
Gochang, South Korea, Shut down the Illegal Dog Meat Farm located in the Livestock Farming Restricted Area!

Gochang Mayor Yoo Key-Sang

A dog farm located next to Gochang Country Club in Gochang-gun Simwon-myeon remains in operation, despite years of complaints filed against it by the Gochang Country Club. This illegal dog farm is located within the Livestock Farming Prohibited Area and behind the dog farm is a seashore area, which connects to a walking path. It is also suspected that the dog farm is sitting on public land. But the county of Goyang continues to respond to those complaints with the same old excuses. The only way to shut down this dog farm is with a massive petition campaign. Please help by taking action now. Click HERE to learn more in Korean language.



Call for Action

  • Click HERE to file a petition with the South Korean government through e-People online. (You can use our “Suggested message” below or your own words.)
  • 📧 Send emails to the Gochang County Council members:
    [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
  • 📧 Send emails to the Jeollabuk-do Council members:
    [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
  • Send letters:
    Mayor Yoo Key-Sang
    Gochang County
    245 Joongang-ro, Gochang-eup, Gochang-gun, Jeollabuk-do
    Postal Code 56428
    South Korea

    Mayor’s address in Korean:
    유기상 고창군수님
    (56428) 전라북도 고창군 고창읍 중앙로 245
    South Korea

    Gochang County Council
    245 Joongang-ro, Gochang-eup, Gochang-gun, Jeollabuk-do
    Postal Code 56428
    South Korea

    Gochang County Council’s address in Korean:
    (56428) 전라북도 고창군 고창읍 중앙로 245
    South Korea

  • Send a message through Facebook pages:
    Gochang Mayor
    Jeollabuk-do Government
    Jeollabuk-do Governor Song Ha-Jin
    Jeollabuk-do Provincial Government, International Cooperation Division

    🇰🇷Click HERE for the Korean translation of the suggested message which you can then add to your letter.🇰🇷

    📝 Suggested message

    Subject: Gochang, South Korea, Shut down the Illegal Dog Meat Farm in Shimwon-myeon Gojeon-ri!


    Dear Mayor Yoo Key-Sang and the Gochang County Council members,

    We ask you to take immediate action to crack down on the illegal dog farm located in the below address:

    Jeollabuk-do Gochang-gun Shimwon-myeon Gojeon-ri San 24-2

    This dog meat farm is operating illegally violating the Korean laws as below:

    Raising livestock within the area restricted for livestock raising is a violation of the Management and Use of Livestock Excreta Act, Article 8.

    Unauthorized processing of food waste fed to dogs in the meat trade violates the Wastes Control Act, Article 15-2, Article 25, Section 3. Suppliers of food waste and transporters of food waste to dog meat farms are violating this regulation.

    Food waste fed to dogs in the dog meat trade violates the Control of Livestock and Fish Feed Act, Article 14, Sections 1 & 2. The unauthorized collection of food waste and feeding it to dogs in the meat trade violates this regulation.

    Excrement and resulting environmental damage produced as a by-product of the illegal dog meat farm violates the Act on the Management and Use of Livestock Excreta Article 11. The excrement produced at dog meat farms causes environmental damage to the immediate and surrounding area.

    The act of slaughtering dogs for human consumption violates the Animal Protection Act Article 8, Section 1, Clause 4. The act of killing a dog without a justifiable ground – such as out of necessity for veterinary treatment or in circumstances of immediate threat, harm, or damage to human life or property- is a violation.

    The slaughter of dogs by electrocution violates the Animal Protection Act, Article 8, Section 1, Clause 1. Inflicting injury or death to any animal by the following means: battery by tools, exposure to drugs, exposure to extreme heat or fire, electrocution, and drowning is subject to legal punishment. Therefore, the routine slaughter of dogs by butchers and farmers by these methods violates the Act. Further, electrocution as a method of slaughter is internationally recognized as an inherently cruel method of slaughter and banned globally.

    The slaughter of dogs from an unauthorized slaughterhouse violates the Livestock Products Sanitary Control Act, Article 7 Section 1. The Livestock Products Sanitary Control Act states that dogs are officially recognized and classified as “animals” that are “prohibited from being slaughtered and distributed as food for human consumption.” Therefore, those vendors operating dog slaughterhouses are operating outside of the parameters of the law and in violation of the law.

