Exposing the bizarre response by the Busan Buk-gu District Office and the Department of Education regarding the closure order of Busan Gupo Dog Meat Market!!
This is a translation of the August 10, 2014 posting on Busan KAPCA(Korea Alliance for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)‘s Facebook: Exposing the bizarre response by the Busan Buk-gu District Office and the Department of Education regarding the closure order of Busan Gupo Dog Meat Market!! 구포개시장 철거, 북구청과 교육청의 희한한(?) 답변을 폭로합니다.
Exposing the bizarre response by the Busan Buk-gu District Office and the Department of Education regarding the closure order of Busan Gupo Dog Meat Market!!
We have filed civil complaints to the Department of Education in Busan Buk-gu requesting the closure of the Busan Gupo Dog Meat Market because the market is located within a school cleanup zone. And you have probably already heard that the Department of Education gave us a response that they have issued an order for the market to be closed based on their examination of applicable laws.
Since then we have continuously been inquiring about the status of progress from the District Office and we received a ridiculous and unbelievable response.
The response was that because the Gupo Dog Meat Market is not a licensed market, they cannot close it.
According to their argument, if a market is licensed, its removal is possible. However, because the Gupo Dog Meat Market is illegal and not licensed, it is outside of the boundary of the law and therefore closure is not possible.
Does this sound logical? What has happened to common sense?
Why did the Busan Guk-gu District not do anything about the Gupo Dog Meat Market while it was operating illegally all this time?
Now they are saying that the Busan Gupo Dog Meat Market is not a licensed market?
You probably know already that there was a big sign saying “Gupo Dog Meat Market” in front of the market until recently. After the order for the closure of the Gupo Dog Meat Market had been issued, the Busan Buk-gu District Office gave us this ridiculous response and said that they had already taken down this sign.
If what they are saying is correct, how can there be a Gupo Dog Merchant Trade Association and how did the president of this association become the president of the Gupo Market Merchant Association? In the last Presidential election the president of the Gupo Dog Merchant Trade Association proudly represented himself as the spokesperson for the Gupo Market merchants. If the dog meat market is itself illegal, shouldn’t that be more of a reason to close it?
Their position is so ridiculous, there is almost nothing left to say.
Are we supposed to accept this response?
Are we supposed to agree and say “You are right” and just back off?
We are protesting and filing civil complaints continuously against the Busan Buk-gu District and the Department of Education’s illogical nonsense argument which is trying to protect the Gupo Dog Meat Market. We need you to join us in this effort.
Busan Superintendent of Education Office 051-866-3000
Busan Buk-gu Office of Education 051-330-3301
Director of Busan Buk-gu District Office 051-309-4001
Busan Mayor’s Office 051-888-1001
Busan Department of Education Online Complaint Site
Director of Busan Buk-gu District Online Complaint Site http://www.bsbukgu.go.kr/board/list.do?boardId=BBS_0000015&menuCd=DOM_000000102001000000&contentsSid=259
Busan Buk-gu District Office Online Civil Complaint Site
Busan City Hall Civil Complaint Online Submission Site
Korean Citizen’s Civil Complaint Online Submission Site

Gupo Market on Chobok (7/13/2013), first of the 3 hottest days of the summer when the dog meat consumption peaks in S. Korea. Photo: Busan KAPCA
Please sign petitions against the South Korean Dog Meat Cruelty!
Your logic for not closing the Gupo Meat Market is beyond ridiculous. If the market is illegal then it should have been shut down long ago. You have to have a license to sell food to the general public for human consumption. If you don’t then you are automatically shut down and prosecuted for not having a valid shop-owner’s license. I am beyond astonished by your way of thinking.
A Dottie.
Qui, di “illogico” e “ridicolo” c’è soltanto il non volere il cambiamento per un mondo che sia migliore non solo per gli umani, ma per TUTTI gli esseri senzienti!
You try to make your country look something special with tourists etc,but I am afraid you are making yourselves look ridiculous with the statements you are making regarding closing these hell holes you call markets.If you have no powers to close these places,I think whoever is supposed to be in charge needs to be dismissed and find someone who has a mind of their own,and is not afraid of the mob who operate in this hell holes,and gets them closed.Perhaps then you will not be giving people disgusting diseases due to the filth they force these poor animals to be killed in.
I believe the Government is playing Dumb. (They Them selves) eat dogs and cats, so they are supporting the practice by making Loop holes with the Laws, so they may continue the Brutal Practice because it pleases their Palate. This is a Horrific practice. There is no place in this century, day and age for this Barbaric doing to animals (Dogs,Cats, Pets etc. ).
Yes, they must be playing dumb, they cant be that stupid!! probably got of the hook before with it..
I lie awake at night, knowing that somewhere in Asia, dogs and cats & other living beings are suffering hellish pain because some GOD DAMNED BARBARIAN thinks he has the right to murder them as cruelly as possible – when it is actually the barbarians who deserve to die!!
it says above join you in helping, how? the websites are in kroean, and there are phone numbers, please explain exactly what I can do to help, I’m curently living across the road from where this is happening and I cant stand it.
Dear Desireen,
An animal rights activist based in Busan has responded to you on how you can help. Thank you for caring and I hope you can help her to help these poor dogs in Busan.