
Leafleting and Informational Event on South Korean Dog Meat Trade – June 22, 2014 – San Francisco, Fisherman’s Wharf

Five seasoned volunteer animal advocates handed out over 1,000 leaflets on this beautiful Sunday at one of the most visited tourist attractions in San Francisco. With the summer vacation season in full swing there was more foot traffic than usual on the street where our banner and posters were displayed. Thanks to our wonderful and dedicated volunteers, we set the record for the most leaflets ever handed out in one day! We are so grateful for their caring hearts and it gives us hope that the horror of the dog meat trade in South Korea will someday come to an end. We gathered 140 signatures on our petition to South Korean President Geun-Hye Park, and many others promised to sign our online petitions. On this day, we also featured an ipad showing the video “Shocking Cruelty of South Korean Dog Meat Industry” to help illustrate more vividly the brutality of this illegal industry. Many people were shocked and saddened with what they saw and promised us they will do what they can to spread the word. Fisherman’s Wharf is a perfect to place to get the maximum exposure of this issue to people from all over the world. We talked with visitors from Brazil, Colombia, China, India, Europe, all over the US…the list is endless. One Korean woman complained about our being there and only picking on the Koreans when Chinese and people of other countries also eat dog meat. We explained to her that our group’s focus is on South Korea, while other groups campaign against the dog meat trade of other countries.

Our wonderful and dedicated volunteers! Thank you for being a voice for the Korean dogs!!!

Even children have lined up to sign our petition against dog meat trade.

Our volunteer is showing the video "Shocking Cruelty of South Korean Dog Meat Industry" to a couple.

Our volunteer is showing the video "Shocking Cruelty of South Korean Dog Meat Industry" to a couple.

140 Petition signatures collected at the Fisherman's Wharf on June 22, 2014 were mailed to the South Korean President Geun-Hye Park on June 24, 2014.

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