    The slaughter of dogs for consumption violates the Animal Protection Act, Article 10. The Act intends to ensure that no animal is slaughtered in a cruel or revolting manner, and shall be free from unnecessary pain, fear, or stress during the slaughter process. Therefore, the only humane way of slaughtering dogs would be by euthanasia (lethal injection). All currently practiced methods of slaughter by butchers, farmers and traders exclude euthanasia as a method of slaughter. Therefore, they are all in breach of this Act. This is also a violation of the Livestock Products Sanitary Control Act Article 7 Section 1 Clause 2. According to the Livestock Products Sanitary Control Act, the slaughter of animals for their consumption is allowed only for the livestock animals publicly announced as livestock classification in the Livestock Products Sanitary Control Act and dogs are not classified here.

    The display and sale of dog carcasses in traditional outdoor markets violate the Food Sanitation Act, Article 4, 5. Violation of laws banning the sale of harmful food due to the contamination from the unsanitary and illegal slaughter of the animal and display of the dog carcass. For example, dog carcasses are routinely contaminated by microorganisms that cause human diseases and food poisoning, leading to severe and life-threatening health complications. There are also strict laws that ban the sale of meat from sick animals. Because there is no quality control or proper monitoring of slaughter practices in the dog meat trade, likely, these laws are routinely violated.

    Dog meat restaurants’ sale of dog meat soup made with dog carcasses from an unknown source violates the Food Sanitation Act Article 44 Section 1 Clause 1. Uninspected livestock products must not be transported, stored, displayed, sold, or used to manufacture or process food for human consumption.

    Please refer to the legal information regarding dog meat consumption in South Korea published by KARA (Korea Animal Rights Advocates):

    The United States House of Representatives has formally passed H.Res. 401, “Calls for an end to the dog and cat meat industry and urges all nations to outlaw the dog and cat meat trade.” (

    International coverage of the brutal dog and cat meat trade in South Korea has stained your county’s image. The time to end this tragedy is now. An online petition calling for your immediate action to shut this illegal dog farm and end the horrendous South Korean dog and cat meat cruelty is in progress:

    The favor of your reply is requested.

    📝 Suggested message in Korean (Please include this in your petition.)

    고창군 심원면 고전리 불법 개농장에 대한 행정처분을 촉구합니다.

    아래의 개농장은 가축사육금지구역에 위치하고 있을뿐 아니라 다음과 같은 위법행위를 하는 미등록 시설로 의심됩니다. 또한 환경오염으로 주변 지역에 악영향을 끼치고 있는 만큼 신속한 행정처분이 이뤄지길 촉구합니다!

    전라북도 고창군 심원면 고전리 산 24-2

    – 가축을 가축사육 금지구역에서 사육하는 것은 가축분뇨의 관리 및 이용에 관한 법률 제 8조 위반입니다. 또한 이 개농장은 사유지가 아닌 것으로 추정됩니다.

    – 개의 사육단계에서 식용견 사료용으로 음식쓰레기를 무단처리하는 것은 폐기물 관리법 제 15조의 2, 제 25조 3항 위반입니다. 음식물쓰레기 배출자와 운반자들은 이 의무규정을 위반하고 개농장주에게 음식쓰레기를 제공하고 있습니다.

    – 허가 없이 음식쓰레기를 수집/운반하여 개에게 급여하는것은 사료관리법 제 14조 1항 및 2항의 위반입니다.

    – 불법으로 난립된 개농장에서 배출되는 분뇨로 인한 환경위해는가축분뇨법 제 11조의 위반입니다. 개농장의 배설물은 인근 지역 환경 피해를 유발합니다.

    – 식용하기 위한 개도살은 동물보호법 제 8조 1항 4호의 위반입니다. 개도살은 수의학적 처치의 필요나 동물로 인한 사람의 생명, 신체, 재산의 피해를 입은 경우 같은 정당한 사유 없이 동물을 죽이는 행위로 명백한 법 위반 행위입니다.

