
Call for Action: Please help save 500 dogs from the illegal dog farm of indescribable horror in your Sister State – Gyeonggi-do, South Korea

As we had reported earlier, Animal Rescue Korea 119 (ARK119) had raided an illegal dog farm in Incheon Ganghwa County where about 500 dogs were found in horrendous conditions. 👉 Click HERE to learn more.

We have been trying to get Ganghwa County to relocate the dogs to city shelters to provide urgent medical care and safety. According to the Korean Animal Protection Act, animals who are victims of abuse must be removed from their owner who caused them harm.

I had called the Ganghwa County several times and spoke to about six Ganghwa officials there, pleading for them to take urgent action to relocate the 500 dogs. I told them that since they had allowed these dogs to be illegally farmed by turning a blind eye to violations committed by the dog farm, it is their responsibility to remedy this situation toward a positive and humane conclusion.

I have also been sending our petition signatures and comments to the Incheon City Council, Ganghwa County Council, Gyeonggi-do Provincial Council and Korean National Assembly members. But so far, they have not taken any action to relocate these dogs nor have they shown any intention to do so.

I have also contacted three animal rights attorneys in Korea who specialize in Animal laws, but I have not yet received a response from any of them.

Time is running out and I am sure many of these poor animals have already perished by brutal, torturous deaths and many were probably sent to other dog farms to continue their suffering.

Let’s ask Gyeonggi-do Province’s Sister States to help us by urging their Korean counterparts to relocate the remaining dogs immediately.

Below are Gyeonggi-do Province’s Sister States.
Please send quick emails TODAY!
The animals need your help.

👉 Video: Please watch the ARK119’s livestream video from the raid on July 13, 2021.
You will see the dog farm of indescribable horror.

👉 Click HERE to watch the video.😢

Call for Action

  • 📧 Send emails to Queensland, Australia.

    👉 Click HERE to send online message to the Premier of Queensland.

    Suggested message to Queensland, Australia

    Subject: Please help save 500 dogs from the hellish illegal dog farm in Queensland, Australia’s Sister State – Gyeonggi-do, South Korea

    Dear Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk,

    We are urgently requesting your help to save 500 dogs that are living hellish lives at an illegal dog farm in Queensland’s Sister State, Gyeonggi-do (Incheon Ganghwa County) Province, South Korea.

    We ask you to please watch the following videos:

    Here is our campaign page:

    Our petition can be viewed here:

    These poor dogs have suffered unimaginable abuse their entire lives. Some will be horrifically slaughtered, while others will be sent to other dog farms to continue their miserable existence.

    We have made requests to the city of Incheon and Gyeonggi-do Province to please remove these poor dogs from the control of the abusive dog farm owner and provide them the protection to which they are entitled per current Korean law, the Animal Protection Act. It has been over three weeks since our request but the city of Incheon and Gyeonggi-do Province still have taken no action to save these suffering dogs.

    Instead, the city authorities are trying to protect the profits of the criminal who has profited by inflicting unimaginable, unspeakable cruelty on these defenseless animals.

    We are hoping that you will contact your Sister State and ask them to save these dogs.

    We, and the poor dogs at the illegal dog farm, thank you for your time and consideration!!

    We hope to hear from you soon.


Photos: ARK119 Director Im Yeong-Ki.

Video: “Hell for 500 dogs”. SBS News reported on this raid. Note, it focuses more upon a worker who has been at this farm for 10 years (who suffers from an intellectual disability) and sadly not enough on the horrible cruelty of this hellscape dog farm. The reporter says that the police launched an internal investigation into all illegal activities and violations committed at this dog farm and as soon as the charges are brought from the local government, they will start a full scale investigation. 500마리 개들의 지옥…그리고 처참한 ‘그’도 있었다

  1. Leigh Bowen
    Leigh BowenAugust 3,21

    It’s time to start treating dogs with the kindness and humanity they deserve.

  2. Claudia Mandacen
    Claudia MandacenAugust 4,21


  3. Mia Hellstroem
    Mia HellstroemAugust 4,21

    No country can call themselves civilized sanctioning sadistic cruelty to animals. Mahatma Gandhi once said
    “I hold that the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of man.”

    Anyone participating and condoning these heinous crimes of sadistic torture of animals are a disgrace to humanity.
    This is NOT how humans conduct themselves and still call themselves humans!

  4. Rosana Trevisan
    Rosana TrevisanAugust 4,21


  5. Sue
    SueAugust 5,21

    54 of the Korean politicians are blocking my emails. will only allow me to send 2 of these emails per day as there are far too many recipients. I cannot send any more emails today as punishment!

    • team teamAugust 5,21

      Dear Sue, thank you so much for taking actions!
      Please take a look at the below FAQ.
      🐶 I have sent emails to addresses given on your web-pages, but many of them ‘bounce’ or have some other message saying they cannot be delivered. Why is this?
      There could be several reasons why your emails are returned or not delivered. Your returned email will indicate the reason for the returned email such as “Message blocked”, “The receiver denied your mail.” One suggestion that we would like to make is that you separate your personal email with the petition mailing email account. You can also set up multiple email accounts on gmail for petition email sending.

      In addition, the sources from where we have collected these email addresses could be out of date, or incorrect; or may have changed since we collected this information and listed it on our website. We do try our best to keep up-to-date information, but, as you can appreciate, it is not always possible to reflect these changes.

      The e-People petition is the most effective of all the actions you can take so please try doing that today. This will never bounce back and you will ALWAYS get a response from the Korean government.

      We also urge everyone to pass on your message by sending postal letters, and making telephone calls. Telephoning is particularly effective as the message cannot be so easily ‘ignored’.

  6. Despina M. Andrelus
    Despina M. AndrelusAugust 6,21

    “A righteous man regards the life of animals.” – PROVERBS 12:10; “If you have men who will exclude any of God’s creatures from the shelter of compassion & pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men.” – ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI; “I am in favor of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the way of a whole human being.” – PRESIDENT ABRAHAM LINCOLN; “Never, never be afraid to do what’s right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake. Society’s punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way.” – MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.; “I hope to make people realize how totally helpless animals are, how dependent on us, trusting as a child must that we will be kind and take care of their needs… (They) are an obligation put on us, a responsibility we have no rights to neglect, nor to violate by cruelty….” – JAMES HARRIOT; “The greatness of a nation & its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated… I hold that the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection of man from the cruelty of man.” – MAHATMA GANDHI

  7. Paraskevi V. Wilbur
    Paraskevi V. WilburAugust 6,21

    Torture is the ultimate betrayal towards any living soul and absolutely heartbreaking all the way around. You simply can not do such a horrific thing without it killing the best in you. Period.

    If it is not enough for you that heartbreaking cruelty is happening to a precious animal, then think on the fact that it has been consistently proven that there is a definite link between animal cruelty and domestic violence. If you allow one, the other is soon to follow.

  8. Sue
    SueAugust 7,21

    It’s now 56 email addresses blocking my emails. They are all with this message
    Your message wasn’t delivered because the destination email system rejected your message for security or policy reasons. For example, the email address might only accept messages from certain senders, or it might not accept certain types of messages, like those larger than a specific size.

    Contact the recipient (by phone, for example) and work with them and their email admin to determine what policy or setting blocked your message and what you should do to make sure that future messages from you won’t be rejected.

    For more information, see Status code 5.7.1.

    Have already done the petition on eventually it was referred to Ministry of National Defence
    not sure why, that seems a bit odd. Originally it was sent to the local police, then referred on.

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