meat Trade forever. This unthinkable abuse of innocent dogs has to stop – it’s time to become civilized.

  31. Shellyann
    ShellyannNovember 14,19

    Please get this cruelty stopped , I shall never buy anything from your companies, if you carry on ignoring this barbaric abuse of these beautiful dogs and cats , it’s so cruel

  32. Maria
    MariaNovember 14,19

    Don’t forget to ask for non-Korean items even if you know there aren’t any. The seller will be aware people don’t want Korean goods. And half of them will ask you why. Explain to them. When many people do so the report of such a boycott will reach top managers’ desks.

  33. Basabi Banerjee
    Basabi BanerjeeNovember 15,19

    The international community has perhaps sent as many signatures as the dogs killed. When will this country wake up to international demand if not to humanity ?

  34. Alessandra Trois
    Alessandra TroisNovember 27,19

    Fermate questo orribile crudele incivile massacro

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