    – 전기감전으로 개를 도살하는 행위는 동물보호법 제 8조 1항 1호의 위반입니다. 도구, 약물 또는 열, 전기, 물을 이용한 상해 행위마저 법적 처벌의 대상인 만큼 당연히 상기 방법에 의한 도살 행위는 위법이며 특히 전기도살은 그 잔인함으로 인해 국제적으로 금지되고 있습니다.

    – 무허가 도살장에서 개를 도살하는 행위는 축산물 위생관리법 제 7조 1항 위반입니다. 개는 축산물 위생관리법에서 규정한 ‘도살, 식육으로의 유통이 불가능’한 동물로서 허가받은 도살장이 존재할수가 없습니다. 따라서 개 도살장을 운영하는 공급업체는 법의 매개 변수를 벗어나 법을 위반하고 있는 것입니다.

    – 자가소비를 목적으로 개를 도살하는 행위는 동물보호법 제 10조와 축산물 위생관리법 제 7조 1항 2호의 위반입니다. 모든 동물은 잔인한 방법으로 도살되어서는 안되는데, 개도살의 경우 인도적인 방법은 약물주사 외에는 없으므로 현재 한국에서 자행되는 모든 식용 목적 개도살은 잔인한 도살에 해당합니다. 축산물 위생관리법의 ‘자가소비를 위한 도살 허용’은 고시로 정한 축산물 위생관리법상 가축에 한하며 개는 해당사항이 없습니다.

    – 재래시장에서 개의 지육을 전시/판매하는 행위는 식품위생법 제4, 5조의 위반입니다. 불결한 불법도축과 지육 전시과정에서의 오염으로 ‘위해식품 등의 판매금지’ 조항에 위배됩니다. 개의 지육이 병을 일으키는 미생물에 오염된 경우 인체의 건강을 해칠 우려가 있습니다. 또 유기견이나 개농장의 병든 개체가 도살돼 판매될 가능성을 배제하지 못하므로 ‘병든 동물의 고기 등의 판매금지’ 조항에 위배됩니다.

    – 보신탕집에서 출처 불명의 개고기를 이용한 보신탕을 판매하는 행위는 식품위생법 제44, 1항 1호의 위반입니다. 검사를 받지 않은 축산물은 운반, 보관, 진열, 판매하거나 식품의 제조, 가공에 사용해서는 안됩니다.

    동물권행동 카라의 개식용에 관한 법적 정보 “개식용 종식을 위한 법규 안내집이 발간되었습니다!”를 참조하십시오.

    미국 하원은 공식적으로 결의안 H.Res 401 “개와 고양이 식용산업을 종식시키고 모든 국가가 개와 고양이식용를 금지할 것을 촉구한다.”를 통과시켰습니다. (

    대한민국에서 자행되는 잔인한 개/고양이 식용산업에 대한 외신 보도가 한국의 이미지를 크게 추락시키고 있습니다. 이 비극을 끝낼 때입니다! 고창군 정부의 회신을 요청드립니다.

    [Your Name & City/Country]

  • Send a Twitter message!

    Suggested Twitter text

    .@Topgochang .@jeonbukstar .@SongHaJin21 Gochang, South Korea, Shut down the illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses and markets.

  1. Betty Covington
    Betty CovingtonApril 29,19

    The Injustice of the Innocent & Voiceless! All animals deserve lives free from human-inflicted suffering. As the highest created being, humans have a moral obligation to be wise stewards of animals. Just because we happen to be the most powerful species on earth, we humans have the ability, but not the right, to abuse the so-called lower animals. The ends do NOT justify the means!
    We all know that there is something seriously wrong with a food system where the best day of an animals’ life is the day that it is finally over.
    Every Living Creature deserves the Right to Live as Nature has intended!
    Not only do animal victims deserve to be free from abuse and neglect, but numerous studies show a correlation between animal cruelty and violence toward people—animal cruelty impacts community safety.

  2. Leila Lappin
    Leila LappinMay 8,19

    Well said!

  3. Kerina Vasey
    Kerina VaseyJuly 4,19

    My sentiments to, no animals have rights and we have a duty of care to protect those without a voice.

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